This is a short story, maybe a three parts? I dunno…I'll update depending on the reviews I receive. Please review when you're done. I'm hoping to receive a large number. Enjoy!

Snow Angel

Pairing: Robin/Starfire, maybe a fluffy moment between Raven and Beast Boy

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans.

The sunlight trickled inside of the purple curtains, the light sprinkled itself all over the room, a small figure on a large round bed smiled as the sun hit her orangey-tanned skin. The young girl shifted in her slumber, trying to become a bit warmer, her auburn locks fanning around her.

Outside, all was quiet, a blanket of deep snow laid itself throughout every inch of Jump City.

There was a light knock on the girl's door, she gave a mumble to allow them access, another figure stepped into the lavender room. A sudden weight sat on the edge of the bed, a small tremor reverberating through the young girl.

"Mmm." She mumbled, rolling over to the other person, her head landing in their lap.

"Good morning to you too Starfire." A kind male voice greeted softly, a gentle hand reached down and attentively swiping his hand through her locks, the gentle touch sent shivers down her spine.

"You know," The voice began, "It's eight o'clock, you're supposed to be up by now."

"Mmm." She complained without a word, turning her back to him.

"Come on Star." The boy urged her.

"Mmm mmm!" She complained again, curling up under the blanket and hiding.

"Fine, have it your way." The young man countered, scooping her up with the blanket around her, and dropping her back onto the soft bed.

"That was not very nice Robin." Starfire whined, rolling over again and closing her eyes.

Robin sat on the bed again, a large shadow loomed over Starfire's small body, Robin pulled off the covers alarmingly fast…Only to have him blush. Starfire was wearing a pair of black short-shorts, smaller than her usual skirt, and a small top that revealed much of her flat stomach. Robin was determined, ignoring his hormones for his girlfriend, he reached down and poked her in the side. Starfire squealed and rolled away cutely.

"Now get up." Robin demanded in a playful way, getting off the bed and walking to the door.

As he opened the door a large fluffy pillow smacked into his back.

"I'll ignore that one." He said jokingly, smiling and walking out the door.

Starfire sighed loudly, leaving the warmth and security of her bed and she threw on a pair of pajama bottoms. Heaving another sigh she exited her room.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist, she let out a shriek of fright. She was twirled around and swept into a kiss by Robin.

When they broke apart Starfire said, "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry." Robin apologized.

Starfire gave him a sweet smile, took his hand in hers and they walked together to the kitchen for breakfast. When they entered the command center, Beast Boy and Cyborg were having their daily 'Meat or tofu' war, while Raven was levitating in the corner reading a book silently.

Starfire and Robin took a seat on the couch and snuggled close to each other, waiting for the food to be prepared. Today was the day the Titans would have their snow war, going outside and playing in the heavenly powder covering the earth below.

Robin hauled Starfire closer, wrapping a strong arm around her slender waist, Starfire snuggling into his warmth. Starfire sighed contentedly, Robin rested his head on her shoulder, his breath tickling her ear. Starfire giggled loudly as he poked her in the sides of her stomach. Cyborg and beast Boy ceased to argue and Raven simply quirked an eyebrow.

It was quiet for a few minutes, that was until Cyborg yelled, "Come and get it ya'll."

Sadly, Starfire and Robin left their comfortable positions, taking a seat next to each other at the table. Everyone ate quietly for breakfast, though the Titans discussed their afternoon in the snow. After breakfast everyone left to their separate rooms, to suit up for the outside conditions. Before long, the Titans were assembled in the Command Center, waiting to go outside in the winter wonderland.

Robin and Starfire connected their gloved and mittened hand together, heading to the elevator, reaching the ground level before any of the other Titans knew what was going on. As the couple reached the frosty conditions outside the tower, Starfire walked out and spun around. She fell backwards into the snow, making large semicircles with her legs and arms as she swept through the snow, when she finished Robin helped her up.

"Oh! I have made the angel of snow!" Starfire cheered jovially.

"you are an angel." Robin declared before pulling her into a sweet kiss.

The other Titans stepped out into the snow covered perimeter.

"Who's ready to play?" Beast Boy asked in a challenging manner. Everyone smiled.

The teens ran around, preparing for the worst.

Starfire 'eeped' in surprise as snowballs were hurled at her, she evaded each and hopped behind her human shield, Robin. Robin wasn't paying attention, receiving a back full of snowballs that had been once consumed in a black aura. Starfire giggled as she brushed off his torso and back. Robin smiled wickedly, planting a snowball on her head, Starfire gasped and then laughed.

Starfire smiled as she ran away. Beast Boy had been building a small wall of snow to "protect" himself from a barrage of snowballs. Starfire who had not noticed, ran by, stopping just before she hit it. Beast Boy let out a sigh of relief. As he went to pat down more snow, Starfire saw his sudden movement that freaked her out. There was a green light, an explosion, and a snow covered Beats Boy.

"I am most sorry Friend beast Boy." Starfire replied sadly, but screamed as she was plowed into the ground by the Boy Wonder.

Starfire and Robin laid side by side in the snow, laughing and smiling, suddenly a black cloud loomed over. When they looked up, they found it was not a black cloud, but a telekinetic barrier preventing them from getting buried by Cyborg's massive "snowball". They gave Raven a grateful thank you and ran off for cover…

Please review! NO FLAMES! Well, what do you think? I'll update soon if I get more than 10 reviews.