Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts because if I did Kairi and Sora would have kissed already!

Where Did you Go?

I woke up shivering. Why was I so cold? I put my hands up to my arms and rubbed them trying to get warm. Wait, my arms?!

I looked down at myself and saw my arms, my legs my whole body was there! I was human again! I looked at my human self again. I was also naked!

I gasped and opened my mouth in a silent scream as Sora stirred wrraping his arms around my-

"Wow, since when are watermelons this soft?" Sora muttered in his sleep.

I have to get outta here and get some clothes! I slowly slid out of his bed and waited to see if he would wake up. He just turned onto his other side and started snoring.

I sighed with relief and walked over to his door and slid out.

I was safe. For now.

Sora's pov.

I woke up yawning. I'd been having a dream about an old man trying to sell me some very soft watermelons. I shook my head and went to the window and looked out.

I gasped in shock.

Was that Kairi running naked?!

Kairi?! Running?! Naked?!

Obviously I was still asleep. I walked over to my bed and realized that Shia was missing. Shehad been right next to me! I went out to look for her.

Kairi's pov.

I sighed with relief as I quietly closed my door. I don't think anybody had seen me. I turned tworads my closet and quickly put something on.

I walked out of my house trying to think of something to tell my parents. I wandered around until I saw Sora walking around calling out Shia's name.

"SHIA! SHIA! Where are you?!" he called out desperately. He stopped when he saw me his eyes widening in surprise.

I smiled and walked towards him.

"K-Kairi!" he stuttered.

Then he jumped on me hugging me like he would never let go.

"I missed you so much." he whispered into my ear.

"Where were you?"

"Oh you know," I said, "Around."

He loosened his grip on me and stared into my eyes.

"I love you Kairi." he whispered.

I felt a lump in my throaght, "I love you to Sora."

He smiled and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. Feeling his soft lips against mine.

We stopped when we heard a mewing from beside us.

"Shia!" Sora exclaimed.as he bent down to scoop her up.

I smiled.

Exactly what I wished for.

YAY! I finished it! Hoped you like the ending! Sorry it was so short! Please review!

Evilmonkeylord out!