Disclaimer: My story. Not my characters.

The Game of Memory
Part III

"Sshh, you must be silent."

"Hai. How much longer do you think it will take?"

"It was so unexpected."

"Such a loss our family will take…"

"Ren-sama has been hysterical…"

"Sedation is best for her."

"That's not what worries me."

"Ah yes…the children."

"How are they coping?"

"The poor dears…"

Such comments went over their heads, especially hers. Akito never once paid them any mind—their sentimentality disgusting her to no end. All she cared about was the one man who was laid out in front of her. Currently he was breathing steadily, but a short while ago he was very much in agony, clutching at his chest as the waves of pain wracked his body. While nurses furiously worked to bring down his pain with several narcotics, Akito looked on, embedding the scene into her mind so as never to forget. It was only a matter of time, she knew, from what she heard the doctor say.

'The fool. He's supposed to take care of my Tou-sama…he's supposed to make him better…' She remembered yelling and screaming at the doctor as he looked guiltily away, which only caused her to become even more enraged. Her father finally had to intervene and take her away, softly consoling her as he led them back to their rooms.

Looking out the window in his room, she stared out at the serene atmosphere in the light of day. The trees' soft petals bloomed causing a myriad of colors to be displayed against the bright spring green of the leaves. It was all so perfect, as if the world cared not that her father laid on his deathbed with her incapable of doing anything for him. It was indeed a very hard pill to swallow…

Tucking her father's covers carefully around him, she caressed his face tenderly, imagining that his pale visage was nothing more than a passing illness and not a debilitating one that was ripping him away from her life. She sniffled to herself as she fought once more to hold back her river of tears, not willing to let anyone passing by catch her in her moment of weakness. It was the reason she had ordered anyone daring to care for her father to leave immediately…she was more than capable of doing it herself. And woe to anyone who would insist on taking her away from his side…

'I'm 'God' of the Jyuunishi…I can't let them see me as anything less. Tou-sama worked too hard to get all of them to take me seriously.' Swallowing back her tears, she looked up to his face and was startled to see his steel-blue eyes staring back at her.

"Tou-sama! Are you in pain? Do you need me to get the doctor?" she fired off her questions with worry mirrored in her eyes.

Shaking his head, he closed his eyes and swallowed audibly. The pain he had experienced before was more bearable at this point, yet he knew that it was only a matter of moments before another wave of pain would come back at him. He was fairly certain that this time around, no narcotic could help, so he will have to bear it if only to save his daughter from having to see him in such pain.

Smiling softly at her, he opened his glassy eyes and asked, "Where's Yuki? Did he come today?"

Frowning immediately, she turned away from her father. "He was but…he made too much noise. You need your rest, so I told him to stay in his room."

Sighing wearily, he licked his dry lips and admonished her gently. "Akito, he has asthma. You know he's not very strong, especially when he's under much stress. His coughing wouldn't have woken me up."

Bowing her head in shame at having distressed her father in any way, she murmured, "Sumimasen, Tou-sama."

He carefully lifted his arm from under the covers to caress his daughter's soft rounded features on her face. He breathed in deeply, relaxing at smelling her sweet scent. "Precious…my sweet precious. Do you know you're my greatest achievement?"

Shying away from his caresses, she looked down at her clasped hands, unsure of how to feel. "You taught me everything, Tou-sama. I won't let you down…I'll be the best 'God' this family's ever had."

"I'm certain you'll make your mark on this family, Akito. But that's not what I meant." Shifting his covers off his chest, he looked to her with pride in his eyes. "I did teach you to hold your birthright as an honorable privilege. And I ensured that everyone respected that and will continue to do so…long after I'm gone."

The tears burst forth at that comment, and she trembled under the heavy sobs that shook her small body. He quickly reached out to her with both arms extended, which she immediately launched herself into. Gasping in his momentary loss of breath, he tucked her securely under his chin, firmly embracing her as she cried her heart out into his yukata.

"I know, precious, I know it hurts…" he replied while running soothing strokes on her head. Struggling to gather his own turbulent thoughts, he felt his throat tighten painfully at the next words he must say. "I'm…sorry. So very sorry…"

"For what?" she blurted out as she tried sniffling back her tears.

"For this. For bringing you so much pain now…and for when I'm gone." Exhaling heavily, he brought her face up to look into his. Softly running his fingers down her tear-tracks, he murmured quietly, "Will you remember something for me?"

