AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guy's sorry but no this is not a update. I am just gonna say that I have changed a part in the first chapter. The part I changed is the part where she is over at Rob's house watching 'Without a Paddle'.

Ok I changed that part because people (cough-Aneesa-Cough) wanted fluff and I don't think that I will be able to put fluff in for a few more chapters so I thought that I would put some (but not enough that I need to change the rating of the story) in.

Please review for that chapter and the second chapter if you haven't already. The reviews help me a lot and they make me feel loved.

I would just like to say a thank-you to my lovely editor Lily or LavenderSoapSmellsGood as most of you will know her as. She has helped me a lot and I don't know where I would be without her-oh wait I know where I would be, I would have a really suckier story (wait is suckier a word?-see this is why I need her) lol anyway please review (but not for this little note-unless you want to)

With lots of luv Suze