Akanishi-san: Yeah, I'm making another SasuxOc fic. Seems like this was the biggest hit. But then again, who would like him if you all saw the anime of where…yeah, anyway. I wont say anymore. I might spoil the anime/manga to you, so I'll stop here. Depending on the reviews, I'll make this short or long. Anyway, enjoy!

ATTENTION: This will take place when Naruto and gang are 18-ish. Also, Sasuke is an ANBU, Sakura is a full fledged medicnin, and Naruto is the Hokage in training under Tsunade.

Ch1 Suzaku

A young woman around 17 walked in front of Konoha Gate, breathing heavily. She supported wounds, looking like she had been traveling for a long time, and had gone through battles. She had dark shining green eyes that stood out since she had red hair that went to her waist. She wore a jounin jacket, and looked like any other jounins, yet she stood out. She carried a small pack, and on her waist, there was a leather glove.

She walked to the gate, and got out a pass that identified that she was a Konoha ninja. She smiled at the man who took her pass, and soon as he had the pass in his hands, his eyes grew wide.

"Suzaku…from the Suzaku Clan?" He whispered. The man looked up into her piercing green eyes, only to see her smiling at him, saying nothing. "Oh, I'm sorry." He muttered, still bewildered look on him. "Open the gates." He said, looking up to a man who stood in a control room like thing. The man nodded in response, and slowly, the gate opened for the newcomer.

The woman gave him a small nod when she got her pass back, and with her other free hand she brought her hand to her mouth. Putting two of her fingers in her mouth, she whistled a high pitch sound. As if waiting for that whistle, a screech answered her, and a dark brown hawk circled her once, and was perching on her arm where she now had the leather glove on.

With another nod to the man who still gaped at her, she entered the village.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" A voice yelled from the distance as the woman stepped out of a restaurant she had just eaten at. The hawk was now on her shoulder, and it ruffled its feathers irritated, glaring towards where it heard the voice as if saying: God, keep the noise down…

"I DON'T WANT TO DO WORK!" The voice kept yelling, and it seemed to be supporting a man's voice, and plus, it was getting nearer and nearer to where she stood, listening.

"AND WHEN ARE YOU EVER GOING TO DO IT!" This time, a female voice echoed down the streets, followed by a crash. "COME BACK HERE!"

The woman was now interested. The voice of the male sounded like someone she knew from before, when she lived here. She trotted over to where she heard the voice, and peeked at the street where she now heard a crash from. The hawk only brought its head under one of his wing, and tried to take a nap, trying to ignore the noise that was interesting its owner.

There, in middle of the streets were 4 people, one obviously the Hokage with her blond hair tied in the back. The woman smiled. She knew who Tsunade was. She heard about her, and saw her before, long time ago.

The other 3 looked to be the same age, 2 glaring at a blond haired man. One of the glaring one had black hair, and his face wore irritated look. He wore a shirt with a fan on the back and regular shorts. The woman glanced at his left arm, and noticed he had bandages over one part of it. It seemed to be hiding something and she perfectly knew what it was. Anbu symbol. And the fan on his shirt. She knew that form somewhere, yet she couldn't place her finger on it. She stared at the man, wondering who he was. The first word that came into her head soon as he saw him, was: Handsome. But shaking her head sheepishly, she looked at the other one who was glaring.

The other was a woman with pink hair cropped to her shoulder, and she too, had green eyes like her own. The woman wore a shirt with a skirt, also wearing black boots that went up to her upper part of her shin. The woman seemed to be angry than irritated, glaring daggers at the blonde.

Her eyes went back to the blond man, who was yelling furiously, trying to get away from them, his eyes searching for an exit. "I'LL DO IT LATER!" He screamed. This one had 3 lines on each side of his cheeks, wearing a coat over him, with the hood off. Seemed like he was trying to sneak away with no one noticing, but apparently, he had been caught.


'Ah, Sasuke, I remember now. Uchiha Sasuke…' The woman mused as she raised an eye brow. She stepped into the street now, grinning. Not at the Uchiha, but at the blond man who was trying to escape.

She then noticed that many people just walked by, giggling. She raised her eyebrow again, thinking that maybe this happened quite often, and the villagers were used to it. 'But then again, we are talking about the Annoying Idiot here." The woman herself giggled as she though that, and slowly approached the 4.

Just then, Sasuke had lounged at Naruto, who hurriedly got out of the way. "SASUKE-TEME! YOU DOUBLE AGENT! TRAITOR! JERK!" The blond yelled. "YOU TOLD TSUNADE-BACHAN!"

Sasuke only shrugged. "I couldn't resist." He smirked at him. "Besides, it was my job."

The woman laughed softly at herself, now standing right near them. "What did you do now, Bakato?" She said, now looking at Naruto with a smile, her hands on her hips. The hawk now had its head out, now scanning the 4 interested now.

The 4 turned to the woman, all looking quizzically at her. It was Sasuke who stared at her the most. He frowned, bringing his eyes off of her when he realized that he'd been gaping at her. But soon he realized that he was looking at her once again. Why did he feel weird? He growled his irritation inside, wondering what this woman was making him feel this way.

