"The Grim Couple"
Chapter 1
"The Talk"
Summary: Grim finds himself the object of lusty teenage girls' desires, including a very unlikely girl, & Billy finds himself under the spell of teenage angst.
Warning! If you don't like Grim/Mandy pairings, then don't read this & yell at me for it later on.
"Grim," said Billy, walking up to Grim who was currently relaxing in a hammock in the backyard, a book in one hand and a glass of iced tea in the other, "can I ask you something?"
"No, but you're going to ask me anyway," said Grim, taking a sip of his tea.
Bill placed a finger on his chin, his tongue sticking out as he pondered, or tried to at least, a heavy silence surrounding him.
"Well?" asked Grim.
"Huh?" asked Billy.
"What were you going to ask me?" asked Grim, closing his book and sticking his arms behind his head, eyes closed.
"Oh, um, what's it mean by 'lose your virginity'?" he asked.
The hammock spun around, casting Grim out onto the ground.
"WHAT?" shouted Grim, unable to grasp what he thought he heard.
"I said," said Billy, talking loudly, "what does it mean to 'lose your virginity'?"
Grim stood up quickly, dusting himself off.
"Why are you asking me this? Hasn't your father or mother given you the 'talk' yet?" asked Grim.
"The talk?" asked Billy, looking more confused than what he usually is.
"The talk, you know 'the birds and the bees, when a man and woman love each other very much'…"said Grim.
"No," said Billy, thinking back on any such talk he and his parents had had.
"They haven't? But your nearly fifteen years old, man!" said Grim.
"What's it mean, then?" asked Billy.
"Um. He. He," began Grim, feeling quite awkward & would have been blushing if he could. He looked down at Billy who had a dribble of drool coming out of his mouth.
"Shouldn't you ask your father about dis?" he asked.
"He's working," said Billy.
"Your mum?" asked Grim.
"She's shopping," said Billy.
"Can you not wait till dey return?" asked Grim.
"Nope," said Billy.
"Ugh," stated Grim, placing a bony head on his head, a headache coming on. "Sit down, boy."
Billy did as he was told, sitting upon an anthill in the process and staring up at Grim with the usual dumfounded look he always had upon his face.
Grim shook his head and took a deep breath. Over the next hour, he would talk of things he never wished to discuss & Billy would learn of something he never knew before.
"Wow! I never any of that! That's scary! " said Billy. "Is that what you mean by 'birds and the bees'?"
"Yes," stated a very embarrassed Grim. "Billy, what made you curious of these this kind of stuff?"
Billy smiled.
"Tee-hee-hee," he laughed. "I needed to use the bathroom really, really, really, really bad after downing a bottle of vinegar as a dare at lunch & the boy's bathroom was out of order so I had no other choice but to use the girls' bathroom. All the stalls had some things written on them about 'wanting to do the dirty' with the same person."
"Really? Sounds like a lucky man to be the desire of many teenage girls," began Grim, chuckling slightly. "Young love. How funny."
"Grim," whined Billy, "why do all the girls in school want to 'do the dirty' with you?"
Grim stopped chuckling, eye sockets growing wide, & crumpled into a pile of bones.