She nodded her head. "H-hai, Tou-sama."

He smiled widely at her then. Inhaling deeply, he licked his lips once more, gazing deeply into her sorrowful eyes. "You have a great responsibility (cough, cough) in keeping them safe…the Jyuunishi I mean. You'll look after them, won't you? They can only be safe with you there…(cough, cough)…"

"How, Tou-sama…from what?" questioned the young girl earnestly.

"From whom, my dear…from whom. (Cough, cough) There are many that would try to take advantage of you…of them. (Cough) You must never let anyone come between you and your responsibility of looking after them. No one…not even this family. (Cough, cough, cough)" Heaving a heavy breath, he shivered as the coughs subsided once more. Swallowing to keep his parched throat hydrated, he went on.

"You must be strong, my precious." Dropping his voice into a low whisper, he remarked, "If they see you waiver on anything you do or decide, there are members in this family that will be more than willing to turn against you. (Cough) No one defies the will of the 'God' of the Jyuunishi…this is what you must instill in those that surround you. Do that and no one will hurt those in your care. This family needs you…they need you…(cough, cough) he needs you…"

She stared at her father forlornly, knowing very well that while the world marched on to its own pace, a little part of it was falling behind…to be left behind. Sniveling a bit, she cried, "Tou-sama! Don't leave me alone!"

Clenching his eyes shut to keep the tears at bay, he gasped slightly, feeling the pain crush his heart, although this time it wasn't because of his illness, but because of the tears of his most precious treasure. Sniffling for a moment to gather his remaining strength, his lips trembled as he pressed on, "My precious Akito. You'll never be alone…never. I would never leave you to you bear this responsibility alone…"

Spontaneous heaving tore through his lungs as he gasped for air. Feeling the body of his young daughter tremble in his embrace as she tightly clutched his yukata, he took in deep breaths to steady his body. As they subsided, he lay back on his pillow, swallowing what was left of his saliva. Pressing his lips firmly, he forced himself to talk to her as he knew he must.

"Precious…you may not see me…anymore…but…you'll have me with you. (Cough) There's a little bit of me within you…right here and here," he pointed out to her chest and to her head. "Keep me there, and you won't ever be alone. (Cough, cough) You'll also have the Jyuunishi with you…to keep you company when I cannot. And you especially have Yuki (cough, cough, cough) who will look after you when I cannot…it is his—"

"No, Tou-sama! I want you…no one else!" cried out Akito passionately.

"Since we do you cut off your father when he's still speaking, Akito?" asked Akira with a tremulous smile. Seeing Akito divert her defiant eyes elsewhere, he slightly chuckled, not wishing to provoke another attack. "It's okay, precious. Do me a favor, though, and take good care of the little boy. (Cough) He doesn't really have anyone left either…"

She merely nodded as she laid her weary head on his chest, content to hear the smooth rhythm of his heartbeat, coupled with deep-seated coughs. She sighed heavily and wondered how much longer he'll stay awake this time. His conscious state didn't usually last long these days…

"Precious, could you please get me some water? (Cough, cough) I'm afraid this cough is being rather persistent." He kept his smile as she looked up to him, never once giving away what he was about to do.

"Oh…um, okay, Tou-sama. Stay awake until I get back," she softly replied as she stood from his embrace and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

Seeing her shuffle to the doorway, he called out to her, "Akito?"

"Hm?" she turned to him curiously.

It was just a moment really, but aren't those what stick with you for always? Akira certainly believed so as he stared at her at the doorway, the light behind her casting a glow all around her, leaving her face in a shadow. Yes…this moment he will cherish as he bids her farewell.

"Thank you." She smiled tenderly and walked out to complete her task. 'Thank you, Akito, for everything…for allowing me to love something so pure.' Closing his eyes, he breathed in unsteadily, wincing every so often at the jabs of pain he was starting to feel in his chest. He wasn't sure if it was from his illness or because of something more, but still, he'll hang on just a bit long for one last request.

He shakily pulled out a small cell-phone he had hidden in his covers. He had taken it when he had ordered the numerous doctors to leave him in his room instead of in a sterile room in the hospital or clinic. He had given one phone just like it to someone he trusted implicitly.

As the phone called the number he dialed, he opened his eyes and stared up into the high ceiling. He barely heard the other line pick up. "Ah yes…Kureno-kun…bring him to me now."

