It was a beautiful sunny autumn day at Alfea. School had started a few days ago and everything was going great. It was weird; the trix sisters were gone for good after the battle with Darkar. The winx girls had nothing to worry about anymore.

Bloom and Sky were practically inseparable over the summer and so were Stella and Brandon. Timmy and Tecna aren't shy around each other anymore. And Flora and Helia are officially together. Unfortunately not all of the winx girls have boyfriends; Layla and Musa are still single. She stood in dorm looking at herself in her mirror debating how she looked.

"Come on Musa!" yelled Stella

"The boys will be here soon and I want to see my snookums!" she yelled again

"Okay, I'll be out in a sec." she sighed as she looked her self over once more

"Okay, I look hot." She giggled looking at herself in the mirror as she wore hair down and goes passed her shoulders a bit and she's wearing her brand new tight cherry red mini dress with matching opened toe high heels

She opened her door and walked out in time to see their mouths hanging open

"You look great sweetie." Smiled Flora wearing a pink knee high dress with matching opened toe high heels

"Ya, but not as great as I do." Smiled Stella wearing a light orange thigh high dress with matching opened toe high heels

"Oh Stella." Sighed Bloom wearing a light blue knee dress with matching opened toe high heels

"By my calculations Riven won't be able to take his eyes off of you." Smiled Tecna wearing a light purple thigh high dress and matching knee high boots

"He'd better not." She thought happily

"I hate wearing dresses and he knows it." She thought madly pulling her dress down a bit

"Ya we all look great, now let's get going." Smiled Layla wearing a green knee high dress as she walked to the door

Outside Red Fountain

The guys were loading their ships to go to Alfea. They were all wearing their dress uniforms and of course two guys were carrying a chest for the Alfea girls.

"So Riven, tell us why you haven't gone out with Musa yet?" smiled Brandon

"Or better yet why haven't you even seen her?" asked Sky

"Have you even talked to her?" asked Timmy

Helia sighed, he knew what was coming.

"Its none of your business." He growled as they walked into the ship

Dude, she likes you and you like her. So why don't you ask her out?" sighed Sky

"Ya bro, you saved her when we were fighting Darkar. And if I'm not mistaken she kissed you." Smiled Brandon

"Why don't you guys worry more about your lives than mine?" he sighed annoyed

"We're trying to help." sighed Timmy

"Well I don't need help." He sighed as they walked off the ship and into Alfea

"Hey do you guys hear that?" asked Helia

"Hear what?" they asked confused


"That!" he yelled as they started running toward the crash