The Poe regretfully informs you that she is officially retiring from fan fiction (if not altogether, mainly Sonic fan fiction).

Yes, I'm sorry. I need to focus on original works. By the way, you may find them on fictionpress thusly: ht tp : / / www . fictionpress . com / u / 421903 / (remove spaces). If FFnet insists on screwing even that up, just look for aeyvithepoe.

I have already received notice from a couple fans who are happy to complete one story or another. Shoot me an email, a note, a tweet, or a comment on DA letting me know which story and please link me to your published work when a chapter is completed. I don't need to tell you to credit me, do I? I figured that was a given, since I struggled over this pulped crap for the worse part of five years.

Thank you for the reviews and your constant reading! I love you all, and I know I'll miss you. I probably won't miss the fan fiction for a few more years, though. Aeyvi's taking wing.

Contact info: (remove spaces, add "at" sign)
email: aeyviallenpoe "at" hotmail . com
twitter: ht tp : / / twitter . com / aeyviallenpoe
deviantart: ht tp : / / aeyviallenpoe . deviantart . com /

PS- specifically for Sweet Reveries:
This was perhaps my favorite fic to write... I would appreciate collaborating with whoever wants to finish this one. I know where this one was going to end. I also want the lemon to play out well... tasteful. It would sadden me greatly if it didn't end right.
Thank you for your consideration.