It could have been hours for all Akira knew, but he kept himself in the here and now, refusing to give into the lethargy that plagued his mind heavily. It was almost to an unbearable point until he heard the light steps of the teenager along with the soft shuffling of the little boy that accompanied. He smiled as he was correct when he heard the light coughing that pertained to the little boy.

"Yuki…come here," he called out softly, too weary to turn his head to the doorway. He felt the soft robes of the boy caress his arm. Smiling warmly, he tilted his head just so that he could level his gaze on Yuki.

Looking at him…staring at him…he was mesmerized at such a vision. The light behind certainly cast the same glow behind him as it did to Akito, but his face was not cast in shadow. No, Yuki's face itself glowed…it shined in the darkness that was all around him. And his eyes…his eyes would entrance anyone they came in contact with. How could one turn away from those eyes that felt like a soothing balm on their worst aches and fears? And so he stared…

'Ethereal…Ren was right about that.' He breathed in steadily as he recalled what he wanted to say before… "Yuki, how are you right now?"

Yuki all the while was unconsciously trembling, keeping his coughs to himself and being as silent as possible. He didn't want to be cause for discomfort to his caretaker, so he kept his gaze on Akira's hand, wishing that he had just left with Kureno who had already left. "I'm behaving, Akira. I won't make…any noise…"

He closed his heavy-lidded eyes momentarily and brought his arm up. "I don't mind noise…if you need to cough, it's okay. (Cough, cough) See? I'm coughing, too, so it's fine. Come rest right here with me."

With a small smile, Yuki moved over next to Akira's side and laid right next to him as Akira's arm embraced him closer. Sighing heavily, he replied, "That's better, ne? (Cough) Did you take your medication today?"

"Hai, Akira," replied the boy demurely while listening to the steady beat of the heart that had Akito lulled comfortably.

"Good…take good care of your health, Yuki. It's important to have good health," he remarked wryly as he mused on his own degrading condition. "Yuki…could you do something else for me, too?"

"M-hm…" responded Yuki quietly.

"Look at me, child," requested Akira. The little boy lifted his head and stared at the adult. Holding back his coughs, Akira couldn't help but feel that he should warn this boy of what lay ahead for him. Yet, he could not…would not… Such words will do him no good to hear right now.

"Yuki…I want you to look after Akito. As your birthright, you are to remain by her side…(cough, cough) but I want you to look after her because she's important…to you. Not to you, the Nezumi, but to you…" Coughing heavily, Akira took calming breaths once again, slightly afraid that it's catching up to him faster and faster.

"Akira?" asked Yuki worriedly.

"Ssh, ssh…it'll be fine," Akira remarked tiredly as he closed his eyes, holding the boy closer to his body, hoping to derive a little bit of his strength 'til the very last drop. Breathing heavily now, he looked down to the large gray-violet eyes that had soothed him so. Smiling, he asked the boy, "Yuki, did you know that some roses bloom in winter while others bloom in spring?"

Yuki was certainly confused at this change in topic. Still, he shook his head no. "Iie. Is that…normal?"

"M-hm…quite. Some seeds stay frozen in the winter, but once the warm weather comes around and the sun hits it just right, you'll seem them bloom beautifully." Letting his smile falter, Akira softly whispered, "Our dear Akito will be this seed…frozen in the winter of her sorrow. I want you to be the sun that has her become the rose she is meant to be. Will you do that for me?"

Blinking in surprise and understanding, Yuki pondered on his words. He then smiled brightly yet sadly to this wonderful man that gave him the most memorable year he'll ever have in his young life.

"Hai! I'll try…try my very best," he stammered in reply.

'Such warmth…his own light… (Cough, cough) It's so pure…untainted.' At this, he felt his heart clench tightly and his throat constrict painfully…and this wasn't due to the illness either. He immediately hugged the little boy to his side, knowing full well what is to occur in the months and years ahead.

'This family carries such poison…and there are those that will draw it out on this little boy if only to suffocate his light. (Cough) Please NO…spare this child. Please…(cough, cough, cough)…let his light shine through. Let him bring her to bloom…let him give our family a future worth living…'

As tears fell down softly to Yuki's hair, he deeply breathed in the smell of fresh winter morning that was uniquely Yuki's scent. 'A winter morning that never freezes over…' Akira mumbled, "Thank you. And…I'm…so-rry…"

Yuki coughed lightly, not sure why Akira said that last part, but shrugged it off. He hugged his most adored adult and softly smiled in contentment, knowing that this shared moment will be kept to heart always.

