Title: Red

Author: Viridian Magpie

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH. Togashi does.

Rating: K+

AN: a bit experimental

Summary: post second movie. Kurama takes a shower and remembers

Watch, watch, watch as water drip, drip, drips. Small rivulets running down his body, mixing with the red, red, red blood from his wounds. Down his arms they run, past red strands of hair sticking fast to his skin. Red blood, red hair, red roses. Red baubles.

A red pendant. It swings back. Forth. Back. Forth. Around and around it goes –

'- and where it stops, who knows?'


'It will stop where you want it to.'

and round it goes…

'Right here.'

and stops…


Cool but for a moment. It tickles.


– it plays its games, hypnotises, removes his wits.

Leads him on.

"… it would be a shallow soul."

Till it stops forever, halted by red blood, red roses, and red, red eyes.