Dracula's blood thirst thrived now as he attacked Anderson, ignoring what the Hellsing family had given him. He thrust his arm forward, his hand looked like a claw as he tore at Anderson's heart and lungs, ripping them out and throwing them aside. His eyes were menacing and his face darkening as an evil smile creased his lips.

Trinity sat there, her eyes wide, her heart pounding in her ears as she heard the dreadful rip of flesh and the evil screams coming from Anderson and her mind whirrled. 'My loved one... What have you done, my love?'

Slowly, she stood up, her mind still racing and slowly, her feet began to move forward as she came closer to the blood-thirsty Lord Dracula and his bloody victm. Her hand were shaking as she raised them to his arms and gently touched his arm. Without much warning, he attacked her. She didn't scream, she didn't cry, she didn't flinch, she didn't even struggle, she just lay there beneath him, staring up as the rain began to turn the sky gray and her mind became groggy.


The name echoed in the silence of the rain.


D was standing there, his eyes wide, his face soaked with, not only tears, but with the rain and blood that Anderson was coughing up. This was his father, Lord Dracula, the most powerful vampire ever to live. A dhampire was supposed to take on after the immortal half of the family, but D wasn't visious, he was a normal person.

He slumped down into Trinity's arms as he felt his whole body regect what he was seeing. The name of "my loved one" was Dracula, the king of vampires. His mother had loved the King of the Damned, the King of the Undead, but she didn't care that he was a deadly weapon of destruction.

It was then that he remembered something.'Incro sendro fa na rosa le ratke!' He swept his right hand out and aimed it at Trinity and Alucard, his mother and father. He remembered the disaster at Hugh's house when he was still small. He remembered watching Hughs have that heartattack, how his mother had ushered him down to the cellar and how he was trapped under there. He released his fist and held his hand out. His voice shook as he began to cry again. He finally was able to see his father, but he was the one who had killed them, as one of the only three people who knew the ancient art of vampire curses and hexes. "Incro sendro fa no rosa le ratke!" He closed his eyes as his fist clamped tightly. "Mama, papa..." His knees gave out and he fell. His tears splashed onto the cobbles as the rain finally gave.


Trinity had felt the implosion and smiled as blood began to leak from her lips. She slowly raised herself off the cobbles and past Alucard, who was still in shock from the two words uttered. Her mission was almost at it's end. She raised her hands to the heavens and said the following with a smile and tears. "Hamsna mel raxhaphon!" Light shed over everyone in the cobbled streets not to far from the Hellsing Manor as Big Ben chimmed midnight. Silence fell and all that was heard was the loud BOOM of Ben's rings and the soft tap of water from the rain. Trinity's eyes were foggy and hazed over with sorrow as she began to fall, her hair flowing out in a graceful arc, her arms and head seemed to flow with her hair.

Death took it's toll on the human soul easily. Her beautiful soul was being lifted away as she raised the curse of Hell from Seras and Integra, from D and Dracula, from vampire and regenorator alike, giving birth to the first generation of aging vampires, ones that would always be by her side. The light from the heavens shed it's light on the vampires and her sister and seemed to bless them with an eternal sleep. The powers of the world seemed to fade from them and give them the lives that they were destined to have.


Yes, yes, that is my story. Now I'm here, dying. D, or should I say Devoleb, stands beside me. His name is Beloved backwards, just as his mother loved him. The J in both his and her name meant Jubelee, Joy, and, in Devoleb's name, Just, to represent the three points of vampire magic.

I die, remembering how my sister's final words rang through the air and sounded like music. She freed me of the burden of remembering how we didn't get along. She freed Dracula and Alucard of the burden that was placed on them, even at the cost of her life. My sister did manage to raise Devoleb for a year before we switched. She and Alucard are now a happily married vampire couple.

I hope that Trinity's last wishes will carry with Devoleb for him to use his sword for saving, not for killing. I pray... that's all I can do, is pray...