'I'm sorry…I'm so sorry for the pain you'll go through…please…forgive…me…' And with that last thought and the images of Akito's angelic face shadowed with a glow behind her and that of Yuki's luminous face with the eyes that cut through the pitch black of sordid thoughts, Akira let go…a hopeful smile gracing his face.

As a child, the mortality of humanity makes very little sense. For one whose life just begun, seeing the life of another end before their eyes is cause for confusion. Thus Yuki remained in Akira's fading warmth of his embrace, curious to know why he no longer heard the steady rhythm of a heartbeat. Lifting his head slightly, Yuki saw Akira's eyes closed with not so much as a flutter of the eyelashes even being made.

'He's so…still…silent.' Yuki certainly didn't wish to make a commotion, lest he disturb the man of his rest. It was at that point that he heard a loud clatter behind him, startling him from his musings.

"Tou…Tou-sama…" called out Akito quietly, letting the tea cup she brought clatter on the floor. "Tou-sama?"

"Akito…he's asleep," replied Yuki innocently. Turning his large, curious eyes to her own wide eyes, he whispered softly, "He was very tired…he should rest now."

His words only drew daggers across her wretched soul as she launched herself onto her father's still form. Shaking his shoulders and beating against his chest with her small fists, she cried out brokenly, "TOU-SAMA! TOU-SAMA! COME BACK! COME BACK TO ME! TOU-SAMA!"

Thoroughly frightened of her actions, Yuki scrambled away and remained sitting next to Akira's head, unsure of what to do. Feeling confused and, for some reason, very broken inside, he coughed heavily, realizing then that his chest was constricting painfully. Trying to hold them in, he looked to the unmoving body of Akira, and soothed the man's forehead with his small hand.

"Akira…(cough, cough)…Akira…my chest…it hurts…(cough, cough, cough). Please…(cough, cough)…wake up," he called out between his heavy coughing, grimacing every so often as the vise in his chest tightened its hold over his breathing.

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! HE'S DEAD…DEAD!" screamed Akito to the pained boy's face. She reached out and jerked his face forward by grabbing harshly onto the side of his head, his soft hair being pulled out from its roots by the sheer force of it. "WHY WERE YOU HERE? I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN YOUR ROOM, YOU RAT! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL FOR SOMEONE WHEN HE WAS DYING! WHY!"

"He…he…(cough, cough, cough)…ne-never said to. (Cough) He was coughing…like me," he quivered in response to her rage, tears streaming down his round cheeks. "He was awake just n-now (cough, cough) before you came. He was awake…OW!"

Clenching her hand tighter around his hair, she shook his head to quiet him. Angry and tormented tears cascading down her own cheeks, oblivious to how much pain she was causing her smaller companion. "BE QUIET! HE WAS FINE…FINE WHEN I LEFT HIM! HE WAS ALIVE!"

"Akito, what's the matter!" cried out Kureno who was close by in another part of the building. Screams and shouts were heard from Akira's room and so he sped off as fast he could to check on them, his heart sinking ever lower knowing full well the only reason there was much sorrow laced in the angry screeches.

Hearing another in the room, Akito looked at the grimacing face of the boy in her hand before she shoved his head down furiously to the side, leaving the boy curled up as he grasped his head and chest. She stood up and spun around to face the new individual in the room with endless grief deeply-rooted in her eyes.

"Get out," she bit out through clenched teeth, her hands fisted tightly onto her robes. She was breathing heavily, as she helplessly looked around her, vainly searching for a way out of her hell, a way out of the dark walls that were slowly closing in on her, taking her father far away from her grasp.

Taking her hands now into her hair, she pulled hard on her own hair, vainly trying to hold in her screams of pain that were overriding every sense of sanity she had. Looking back up, she saw Kureno still standing there uneasily. With a well-placed snarl, she lashed out and slapped him hard.

"GET OUT! I SAID TO GET OUT!" she screeched to the teen's startled face.

"Akira…(cough, cough, cough)…I can't…(wheezing)…breathe… Akira…" was Yuki's small trembling voice that softly echoed in the dead silence after her shouts.

