Disclaimer; On Saturn X-Men: Evolution own YOU. :) Welcome to my home planet. Are I making of the sense?
Good, then the CIA isnt yet onto my plan...
"In visions of the dark night I have dreamed of joy departed-
But a waking dream of life and light Hath left me broken-hearted"
A Dream Fiction by Edgar A. Poe
Pietro closed his pale blue eyes, trying to block out the violent sun that insisted upon beating down upon him.
Trying in vain, for the world was a burning brightness and his feet glued to the concrete floor.
He couldnt move, he couldnt scream, suddenly an acid rain was pouring, burning, slowly eating away at him to the bone.
He wanted to hiss in pain as he felt a vise-like grip upon his shoudler, seemingly to comfort, but more to hold in place the sun's captive.
He wanted to run.
He wanted to scream.
He wanted to throw himself to the ground and pound his fists until his hands turned into red fleshy paste.
"Bring her back to me! BRING HER BACK!"
He wanted to shout, until his throat was raw and bleeding.
His tears salty and stinging.
Held back by the sun, whom's vision was all that mattered.
Whom's vision is all that matters.
Whom's vision he will succeed.
One of the sun's many puppets he will become.
His emotions do not matter.
His wants and needs do not matter.
His sister does...not matter.
All that doesnt fit in the sun's makeshift vision will struggle.
Will become dust and scatter.
She screams for him to help her, to save her, not to abandon her.
Tears threaten to drown him, the sun threatens to burn him in it's oppressive judgement.
His tears are invisible dust.
The first chance I get.
He makes himself a promise.
The first chance I get, I will run.
And the sun can Eat. My. Dust.
A/N: A worthless and short one-shot I felt like writing. I'm not going to give you any type of long explanation for everything I haven't put bluntly. I try to give the readers a bit more credit than that. If your a Pietro fan your bound to figure it out on your own. But, just to get the record straight and so none of you earthlings with your twisted twisted minds get the oh-so-very wrong idea; this is in no way implied twincest, implied ericpietro rape/slash, or whatever sick concepts you people can think of. This might sound weird to the sane lot of you but you'd be surprised (and not just mildly disturbed) at what some people can come up with to replace the plot holes that are generally left in a one-shot fic.
Flame all you want. Saturanians aren't flamable. :P Hahaha.
Stick that in your proverbial pipe and figuratively smoke it.