Inuyasha's ears drooped slightly as he slept in a near by tree, hand gripping his sword at the first sign of danger. He would've slept longer had not got a whiff of cherry blossoms. Reacting purely on instinct he grabbed whatever it was and pulled it close.

Kami this smells good….

Does it? Because you know you're hugging our future mate.


Inuyasha's eyes snapped open and looked down to see a flustered Kagome.



There was a long silence between the two as Kagome adjusted herself so she was face to face with him.

"Inuyasha I-"

She never finished her sentence for her lips were taken my Inuyasha's. It was a sweet moment and Inuyasha's arms wrapped securely around her waist. Finally, and much to Kagome's dismay, they parted and gasped for breath.

"Well….that's a great way to start the day," breathed Kagome.

Inuyasha smirked. "Now was there something you were going to say?"

"Oh yeah…" she gave him a small glare, " Idiot"



Kagome leaned forward and smirked herself when Inuyasha's eyes widened in surprise. With a yelp he jumped from the tree and landed on the ground.

"Ha! Take ouf!"

Kagome had jumped after him, landing so that she knocked both of them on the ground.

"Pinned ya…"

Inuyasha growled and attempted to roll over and take control of the situation. In the end, Kagome ended up on top, triumphant.

"Pinned ya again"

And you want to do more than just pin him, right Kagome?

Huh? Who…who are you?

Why..I'm your inner demon of course!

What do you want?!

Inuyasha. He's just sitting there…BENEATH US…doesn't that give you any ideas…

…Dirty Images….shut up!

Do it! Mating season isn't over yet…

Inuyasha blinked as Kagome's eyes bore into him and turned from a rich brown, to a blazing red outlined in gold

"Holy crap"

"Inuyashaaaaaaaa" Kagome cooed sweetly.


Kagome's clawed hand began to remove his shirt and give him a lustful look before leaning down and smirking in his face.

"I just cannot wait any longer…"

Inuyasha's eyes widen. OH MY KAMI SHE'S GONNA RAPE MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

And just like that, Inuyasha was gone, running like a mad man, screaming like a girl. He threw himself into Lady Kaede's hut, and onto the ground.


Miroku blinked and looked at Inuyasha curiously. "From what?"

"A hormone enraged Kagome…"

"Oh you mean Kagome-chan….who's right behind you" Spoke Sango.

Inuyasha's head shot up to see a red/golden eyed Kagome who pouted cutely at him.

Resist the urge Inuyasha. She's possessed. Don't do it!

And as if to further tempt him, her hands came to her shirt and she winked at him, grabbing it by the hem and starting to lift it up.



Inuyasha shot up and grab her hands, eyes wide. "What are you doing?!"

"But Inu-koi…I want to mate….right here….right now…..pleaseeeee…"



Inuyasha shuddered from the smoldering look in her eyes and gulped, taking a few steps back.

"Get back here so I can--"

But Inuyasha was already gone. Runny for his dear life and his sanity. How in the world was his suppose to find out what the crap Tsubaki is up to when a mating-crazy Kagome was on his tale every second of every day. As a matter of fact.


Speak of the devil…

Hello my peoples.

I'd rather not comment on why its been ages to why I haven't updated this story. Really sorry if it was horrible. XD I don't know if I'll continue this story. If you want me to , then I will, just let me know in a comment. lol


Because you simply adore me. Oh yes and please note, I have changed my pen name. Its now, Sarabi-Chan. I was Co-Captain of the Black Pearl. Just you let you all know.

Anyways, buh-bye dearies. I'll try updating by...hmm..lets see. Wednesday of this coming week. Alrighty then? Okey dokey. Peace!