As much as it hurt to take those slaps, Kureno had mentally sworn to Akira that he would look after these two when the kind man couldn't. Bracing himself for another rebuke, he quietly remarked, "I will leave you, Akito. But please…let me take Yuki with me. Please…"


With an apologetic look to Yuki, Kureno ran out and quickly called out to all the adults and passed the terrible news along with the orders from Akito. Many tried to go back, but there were those that firmly believed in their 'God's' right to order this family as was necessary. With much deliberation and commotion, the entire estate was in an uproar as they were ordered off the estate, not knowing for how long the wrath of 'God' would hold when faced with such a terrible loss.

Amongst the growing crowd were members of the Jyuunishi along with their families. The adults of the families knew what had transpired and weren't sure on how to break the news exactly to the younger ones. What did catch their attention then was the absence of two of Jyuunishi; the third one from their cliché was away at an after-school crafts club.

"Shigure, stop dawdling, and let's go!" hissed Hatori as he tried pulling Shigure along towards the gates. "You heard what they said…Akito's orders were to have everyone off the estate right now. You'll get us in a lot of trouble!"

"Just one minute, Haa-san," countered Shigure as he pulled back his sore arm. "Let's just see if we get a chance to see them. Just a look."

Growling with irritation, Hatori followed the over-eager Inu of the Jyuunishi, certain that he was incapable of sating the curiosity of this dog. "Fine! Just one look and that's it, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah," Shigure waved off his comment as he hid behind some bushes in the gardens near Akira's home. It didn't take long for him to see what he's been waiting for, and it was more than he could hope for.

The collapse of a sacred relationship…it was too awe-inspiring for mere words to describe.

"Why are you smiling like a dolt? Are you actually laughing!" asked Hatori incredulously as he stared at his best friend's wide grin. It made him sick to see that, and so he looked away to see what unfolded before them. Their screams…heart wrenching screams…would forever echo in his mind and soul…

"GET UP, YOU STUPID RAT! GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!" she screamed into his ear as she dragged him along the walkways by the solid grip on his hair once again. "YOU GOT THIS FAR BEFORE, SO START WALKING!"

Being dragged away from the comfort of Akira's presence by the clutches of this shadow of what was once his best friend, Yuki sobbed and wailed furiously; desperately trying to understand what had happened to the family he just had just moments before. His vision was constantly blurred as the tears continued to flow, and his chest was agonizingly letting him know that he urgently needed his medication. Falling down several times only to be hauled up painfully by his hair, kept his mouth shut, his teeth clenched to hold back the agony of his cries.

Akito finally reached her destination after much struggling with the boy. Her father never knew that she knew about this place. She didn't wish to worry him about some of the things she had heard about the fate of the Cat, but now, it didn't matter anymore. And now she could see what power this house held over the most infamous of the Jyuunishi circle.

"GET IN THERE!" she yelled while throwing the boy with all her strength into the small, dark room.

Falling onto his skinned-knees, Yuki picked himself up off the dusty floor. Trembling terribly at the shock his body was now going through, he clutched his chest tightly, wincing with barely contained wails as he was sure that she would become angry with him once more if he let them loose.

"Akito…please. I'll be quiet. I promise…" he whispered tremulously while trying to bring air into his lungs, which unfortunately was laced with very old dust and grime. He immediately started coughing furiously, and with each deep breath he took, the more severe his coughing.

"SHUT UP, DAMN NEZUMI! SHUT UP!" she screeched in her rage as she slammed the door in the boy's face. She fell to her knees outside, as she screamed loudly, clutching her hair tightly while her tears ceased to end.

"TOU-SAMA! TOU-SAMA! TOU-SAMA!" she wailed as she finally let her sorrow give way, wracking her small body with heaves and sobs that would never end so long as she remembered…

"I'm sorry! I'M SORRY! PLEASE, AKITO…AKIRA…PLEASEI'M SO SORRY!" cried Yuki brokenly as he felt the last of his gathering strength give way as fell to his own knees, his arms clutched around his middle. Coughing heavily from the pit of his gut, he breathed deeply in, only to repeat the painful cough.


- o – o – o – o -

(Gulp) "Do you have anymore of this stuff?" asked Hatori while shoving back his cup to the writer who was perusing his research work.

"My, that went fast. I shouldn't be surprised…it's a good year!" Shigure happily replied while grabbing the sake bottle and refilling his friend's cup with gusto. "Now, take it easy on these…these babies will knock you out cold if you're not careful."

(Gulp) "Is there ever a moment in your life that you won't regret? Because I assure you that I will cause irreparable harm to your more treasured assets on your next physical," replied the doctor as he eerily glared at his old friend.

