Hello! this is kind of... well... just here, but yeah. I wrote this a long time ago, and just a few days before I posteed this I was looking through the documents on the computer, when I came across this. I re-read it and I thought, "Wow! I really wrote this? Cool!"

So, I hope you enjoy! (and review)

I love to think that the world is alright

That nothing is wrong

When everything crumbles to a halt around me

I take a step back

Wondering if it's all just a nightmare

I'll scream and cry

Shutting my eyes and ears

Making sure that there's nothing left to make me feel horrible

That's when I feel a hand on my shoulder

Pulling me up

And away from the evils of the world

I open my eyes to stare into another pair

Full of love and kindness and understanding

The only kind of thing that a loved one would have

And that's when I realize

That I'm not alone in this world anymore

That there are others just like me

Different in outward appearance, maybe

But same at the heart

And that's also when I realize

That there is some one who loves me…

… And I love them to…

I love you, Sasuke…
