Ok, I know this chapter isshort, but it's more of a build-up chapter. Hope you like it!

Chapter 4: Jay Talks To Emma

Jay: "Sean…Sean's not going to make it?"

Spike: "Nothing's definite…but they do think the odds are against him.."

Jay: "Oh my God…"

Nurse: "Mrs. Simpson, you can see Emma now."

Spike: "She woke up?"

Nurse: "No…her condition hasn't changed, she's still unconscious, but she is stable and the doctors are done running tests for today."

Spike: "Thank you. Jay, why don't you see her first?"

Jay: "Me? No, it's ok Mrs. S., you've been waiting forever to see her, you go, I'll visit her later."

Spike: "Actually, I need to run some errands and I want to call Archie and check up on him and Jack. So, please, go on ahead."

Spike leaves before Jay could respond. He heads over to Emma's room. He pauses…thinking of what he will say…or how he would react to seeing her hooked up to all of the monitors. But he finally decides to go in. He smiles as he looks at her…she looks so peaceful…like an angel. He walks over to her bedside to sit and talk to her.

Jay: "I'm so sorry you were hurt, Em. I love you so much and I would do anything to spare you this pain. God, I should have been with you the whole time we were there! I just…I need you Emma. You mean a lot to me…more than you will ever know. I just want you to open your beautiful brown eyes and tell me that you're fine…"


Nurse: "Jay is still with Emma."

Spike: "Ok, thank you."

Doctor: "Oh my God…"

Spike and Nurse: "What?"

Doctor: "Sorry ladies, I was just thinking aloud…but my goodness.."

Spike: "What is it doc?"

Doctor: "Sean's condition changed…for the better. We honestly didn't think he was going to make it; he had such a deep cut on his forehead which we thought it was deep enough to cause brain damage…it did scar some tissue…but he seems to be fine now. He just woke up."

Spike: "So Sean is going to be ok?"

Doctor: "Well, we're going to have a few more tests done to make sure the internal injuries aren't too bad. And his head should be fine within a month, two tops."

Spike: "My God…it's a miracle he's ok!"

Meanwhile, back in Emma's room

Jay: "Alright, well, I better tell you the whole story before I get too gushy and end up crying. You were driving drunk and you crashed into another car. You won't believe who was driving it…it was.."

Sean: "Me."

Jay turns around shocked to see Sean standing in the doorway.

Sean: "What? I don't get a 'Welcome Back' from my friend?"