"EH! My bad…I will say no more," hurriedly commented Shigure as he quickly just gave the bottle to Hatori. "Here…take the whole thing if you want. I try not to indulge on it too much. I am the adult in this house, you know. Someone must set an example."

"Please don't bother," quipped Hatori while pouring another cup for himself. 'His example can only lead one into ruin.'

"Mou…how cruel! And I was being quiet the whole time you sat there and stared at the same page for the last two hours." Shigure pouted some more before he relented with a sigh. Stretching his arms wide, he reached to get a cup of his own from the tray he brought earlier. "Come on, pour me some, too. Can't have you finishing the bottle up by yourself, now can I?"

"I wasn't going to finish the bottle," grumbled Hatori while he poured carefully into Shigure's cup.

"Did you drown them out?" asked Shigure abruptly as he leveled an all-knowing gaze on his friend.

Glancing at him for a moment, Hatori breathed in heavily, staring out at the garden around him. Did he drown them out? The wails…the screams…the cries…the pain…

"No…I never could, and I suppose I never will," remarked Hatori matter-of-factly while downing the cup of sake. Finally feeling the effects relax his tense shoulders, he sighed heavily while slouching his shoulders. "And you?"

Sipping his sake more slowly (he really wasn't one to hold his liquor unlike his friend), Shigure smiled tiredly, "Eh…well… I guess it really wasn't such a bright idea of mine to stick around back then. (Sigh) Ah well, like I said, youth begets stupidity. And I was indeed very stupid."

"Hold on." Hatori filled his cup yet once again, and then took out a small dictation-recorder and pressed some buttons. "Now, repeat what you just said."

"Are you recording me for blackmail! Haa-san, I never thought you capable of it!" cried out Shigure with shock.


"Kyo-kun…he may be busy…"

"Ah, the melodious voice of Kyo-kun and Tohru-kun! Guess we'll have to wrap this up for next time, Haa-san!" gleefully replied Shigure at being saved from repeating himself.

Arching his brow high, Hatori eyed Shigure knowingly before turning off his recorder. Grabbing his cup, he was about to drink it when he felt a palm restrain him.

"Now, Haa-san, no need to rush. Let us conclude this day on an honorable note." Seeing Hatori's questioning gaze, he smiled to him as he lifted his cup in the air. "A toast…to a good man. A good man who's greatest crime was to love this cursed family."

With a reproving stare, Hatori added, "To a good man who didn't give up on his family."

"Now that's what I meant to say, Haa-san," heartily agreed the Inu as he chugged down his sake. Lightly flushed, he grinned widely at his companion who downed his drink as well. "Wow, Haa-san, no one can match you shot for shot!"

"What the hell are you doin' out here! (Sniff, sniff) Ugh, are you DRUNK?" exclaimed Kyo, outraged that the writer would be in such a state with Tohru home.

"Hey, hey, lay off the yelling! My ears…my head…by mottle…uh, I mean my bottle! Give 'er 'ere, Haa-san," slurred in reply Shigure while unsteadily trying to stand.

Hatori quickly stood up, unaffected by the liquor he drank. Grabbing the bottle of sake, he placed it on the tray set along with the cups and ignored the pleas of one drunk dog. Yep, it's a fact well known to the Mabudachi Trio…Shigure can't hold his liquor.

"Kyo, don't waste your time with Shigure. Why don't you help Honda-kun with her purchases? I've already ordered in dinner," remarked Hatori to the outraged teen.

"Aw, come 'ere, ya big kitty-witty," mumbled Shigure giddily as he embraced Kyo from behind.

"GET OFF ME, YA DRUNK FOOL!" screamed Kyo while vainly prying Shigure from his person. "HATORI! GET HIM OFF OR I'LL RIP HIM OFF!"

Ignoring the loud commotion outside, Hatori laid the tray set carefully on the counter, putting up the sake in the cabinet for another time, and taking the cups over to the sink to wash them. Just as he turned the faucet on, Tohru came bustling in from upstairs.

"Oh, please allow me, Hatori-san! I can do that," replied Tohru happily as she fastened her trademark apron to take charge of her kitchen once again. "Oh, and thank you, by the way, for ordering in dinner. You are too kind."

"I am pleased to help, Honda-kun. I hope you enjoyed your day with your friends at the museum." While listening to her, he watched the Cat and Dog have at it with each other from the kitchen window. 'Hm…I think I better save Shigure soon, or I'll have him as my patient come tomorrow.'

