Author's Notes:

This brief chapter was produced in record time at the request of Niffler, whose curiosity could not be held at bay. I hope it makes up in content what it lacks in length. – fallenwitch

Chapter 11

Yes and No

Where the hell was he? She continued to bang on his door with both fists, cursing under her breath. Since when did he become a heavy sleeper? Was he getting a bit soft now that the War was over? She was about to Apparate into his bedroom, nighttime guests or not, when the door cracked open, wand first. Then she heard his disgruntled groan.

"Merlin, Ginny, do you know what time it is?" The door swung fully open as an exasperated and freshly awoken war hero stood and glared at her through his glasses, askew as ever.

"It's an emergency, Harry," she said, brushing past him on her way inside.

"Come on in," he said, watching her back disappear into the kitchen. He sighed and shut the door, charming it locked again, seven different times. "Tea?" he called out before he walked into the kitchen and saw her pouring him a cup of her brew. He slumped down into the chair across from her, waiting for her biscuits. The witch could conjure a hell of a biscuit, and that was the least she could do for him at this ungodly hour of the morning.

She watched him chewing on her biscuits, waiting for his irritation to ease. "Good?" she asked. He nodded, mouth too full to speak. She slipped another one on his plate, for insurance.

"What's up?" he asked, taking another sip of tea, trying to rouse his still sleeping mind.

"Did Draco Malfoy kill Mum and Dad and Bill? If so, why didn't he go to Azkaban?"

Harry spit out his half swallowed sip of tea, coughing and choking and almost landing his once eaten biscuits topside again. Ginny casually cast a "Scourgefy" or two and refilled his cup of tea.

Harry wiped his mouth on his pajama sleeve and looked up at her. "Where did that come from?" Ginny stared at him, eyes steady. "Malfoy?" When she nodded, Harry shook his head. "Merlin, Ginny, he's not back in the country again, is he?" She nodded again. "You're not seeing him. Are you?" When she nodded a third time, Harry drew in a swift breath and collapsed onto the table, burying his head in his arms.

"Stop it, Harry," Ginny admonished, swatting him impatiently. "I need answers, not opinions. I don't care what you think about my personal life. If I cared, I would have asked for your permission, wouldn't I?" Harry peeked up between his arms.

"You never could get him out of your system, could you?" Ginny sighed.

"Please, Harry, don't. This isn't about us. This is about Mum and Dad and Bill. I know you know something." He sat up and pushed his glasses on straight.

"You want me to divulge Ministry secrets so you can carry on with Malfoy?"

"Since when did you develop such a love for the law?"

"Since you walked in the door with Malfoy on your heart, that's when." He was about to add something about her knickers but thought better of it.

Ginny stood and slammed her fist down on the table.

"Fine. If you won't help me, I'll get the information myself." Harry, being Harry, had his hand around her wrist before she could even reach for her wand. He was still the fastest.

"No, you won't. Sit down. Just give me a second, will you?" Harry gave her arm a firm tug, and she sat, watching as he threw his head back against the chair and stared at the ceiling. "What do you want to know?"

"Did he kill Mum and Dad and Bill or not?" How many times did she have to ask the bloody question?

"Yes and no."

"Harry, you either kill someone or you don't. You can't be a little pregnant."

"Right. Then, no, he didn't kill them."

"Harry," she was tugging on his sleeve, trying to get him to look at her. When he refused to budge, she stood up and walked around, looking down into his eyes. "Harry, you're not making any sense."

"What else do you want to know?" She sighed.

"How did Lucius Malfoy die?"

"Draco Avada'd him in the cavern." He did?

"Why didn't he go to Azkaban?" Harry sighed and sat up, dropping his head into his hand.

"Because I went before the Wizengamot and told them the truth, that's why. Draco was never anything more than a pawn in Voldemort's game. He's no more evil than you or I, just a bit weak in the gut." Ginny nodded and sat back down.

"How did that keep him out of Azkaban?"

"He destroyed the 6th Horcrux and pointed me to the 7th, that's how."

"Why didn't you ever say anything? Why doesn't the whole wizarding world know about it?" Harry laughed, looking up at her.

"Believe me, Gin, plenty of people know about it. And half of them want him dead for it. He's no fool. Why do you think he went into hiding?"

"He gave me the impression that he wanted to go to Azkaban, that he would have preferred it that way."

"Wouldn't you if you killed your father and your mother committed suicide as a result of it? What does he have left out here? He's a traitor to both sides and a conspirator to Dumbledore's murder, all blackmail aside. That kind of behavior doesn't buy you a lot of friends."

"Why did he tell me he killed Mum and Dad and Bill if he didn't?"

"Because he did but not intentionally. He thought Lucius was going to kill your mother so Malfoy Avada'd him while Bill was trying to take down the wards surrounding the 6th Horcrux. That spell caused the wards to implode the cavern, keeping the Horcrux safe but killing everyone inside. It was a quirk of luck that kept Malfoy alive."

"How do you know all of this? Did he tell you this?" Harry shook his head.

"No. Not voluntarily, anyway. I used Veritaserum, with Ministry approval, of course. I had a hunch about the 6th Horcrux but no proof. When I went for that information, everything that went on in the cavern came out as well. He destroyed the 6th Horcrux after the implosion. I didn't think he had it in him, but he figured it out. That's how he got out of Azkaban. He earned his way out - paid for with his sanity and half his soul or so I'm told."

Ginny sat there staring at Harry. He knew. He knew all along, and yet he never said a blasted thing to her about it.

"Why?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I was sworn to secrecy by Malfoy. He never told me why, but I figured it had something to do with you. Now that he's told you himself, I have no obligation to keep it from you any longer."

Ginny knew Harry kept a million secrets, and that he meant no malice or harm by it. She nodded and put her hand on his arm.

"Thanks, Harry."

"Be careful, Gin. Not only is he a little unbalanced, but he's also got the worst of the wizarding world out to kill him as well. Call me if you need me." She nodded. "And Ginny - "


"Let me come over and put an iron lock on your wards for you, alright?" Ginny nodded, leaned over, and kissed Harry on the cheek. Harry wrapped his arm around her and held on a moment too long.

"Don't worry, Harry, honestly. I'm fine."

Then the witch, who was foolish enough to be shagging the most wanted wizard in the world, Disapparated from his view a moment later.

Author's Notes:

Thanks for dropping by. Some readers have questioned Draco's sanity. Isn't it said that each character is a reflection of some component of the author's psyche. Hmmm… Until next time! - fallenwitch