hello..me again...third fic...had and idea for this one while writing my other 1 so ya

Disclaimer:i dont own inuyasha

Chapter 1

She was running, running real fast but didn't know why. Then she saw him, his mysteriuse silver hair and dog ears. He seemed familiar doen't know from where or why he was there. He seemed to be wearing outdated close. Was that fangs she saw? What was he? Why was he there? When she got to him, he started fading away but before he totaly vanished he whispered something, it sounded like 'I love you' she was sure she heard it and then he disapeared.

Kagome woke up breathing fast, she had that dream again, but she swore that mysterius boy had never said 'I love you'. Who was he, she didnt know. But she only started having those dreams after she found herself at the bottom of a well. Was the dream trying to tell her something? Everytime she mentioned the dream to her family, they would exchange sad glances to each other, she didn't know why but she has a feeling they know something about the dreams, but everytime she asks they just sadly shake their heads and say nothing. When she had awoken, she noticed she had a pink jewel in her hand. In her dream she always felt that she loved the guy she didnt even know. She also seemed to be sad these days but having no idea why.

Kagome decided she would go for a walk, so she wrote a note to her mom to tell her where she was going and left. She was sitting on a swing in the park when she noticed something silver out of the corner of her eye. But when she turned around there was nothing there. She thought she was going crazy, everytime she came here, she swore she saw something, but when she looked it was gone.

How was it...was it stupid? good? i dunno? cuz it just popped into my mind...i might update but not if u ppl dont want me too..so plz review