Endless Emotion

by apocalipticoblivion

X3 i'm SO sorry guys.. i've lost everything in hurricane Katrina so it's taken me a while to update again X3 but i had eleven chapters of this story finished and ready to type up; and i left them at my house single tear so it may take me a while to get all my updates done but i pretty much have a good idea what this story is gonna do so bear with me please!

OH and i have no beta's for this, so please excuse my horrible writing...



Kira absent-mindedly twirled his keys to his apartment, that he and Athrun shared, in his hand as he walked down the street. His mind began to wander back to the events that had happen in the last few weeks.

'Athrun had to leave for work...' Kira shuddered as his heart wrenched painfully at the thought of something happening to the blue-haired boy. 'I couldn't bear the thought of losing him... of never being able to touch him, to kiss him..'

Before he realized it, tears were slipping down his recently-tanned face. Athrun had been called back into Rau's command.

He dashed up the stairs to the door of his apartment, ignoring the questioning glances thrown his way by his neighbors. The two of them had been living in the apartment for a little over two months when the call came.

-'Is this Athrun Zala?'-

'Yes, this is. Who is calling?" Athrun asked, throwing a smile towards Kira.

-'This is Marianne. I work under your boss, Le Creuset'-

This had caused a surprised expression on Athrun's face, which scared the brunette even more. Athrun put his hand over the reciever. "Don't worry Kira, everything's fine." 'Ah yes, I'm still here. What does Rau want with me now? I thought he didn't need my services anymore.' he growled, barely remembering his manners.

-'He wants to meet with you and the other gundam pilots he had employed under his name, immediately.'-

Athrun nodded shakily, 'When?'

-'Your plane ticket is waiting for you at the front desk of the airport.'-

With that, the call was ended but, it still haunted Kira. It was the call that had separated the two of them for seven weeks.

Kira slid into his living room and sank to the floor against the door after he shut it. He was now openly sobbing. "Athrun, I miss you so much... Athrun."

"You shouldn't cry so hard. You'll get sick." came the familiar voice of reasoning that had been in his life for several years.

Muu La Flaga.

Kira looked up to see him eating up the last of the brunette's sandwich supply. "Hey." he muttered helplessly, "I was gonna eat that..."

Muu held out the last bite to Kira.

"I don't want it anymore now..."

"Then don't whine about it," Muu chuckled playfully as he gobbled up the last bite and pulled Kira to his feet. "C'mon, it can't be that bad with out Atty."

'Atty' was Muu's newest nick-name for Kira's bluenette lover. The blonde had called Athrun just about every name he could think up before he settled on 'Atty'. Kira himself even called Athrun it sometimes.

Muu pulled Kira towards the kitchen after snatching up the poor bag Kira had been holding in his hands before he collapsed. "Whatdja get?"

"Just some junk."

"I like junk." Muu laughed deeply as Kira sat on one of the stools next to the counter. "Oooh! You got GOOD junk!" he crowed happily.

"Birdie!" Kira called, "Where are you?"

A sharp chirp sounded from Kira and Athrun's room. "Just checking in on you, Birdie!" Kira smiled at the mental image of the bird curled up at the top of the window shades, where the tiny little robot slept during most of the day.

"How long have you had Birdie anyways, Kira?" Muu asked with a smile, "It's been a while hasn't it?"

Kira returned Muu's smile, "Yeah, I've had him for a long time. Almost ten years I think... I don't really remember, but it could've been more!"

The smile on Muu's face grew larger as he watched the boy play with Birdie. "So, what d'you wanna do today?"

"Don't you have to work?"

"Nope, Ramius let me off today so I could spend some time checking up on you and Atty... but looks like Attums isn't here so we'll just have'ta make do with each other." Muu laughed, walking back towards the guest bedroom in the back of the apartment.

The apartment was big enough to house five or six people comfortably, so it was no big deal with either of the owners if their friends wanted to stay over and visit. Muu tended to visit more than necessary; although Yzak, Dearka and Nicol like visiting almost as much as Muu himself. Rau himself had stayed only once.

Kira walked into the living room and picked up the stuff that Muu had forgotten when he had came in and a few things that Kira just plain didn't want in his living room. Namely, Muu's junk.

He took all the stuff, sorted it out, and then delivered it to the rooms it was supposed to be in. The room Muu was currently inhabiting was right across the hall from Kira and Athrun's. He usually picked that one, just so if 'anything' went on, as he said, he would get the right to tease them relentlessly. The brunette laughed softly at the thought, but quickly pushed it aside as he entered Muu's room. "Hey," he called to the blonde reclining on the bed flipping through the channels on the tv.

Muu grinned as the boy took to cleaning up his room. "I would've done it."

"No, you would've just let it all just rot sitting there."

"How'd you know?"

"Don't remind me about your cabin on the Archangel." Kira shuddered involutarily and threw a pillow at Muu's head. "It was so disgusting, even pigs wouldn't live there."

"Hey, don't knock the pigs!" Muu laughed, "They're alot cleaner than you think!"

Kira laughed and began to hang up the clothes in Muu's suitcase, knowing full well that he'd just let them all wrinkle. "When'd you get this suit?"

"Oh, I've had it. Just never worn it." Muu mumbled.

"I bet you'd look like a monkey."


Kira giggled as he finished picking up Muu 's stuff and bounced on the bed next to the other man. "Anything good on?"

"A soap opera." Muu muttered under his breath.

The brunette stared at Muu with his mouth ajar. "You..? Watching soap operas?" he asked, shock written all throughout his words and shown clearly on his face.

"Yeah? What of it?" He smiled cheekily.

"I never thought you'd be the type to actually sit down and watch a series..."

"Well, I do."

"Can I watch with you?" Kira asked innocently, staring intently at the tv hoping to catch up with the storyline that had already been going on for years.

"Sure." Muu laughed.

Kira snagged a pillow from under Muu's head and cuddled up with it before Muu could take it back. He turned his head towards the tv, closing his eyes. Not even having the intention to watch the show in the first place, he slowly drifted off to the first relaxed sleep he'd had since Athrun had left.



A/N : UPDATAGE. X3 FINALLY i get around to getting this out ;; i've waited so long... well i've bet you all have waited even longer ne? X3 hope you enjoy! I'll update faster if I get reviews