Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim any ownership of the Harry Potter Universe. If you sue, all I have is thirty-five cents and some nice blue-ish grey pocket lint.

A/N: Can you believe it? I'm finally updating! I can't even believe it. Enjoy.

The Diary of Lily Evans, no wait, Potter Chapter Two

Waiting For Chelsea – and contemplating her reaction

I'm curious really, to see her reaction to her napkin adventure. Will she laugh? Will she scream? Will she cry?

Will she castrate Sirius?

I hope she doesn't given that he is, after all, my child's godfather.

Although giving him that tile was a tad stupid on James' part. I don't know how many more godfather jokes I can take.

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Lily Potter placed her diary on the nightstand and rose to take her young son Harry from his Godfather's arms.

"Now you got that Harry? You put the horses head in the bed, ok?"

Baby Harry cooed delightedly, smiling toothlessly at his godfather.

"Sirius, will you please stop teaching my son to be a mobster. You tell him everyday to put horses heads in peoples beds," Lily said, rolling her eyes at the handsome man.

"Maunday, Tuesday, Thursday," Sirius drawled in a scratchy voice, a smirk gracing his teasing features. Lily sighed deeply, "Will you ever stop?"

His answer was quite simple.


Baby Harry giggled, clapping his hands. His big emerald eyes had spotted his father in the doorway. James smiled, and scooped Harry up in his arms, and placing a kiss on his wife's cheek.

"Guess who's here?" he whispered, smiling at her. Lily's face lit up.

"Chelsea?" she called out, already heading out the door.

"You betcha bottom dollar!"

The too young women rushed to hug eachother, and the second they pulled back, Lily slugged her on the arm.

"Ouch, for Merlin's sake Lily, what was that for?" she exclaimed, rubbing her arm and glaring reproachfully at her best friend.

"That was for buying me another stupid diary."

"Ah," she said, smirking devilishly, "so you're using it?"

Lily looked down sheepishly, "It's strangely addictive."

Chelsea laughed joyously, "Alright, so where is the little spawn you and James cooked up?"

"Spawn, Chelsea? You're referring to my child as spawn?" Lily asked, leading her friend down the hallway.

"Fine, offspring, is that better?"

Harry was on a matt of the floor, playing with brightly coloured blocks. He looked up, his eyes wide when he saw Chelsea, an unfamiliar face. He contemplated her for a moment, then gurgled happily and threw a red block at her foot.

"Aw, Lily, he's adorable."

"No need to lavish me with compliments, Fanrae. We all know how good looking I am," Sirius said, from his position of leaning languidly against a dresser.

"Hullo, Sirius," Chelsea greeted unenthusiastically.

"What," James said, standing up from the rocking chair, "I don't get a hello and he does?"

Chelsea smiled and hugged him, "Hello, James."

Sirius rolled his eyes. Lily picked up her diary off the nightstand, and then frowning for a moment, tugged on Chelsea's arm.

"I need to speak with you for a moment."

"Alright," Chelsea said slowly, following her friend out of the room. Lily led her into the bathroom.

"What's up, Lily?" she asked, hoisting herself up to sit on the counter. Lily was pacing.

"I almost forgot about it, but you have no memory of what happened at the reception, right?"

Chelsea nodded. Lily thrust the diary into her hands.

"You better read that napkin of yours then."

Chelsea, her brow furrowed in confusion, flipped open the diary and skimmed over the pages. Her eyes grew wider with every sentence she read. With shaking hands, she dropped the diary.

"Bloody hell," she muttered. She rubbed her hands over face, trying to organize her jumbled mind. Lily picked up the diary and patted Chelsea on the shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you like him?"

"Sirius Black? Lily, I dated him in school, remember the disaster that turned out to be?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"Maybe…Maybe that's because I don't have an answer for you."

Chelsea gave Lily a small, sad smile and left the bathroom. Lily sighed.

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Sitting in the Living Room – Sirius is in the chair across from me

My life is depressing. Sirius won't leave me alone. He keeps shooting me furtive glances and tip toeing around me. He's being considerate and nice to try and win me over.

All he wants is a good snog.

But I will not cave….because I don't like him and I am not a snog whore.

But you are, apparently, a liar.

Lily, this is me time, ok? I am venting, all by myself.

In my diary.

That I gave you.



Well you too looked like you were having so much fun.

Sirius, I suggest you stop, before Chelsea hexes you into oblivion.

Nah, she wouldn't do that an you know it. She fancies me.

No! You know what I fancy, Sirius?

What, Chelsea, my sweet?

You not here! Now get the bloody hell lost!


Hey, now, no swearing in front of Harry.

He's an infant Lily, he can't read.

Shows what you know. Harry's brilliant.

You are such a typical mum. It's sweet.

Now that you've gotten Sirius to leave, do you mind telling me what's on your mind?

