um...don't kill me? sorry havnt updated in a while well any way is is the chapter...

thanks to all who reviewed and merry christmas

Chapter 3

She opened her eyes. She was in a really dark room, the first thing that came to mind was 'am I dead?' No she couldn't be, she was breathing. Her eyes ajusted to the darkness and the first thing she saw was Amber eyes. Perfectly normal...Wait Amber eyes..."Inuyasha"? she said unsure.

"Yeah Kagome it's me." He said softly. He was so happy, that she remembered him. He made her have those dreams, without knowing how he had did it, but he was just so happy.

Kagome looked as if she was going to cry, and boy was he right. She started crying. He pulled her closer, he had missed hugging her. He didn't care her tears were soking through his kimono.

I would make it longer im sorry but my mom is mad at me, plz review bye