But before he could finish his thoughts, Naruto reacted with explosion. "Baka what!" He screamed. "Who are you? How dare you call the next Hokage that!" He looked at her angrily.

The hawk opened its wings slightly, puffing in the air, looking dangerously at him. "Shh, he's no threat." The woman whispered to the hawk, and with that, it closed its wings, but kept its glare at him, as if saying if he does anything to her, he would see pain. "You're gonna be the next Hokage?" She turned back to Naruto who nodded proudly. "Naruto! Congratulations!" She yelled, grinning at him.

Naruto frowned. "Do I know…" He stopped, and his mouth dropped. "Minami-chan…?" He said almost in a whisper. "Is that you…? You were the only one who I allowed to call me Bakato."

"Long time no see, Naruto." She said, grinning still. "How have you been?"

Naruto suddenly rushed at her, and hugged her tightly. The bird screeched, offended, taking flight at his sudden hug. It screeched at him once again, and perched on a near by pole, glaring at Naruto. "MINAMI-CHAN!" He yelled, looking happy as ever. "MINAMI-CHAN!" He yelled again, looking at her face, and returning to the hug.

"Okay…Naruto, unless…you want to suffocate…me, I advise you…let go." She said between breaths, but giggling as well.

Naruto quickly let go, but looking into her face, he turned back into the hug. "Where have you been all this time!" He yelled. "How long has it been?"

Minami really felt like feinting then, she can hear her ribs screaming to get free. "Dobe, let her go, she's going to suffocate like she said she would." Sasuke said, now prying him off of her. He felt irritated somehow. He felt some kind of jealously when he hugged her. Jealously? When did he start feeling that?

But once again, before he could finish his thoughts, he was interrupted. This time, by Tsunade. "Minami? Suzaku Minami?" She asked, now studying the woman. "Red hair…green eyes…" Her eyes went to the jacket. "I remember you…"

Minami nodded. "I have returned from my training years." She said, bowing. "And now I ask for permanent residence in Konoha." She smiled brightly at them.

Tsunade nodded, looking dumbfounded. "When I last saw you, you said you won't be back for another 5 years!"

She nodded. "I have finished my training." She said, smiling softly. "Unless, you do not want me here?" She raised an eyebrow.

Tsunade shook her head. "No, just surprised." She said, and motioned with her hand to follow. "Come to my office, you will need to fill out paper works. Naruto?" She glared at him.

"Oh fine, because Minami-chan is here!" Naruto said, trotting after her. "Come on, Minami-chan!" He said, waving at her.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." She said, laughing. With a nod and smile to the 2 others, she followed the Hokage and Hokage-to-be.

Hokege's office

The 3 entered the room, Tsunade going to her desk for the files, Naruto turning back to the woman. "Minami-chan, I can't believe you are back!" He grinned, his eyes dancing with joy. "It's been so long since I last saw you!"

She nodded. "Yeah, I missed you so much, Naruto." She said, giving him a half hug, not to disturb the still glaring hawk on her shoulder. "I still can't believe you are to be Hokage, though, congrats! And you certainly grew! I have to look up to see you."

Naruto's grin got wider. "I told you I will be the Hokage!" He gave her a thumb up. "I told you, when you come back, I will have the title and be taller than you!"

"Oh, you still don't have it yet. And your lack of work will make it longer away." Tsunade said, placing a small stack paper in front of Minami. "Fill this out for me Minami" She instructed as he tossed her a pen.

"Like you ever do your work." Minami heard Naruto mutter and giggled. But like she was told to, she walked over to the stack of papers and started to fill it in.

"Well Naruto, my part of out promise is not full filled, sorry to say, but just like you, I am close to it." She said, filling in lines. "Promise for you was to be Hokage when I get back and my promise was to become a strong kunoichi, and become an Anbu member."

"Close? Really? For what country?" Naruto asked, looking bewildered. "You aren't leaving, are you?" He frowned at her.

"If I am, then I wouldn't be filling this out." She said, laughing. "No, I want to become anbu here. In Konoha." She turned to Tsunade, holding out the papers to her. "Tsunade-sama, I would like to be appointed anbu in your village."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow at her, taking the paper. "Well, I have to know how strong you are first." She said, looking through the papers.

"Oh, I can do it, but don't worry; I will be strong enough to be your anbu right here and now." She said triumphantly. "Don't underestimate my training and…what I have gone through." Her eyes flashed with sorrow for a second, but were quickly hidden with her happy eyes. "My training years will not go to waste."

Tsunade frowned as she went to last page of the paper work, and frowned. "You have a…"

"Yes," She cut in, looking worried. "I am the One of my clan." She looked at the ground. "And I am currently 17. I know the 3rd is not here, so I will explain this to you instead." She looked at Naruto, and with a small smile, she turned back to Tsunade. "Naruto…I haven't told you this, so you might want to listen in on this as well." She muttered. She looked at her hawk, peering into her face looking worried. "It's all right." She whispered to it, rubbing it in the chest. The hawk responded by rubbing its head on her cheek, making a soft noise.