Oh come on Lils, you don't HONESTLY think that I could still fancy Sirius?

I know you're stubborn, and I don't think you ever stopped liking him, even after he dumped you. Why DID he dump you?

I don't know.

You have no idea, whatsoever?


My Room, late at night - James is sleeping next to me…hehehehe

I still haven't gotten over the fact that we are married, and have a son. A wonderful son. And I have an amazing husband…who I can…well you know….any time I want.


I'm being childish, aren't I? But I'm allowed…aren't I?

Uh oh, I think my giggling woke James up.

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"Sorry, Honey, I didn't mean to wake you," Lily said, placing the diary on her nightstand.

"It's fine," he said groggily, rolling over to face Lily, "Why are you still up, love?"

"I can't sleep."

"Well I got that part. Why can't you sleep?"

"This whole thing between Chelsea and Sirius is bothering me."

"What do you mean?" James asked. He sat up now, his full attention of his worried wife.

"Why did Sirius break up with Chelsea."

"Oh, that's easy. He didn't want to hurt her," James explained matter-of-factly. Lily raised an eyebrow.

"Explain, please."

"Sirius has a tendency to screw up relationships, and he really cared about Chelsea, so he broke it off before he did some thing really stupid and hurt her even more."

Lily shook her head, "The logic of boys astounds me."

"Oh right, and you're one to talk about logic?"

"Oh sod off, Potter."

"How about I kiss you instead, Potter."

"Only if you call me Mrs Potter."

James leaned in close to Lily, and whispered huskily in her ear, "Mrs Potter, can I kiss you now?"

Lily smiled, "Yes, Mr Potter."

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Lily slid the diary into the pocket of her robes as she made her way to the kitchen. There, she found Chelsea making tea.

"Would you like some?" she asked.


Chelsea poured two cups, and sat across from her best friend. It was early in the morning, and Chelsea looked dishevelled and sleep deprived.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Chelsea asked, sipping her tea quietly.

"It's about Sirius. I know why he broke up with you."

"It doesn't matter. That was years ago, Lily."

Lily studied her dejected friend, who was less flamboyant than she used to be. Maybe it was the toll the war had taken on every one. People were losing their innocence.

"It does matter, Chelsea, " Lily said, "It matters because Sirius cares about you, and you still care about him, I know it."


"Look around you Chelsea, everywhere people are dying! And if you and Sirius can be happy together while all this horrors of the world unfold, then why not?"

Chelsea was silent.

"He broke up with you because he was trying to protect you from himself. He was afraid he'd screw it up and hurt you even more."

Chelsea scoffed, "That's a bloody stupid reason."

There was silence in the kitchen as both young women drank their tea. Then, with a look of fierce determination mixed with a dash of anger, Chelsea Fanrae stood from the table.

"I'll be back."

"Wait," Lily said, holding out the diary, "take this. Documentation, Chelsea, it's an important thing."

Chelsea, smiled at her friend.

"Nah, keep it, Lily-kins. It wasn't meant for me to document my life. It's all about you. You're the important one."

Lily tipped her head to the side, not quite understanding what her friend meant. Chelsea turned, and strode down the hall.


Lily chuckled and settled back down to finish drinking her tea.

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"I'm sorry to have to ask you guests to leave so soon," Albus Dumbledore apologized as Lily stuffed her diary into her pocket. She had missed the beginning of the conversation, but it wasn't difficult to guess what was happening.

"No, we understand, Albus," James said. He was holding Harry in his arms, soothing the crying child. Chelsea stood by the door, her bags packed and piled next to Sirius'. Sirius had an arm around Chelsea's waist.

"Look, we'll be alright. And as soon as you can, get in touch with us, ok?" Chelsea said. She came forward and hugged her friends, and placed a kiss on Harry's forehead. Albus smiled sadly.

"See ya then, mate," Sirius said, hugging James, then Lily. He looked down at baby Harry, who peered back at him.

"Remember what I said about the horse's head, Harry."

"Oh, Sirius," Lily said, swatting him. Sirius smiled, and hugged her.

"You stay safe, alright?"

Lily nodded.

Albus left the house, and Sirius followed. Chelsea hesitated, and stepped through the doorway.

"Chelsea, wait!"

Lily hurried after her, and held out the diary.

"Take this with you."

"Lily, I can't. It's yours."

"It's ours, Chelsea. I want you to keep it safe for me. Once this is all over, I'll get it back from you."

"You better," Chelsea said, her voice laced with unshed tears. Lily pressed the diary into her friend's hands.

"I will."

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A/N: So that's it. That's the end. I'm done. I decided to end it...because well...I wasn't sure where to go...so I just started writing, and this is what happened. I know it's not as funny...but it was hard, what with death being close and all. I found it hard to be funny. I hope I did it justice though. Let me know. Review.