Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha/Naruto

They belong to Rumiko Takahashi/Masashi Kishimoto

Sasuke/Kagome pairing...NO exceptions

Past chappies have been edited, strongly recommended they are read. If not, you will probably be confused with what's happening in the story. And thank you for reading up till now and being patient with me, I hope I've fixed past spelling/grammar mistakes.

This is dedicated to Tenshi-Battosai, who's birthday is on August 14th, so you all better wish her a happy b-day. Happy early birthday Tenshi-Battosai!

The dragon, Shiro (white), had white scales that glistened in the sun. He had clear blue eyes and dark blue claws. His long body looked too delicate to use in battle, like Kagome, but appearances can be deceiving. There were two swords and one wooden tube held to his back by dark purple obi. (Is that right?)

"Ok, Shiro-kun battle time. You up?" Kagome asked him, looking ahead.

"Sure, Kags." Shiro said, knowing the name irked her to no end.

"Ack! I told you not to call me that!" Shiro chuckled.

Sakon and Ukon, during the little chat disappeared from the area, moving away fast. But that didn't mean that Kagome and Shiro failed to notice them go.

The dragon glided over the trees hot on the two's trail.

"Why don't we cool things down Shiro-kun?" Kagome asked.

"That would be my pleasure." Kagome smirked when Shiro sucked in a big breath. His cheeks puffed up, he put the tube up to his mouth and then…FWOOSH!

Ice exited the tube and coated the trees, thoroughly freezing anything unfortunate enough to get caught in its path. One, or should I say two, of those things were Sakon and Ukon.

"That should keep them, let's go help out Sakura and Kakashi now." With that said, Shiro went in the course Kagome directed to.

Sasuke, Naruto, Kidoumaru

The now demon Kidoumaru was smiling wide, showing all of his sharp teeth. He had an arrow drawn (Don't ask where he got it.) and poised at Sasuke. He shot it with exact precision, his third eye helping him aim. Sasuke moved away fast with Naruto going a different direction.

"You can't hide from my 'all' seeing eye." Kidoumaru was slowly pulling back the arrow and shot it.

The arrow was going at Sasuke with incredible speed. Thankfully, Sasuke had his Sharingan activated and he moved out of the way at the last minute.

Naruto wasn't so lucky, for when an arrow came at him it badly grazed his arm. He only scowled in pain though.

"The next ones won't miss." Kidoumaru shot an arrow at Sasuke again. The arrow did hit but he was a copy. Another Sasuke jumped out of the shrub next to him. One more arrow was shot in that Sasuke's direction. It went through his shoulder, but then he turned into Naruto.

'What's going on?' Kidoumaru looked around suspiciously.

Hands grabbed his legs from under him and through him down towards the ground. He landed and made a small crater in the ground from the impact. From there, more hands came out of the ground around him and proceeded to hold him down.

Two Naruto clones came down from the treetops. One had a glowing ball of energy in his hand while the other was looking like he was forming it. The Naruto with the ball of energy thrust it towards Kidoumaru, successfully killing him.

Only heavy breathing could be heard now. The Naruto clones and the Sasuke clones in the ground popped out disappeared.

Sasuke was walking towards Naruto, who was sweating and had half-lidded eyes. He pulled the arrow out of Naruto's shoulder, causing him to squeeze his eyes shut at the pain.

"Hmm, good job loser." Sasuke said half-heartedly. He took Naruto's arm and put it around his neck, knowing that Naruto was a little too tired to say anything.

Kagome hopped off of Shiro before they reached Jiroubou so as to not to give them away. Many kunai and shuriken littered the trees and ground. Blood dotted the dirt; there wasn't enough to worry.

A large explosion was heard making the birds fly out of the trees. Kagome quickly sprinted to the area, finding a cloud of smoke surrounding the place.

Heavy pants filled the air as the smoke cleared leaving two ninja standing across from another. Sakura instantly took out a kunai, coming at Jiroubou. He immediately jumped away from her and she followed. They moved fast enough to only look like blurs, playing a game of cat and mouse.

Sakura predicted where he would next land so she threw her kunai there, hoping it would hit. It took Jiroubou by surprise when it severely grazed his leg. Sakura threw several shuriken while he was in a state of shock. He managed to dodge just in time, taking the kunai with him.

Jumping fast he threw the kunai at her, Sakura was about to be hit. Kagome suddenly appeared before her, grabbing hold of the kunai.

"Kagome!" Sakura gasped, she was relieved that the kunai didn't hit.

"Hey" Kagome said smiling a bit at her. Then she hardened her eyes at Jiroubou.

He smirked, "I'm sure that Kidoumaru has defeated your friends. I'll beat you while the rest of you are here." Jiroubou all of a sudden disappeared from sight.

Jiroubou reappeared behind them, striking the ground with his hands. He overturned the earth and lifted an enormous amount it in his hands.

"Doton Doryou Dango (Mausoleum Earth Dumpling)!" Jiroubou threw the monstrosity at them, flattening everything in its path. Sakura and Kakashi jumped away before they were flattened. Kagome on the other hand jumped onto the fast moving clump of dirt running to slow it down.

Once Kagome had stopped it, she made sure that Kakashi and Sakura were out of the way first, and transferred chakra to her feet. She exerted the energy into the dirt making it go back towards Jiroubou.

Jiroubou was very surprised, so much so that he didn't dodge it, crushing him to the ground. You could see his silhouette through the dirt cloud getting up slowly.

"Woo! I wasn't so sure that would work, but it did!" Kagome said happily.

"Don't rejoice yet Kagome, he looks like he's back up with a vengeance." Kakashi said, looking closely at Jiroubou. You could see his silhouette through the dirt cloud getting up slowly.

Suddenly, Sakura was pressed to the ground with a hand to her throat. She struggled to get out of it, the grip threatening to choke her to death.

"Heh, I need a lot of energy to keep this form, so I'll just eat all of yours." Jiroubou had chakra surrounding his arm, coming from Sakura.

"Sakura!" Kagome and Kakashi yelled out.

"Shiro!" Kagome called. In a split second Shiro came out of the trees, bumping Jiroubou away from Sakura. Kagome pulled Sakura up on Shiro, who was now passed out.

Shiro quickly blew ice out of his mouth in a large cluttered burst, freezing Jiroubou in a block of frozen water.

"Now that that's been taken care of, let's find the others, shall we?" Kakashi got onto Shiro and they rode him, searching for Sasuke and Naruto.

Sorry, no more voting for Nar/Sak pairing, I'm not going to do it. And all picz for this story are on my profile.