"Oh yes, it was wonderful. I highly recommend that you see it. Just be sure to see it when there's not such a crowd…oh and be sure to take good walking shoes. Hehe, Kyo-kun was already exhausted after the first hour and Hatsuharu-kun kept betting him that he would outlast him by the end of the day…so he and Kyo-kun were running up and down the stairs and through the exhibit halls so much that security was called." She grimaced at the memory, recalling vividly the angry glares of the security office and museum personnel. Shrugging it off, she continued in her tale, "Momiji-kun was able to placate them with one of his stories, and we were even given a free meal pass to their restaurant. It was wonderful!"

Seeing the small smile of the doctor, she knew that he had listened to her speak, but she also felt that he had a lot on his mind. She had seen the bottle of sake being used today, a rare occurrence since she hardly saw that bottle out of the cabinet. Watching Shigure teetering everywhere and hanging all over Kyo, she could see why he never indulged in the liquor.

'Was it because of who they were toasting this to? I didn't mean to overhear them, but…they did say that he loved their family and never gave up on them. He sounds like someone very cherished…' As she finished her wash of the dishes, she turned to Hatori and hesitantly remarked, "Ano…Hatori-san. Eh…I had not meant to overhear…what you were both saying earlier… He sounded like…such a good man."

Hatori turned to her when she had spoken again, confused at first, but then he realized who she was talking about. Softly smiling, he looked back out the window, realizing then that Kyo was dragging Shigure all over the garden. 'Shigure can be clingy when he wants…'

"Yes, he was," was his final reply to Tohru's comment. He looked at her over his shoulder while he continued, "But he who knows him best is Yuki. He got to see a side of the man that only one other got to see. Someday…maybe…he'll let you know some more about him."

She smiled at that, hopeful that she'll get to know more about the family and their history.

'Just maybe he'll share the memory of Akira with her…' trailed Hatori's thought as he gazed at the darkening horizon through the trees. 'Hopefully…they were such good memories.'


Warmth. Soft caresses across his hair…his skin. The fresh spring air clung to his lungs and soothed the weariness in his soul. He shifted comfortably on the soft ground beneath him, vaguely aware of the twittering of birds overhead.

'Birds? Why would they be in my room?' Prying one eye open, he confirmed that birds are not in his room. In fact, he wasn't in his room, but outside under a grove of trees, the late afternoon sun shining through them.

"I see you decided to grace me with your attention. That was such a nap you took…right in the middle of our game," pointed out Akito who came into his line of sight. Settling back a little next to his head, she gestured towards the deck of old playing cards that were strewn in a pattern. "It's still your turn, you know. The day does march on, and Kureno is bringing our dinner soon…"

Stifling a yawn, Yuki sat up and slightly winced at the crack in his bones when he stretched. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he now remembered that he was waiting on her to make her move in this old memory game they were playing. Feeling very tired from the night before, he swore that he'd only close his eyes momentarily when they felt like heavy lead. He certainly didn't plan on sleeping in the middle of the game. It was a wonder that Akito hadn't jerked him awake or even rebuked him harshly for falling asleep like he did.

'But wasn't I sitting and leaning my head against my drawn-up knees? I was pretty sure I was…I don't remember lying down. That'd be way too obvious.' Sighing tiredly, he looked at the cards before him and picked a random pair. Not surprised that he chose incorrectly, he placed them back face down. He chanced a glance at Akito to see if she was holding back her anger or any cutting remark, but detected nothing of the sort. She was in fact enjoying herself, as much as she would allow herself to.

"Hah! I'm so close to winning this one. You really need to try harder, Yuki," she replied serenely as she took up another pair to add to her collection.

He began to mentally make his choice before it suddenly occurred to him that he had a red rose next to his hand. He picked it up carefully to avoid the thorns and brought it up to his face to breathe it in. 'The smell of a rose is always the same but never tiring.'

"A red rose…for purity," she replied abruptly. Leveling her commanding gaze on him, she added, "Red is a good color on you, did you know that?"

Shaking his head no, he looked back to the flower in his hand and smelled it some more. Softly smiling, he placed it down while he chose his next two cards, thankful that he finally came up with a good pair. He waited on her now to make her move while he fingered his rose gently.