She turned back to Tsunade, and told her story. "I am Minami Suzaku from Suzaku clan, which you know is a clan that comes from the Fire Bird. Each clan member has blood line limit of using fire techniques, and being able to control fire with their own will no matter where they are. But every couple of years, even a century or more, one child will take in extra power." She brought her hand to her jacket, and opening it, she revealed her neck, and on the scruff, a burn mark in shape of fire. "This means that I am the One." She closed her jacket after showing Naruto, hiding it form view. "When I turn 18, I am to take some kind of trial that will occur, with the Fire Bird determining if I am worthy to carry the power. After that, if I succeed, I am able to take its powers. Its powers will consist of more uses of fire, like making shapes with it, and getting more control and something like that. But the extra is that I will be able to take form of a fire bird." She concluded, "That is why I was on leave for these years. To train for the test."

Naruto looked at her with opened mouth, gaping at her. Tsunade, was as well, but one thing was bothering her. "What do you mean, 'if' I succeed?"

Minami looked away, anywhere but Naruto. "It means…" She stopped, and taking a breath, she continued. "If I do not pass its test, it will think I am not worthy of taking its powers, so I will…die."

"WHAT!" Naruto yelled, looking horrified. "MINAMI-CHAN!"

She turned to Naruto, and smiled. "Sorry I didn't say this to you earlier, but…I found out when I was 10, when I was far from Konoha anyway." She shrugged. "Besides, I told you, I've been training." She grinned. "I won't let it kill me."

His expression turned serious. "Is there a way to get that…whatever thing out of you? Before your 18th birthday? When is it?" He looked at her with a worried expression. He knew how it felt to have a demon inside, and he didn't want his friend to go through the same thing.

"In 2 months." She said, shrugging. "Don't worry, Naruto. I won't lose." She said, not clapping her hands onto his shoulder. "Now, back to business." She turned to Tsunade, who was staring at her with a serious face.

"What will happen at this…test?" She asked, with a frown.

"I…don't know. But I should get out of Konoha just incase if I lose control." She smiled. "I will not let anything harm your village, Tsunade-sama. I will not bring any harm, and will not cause any. Also, the only reason I came here before my trial is because I will need Naruto's help in trying to keep control, since he can, after all control the fox."

Looking into Minami's eyes, Tsunade knew her determination on that promise. She nodded to her. "All right, I will place you in anbu." She said, not shuffling through papers.

"Just like that?" Naruto asked, gaping at her now.

Tsunade nodded. "Well I saw her couple years ago. I thought she was fit to be a Jounin, so I gave her that rank. But…that was years ago. I don't think I will need to test her." She passed her a paper. "Sign there. This contract," She handed her another paper. "Will be your apartment. It is for people like you, anbu who seeks room in hidden spot." Minami nodded, signing it. "These are the keys." Tsunade said, handing over the keys while taking the papers from her with the other hand. "Room 99."

"Thank you." Minami said, bowing.

"Where's rest of your family?" Naruto suddenly asked, wondering why she was only getting one room. "Don't they need a house too?"

Minami froze on that comment, and Tsunade sighed. "Naruto, you…" When does he learn to keep his mouth shut?

"No, it's all right, I knew it was going to come sooner or later anyway." Minami said, cutting her off. "Naruto, I will tell you this on my way to my new room. You don't mind showing me where, right?"

Naruto shook his head. "All right, c'ya Tsunade-ba-chan!" He grinned, and with a wave, he dragged Minami out, the hawk screeching and taking off, glaring at Naruto once again.

"YOU BETTER COME BACK TO DO YOUR WORK!" Tsunade yelled after them, and Minami could have sworn Naruto muttered something along 'yeah right.'

Once outside, Naruto let go of Minami, and the hawk glaring still, landed on her shoulders once again. "What's that anyway?" Naruto asked, pointing at it as they started to walk towards her new home.

"Oh, he became my friend 5 years ago. His name is Taka." (Means hawk in Japanese) She ruffled its feathers, and grinned. "He's a warrior hawk as well a messenger bird. He's also good at spying too. Aren't you?" She cooed to it, to which it responded with clicking its beak.

"Oh, I see." Naruto said, grinning. "Well Minami-chan, do you want to go to dinner later? At Ichiraku? My treat!"

She laughed. "I see you haven't gotten over Ichiraku yet. But sure, I'll go. Last restaurant I went to didn't seem to like Taka being there. Do you think the owner won't mind? Since it's a stand after all."

Naruto nodded. "Nah, I think he won't mind. He said he likes animals anyway."

"All right then, let's go after I drop off my stuff in my new room." She said happily, but realizing what she promised to tell Naruto had dropped her happiness. "Naruto, about my family thing…" Naruto turned to her, not realizing that he was going to her sensitive spot. "They are…dead." She muttered the last part, looking gloomier than ever. "They were killed…by me."

Akanishi-san: So, what do you think? SasuxOc is old, huh? Well, what do you think? Please leave reviews! As I said earlier, I might make this longer or shorter depending on your reviews! XD PLEASE REVIEW!

PS: If anyone is interested, please read my last latest (since i posted this) YondaimexOc which will be a story about Naruto's parents. It's a oneshot! Ya, i havent wrote that in ages...i warn you though, its LONG!