She was intent on winning this round, but her mind was elsewhere as well. As Yuki slept on, she had the urge to snap at him for falling asleep while being with her. Yet today of all days had her mind stretched in all different directions. She just couldn't bring herself to do that to him, and so she opted to just simply stare at him for the next three hours.

She would never admit it to him or anyone else for that matter that she had guided him to sleep by laying down next to her. He was too far gone to even notice the difference so there was little risk of discovery on his part. He laid there oblivious to the world around him while she softly stroked his soft hair, allowing her memories wash over her like they always did on this day. Not that she'd ever say a word of it to anyone…that is anyone except…

"You drool a little like Tou-sama did," she blurted out while choosing her matching pair successfully.

Jerking his face up, he flushed a bright pink at that rather embarrassing observation on her part. "Oh? Hm…I suppose there's a little of Akira in all of us, ne?"

It was her turn now to look taken aback at the innocent remark he made, although he didn't catch her reaction as he chose his pair, unsuccessfully this time around. She couldn't help but recall the last few words her father shared with her…

'…you'll have me with you… There's a little bit of me within you…'

'I don't believe I carry much of you with me anymore, Tou-sama.' She stared at Yuki picking his rose up by the stem, observing how his smile tilted slightly to the side, much like her father's did. 'Perhaps this is why I always keep Yuki close to me on this day when I wish to remember you the most. To always have a little bit of you near me…'

"You both have the same taste in flowers, Akito." With the sudden remark, Yuki looked towards her startled eyes with a small smile. "He told me about roses, and here, you picked one. So…a little bit of Akira stays with us. He would be happy…"

Akito took in his comments without a reply of her own. She gazed down at her old deck of cards that Akira had left behind, the once bright-colored Zodiac animals fading over the years. And she gave more thought on his remark. Yes, tomorrow will be another day of struggling to live in the Sohma household…another day to thwart vengeful people that hide under the guise of loving family members…another day to tolerate those that dare to threaten her ties with the Jyuunishi.

Yet for today…for once…she was sure of what he said.

"Yes…he would be happy," she finally remarked quietly while caressing her cards delicately. "If only for today…he would be."

'Yes, he would,' agreed Yuki while staring at her wistful gaze towards her cards. 'And with a little more sunshine, just maybe the winter in her heart will bloom to the rose he desperately wanted her to become.'

Looking to the sky high above him that was streaked violet with the setting sun, he smiled with great hope in his heart.

'A rose in bloom…I have faith in seeing this. And with a game of memory, I might see this soon.'


Author's Cookies of Wisdom (11-21-05)

Phew! One week worth's of work in these three chapters. Originally one very long chapter, but then I split it up. I'm too kind!

Hehe, anyway…welcome to my multi-part one-shot. I only meant to do this as a challenge to my senses…mainly the ones that concern wild theories of my own and others. I brainstormed with Ina-chan on some and with Miya-chan on others on these conjectures and wild theories. And so, here is my interpretation of it all…down to the nitty gritty (big hugs to Ina & Miya for being my inspiration!).

Angst galore in this release! Hopefully for some SOS readers, this will tie you over to the next chapter release of SOS. Not much, but something! I'll come back to that fic in December…yep, you read that right!

Now, I was aiming for character portrayal on Akira and Ren. Not much Ren here, but it's more than what the manga shows. Story details are not in par with the manga of course (which fanfic really follows it anyway, right?), but I really tried to grasp the persona of both Akira and Ren along with Yuki and Akito way back when in the old days.

I wonder how my readers will react with the sequences between Akito and Yuki…I pictured the two being too adorable! I vaguely remember seeing raw scans of their younger years…I hope I did them justice! As for Akira…that's a tough one. Let me know what you guys think.

Oh, I had used the song 'The Rose' by Bette Midler as my inspiration towards the end of the fic. I liked the song very much, and I felt it described the situation with Akito pretty well. It's a song of hope, and even though the family is anything but hopeful, I wanted to portray Akira as being that one guy that wouldn't give up on his family. And since he couldn't do this anymore, he passed the task on to Yuki. Eh…that's my interpretation anyway.

In a way, this fic does support the SOS storyline. It also stands by itself, so anyone can read the fic and walk away without having to read SOS…although I highly recommend my fic! Shameless advertising here…sorry!

Please my dear readers…I left you with this big treat of three chapters completed in one week. There's bound to be details you'd like me to correct, or you may have comments that you'd wish to bless me with.

So, please, pass your beautiful words down to me! I'll read them with gusto! 'Til next time!