Since there's been a renewed interest in these stories, I thought I'd include this handy roster, so readers can familiarize themselves with the villains. The entries are written similar to the ones found in one of my favorite books Jeff Rovin's Encyclopedia of Super Villains. Please enjoy.

The Angry Red Herring

Real Name: Milton Roe

First Appearance: The Tick (animated series) episode #14 "The Little Wooden Boy and the Belly of Love."

Costume: Red bodysuit shaped like a fish (see Weapons); gray gloves; blue swim fins.

Weapons/Powers: Costume is covered with jelly, making him slippery and hard to grab; machine guns in eyes of costume.

Biography: An international jewel thief and fishmonger, Roe adopted his costumed identity to plunder the City. But he was quickly defeated by the Tick and spent many months in the local penitentiary. Eventually, he was freed by Hannibal Bean, and has served him ever since. While not the most effective villain, or the bravest, Roe's dedication to his boss make him a keeper.

Control Freak

First Appearance: Teen Titans episode #18 "Fear Itself"

Costume: Black overcoat with silver shoulders and patches on sleeves and front; brown pants, belt, boots, bandolier, and fingerless gloves; tan shirt and stockings.

Weapons/Powers: A remote control, which allows him to animate any object he chooses or control or travel through any electric device (i.e. a television).

Biography: Nothing is known of the origin of this peculiar villain, a portly nerd. His pursuit of wealth has brought him into contact with the superheroic Teen Titans, who have foiled him on two occasions. After a brief prison stint, he was recruited to join the Panda Team, and remained with that group till it disbanded following an altercation with the CIA. After that, Control Freak fell in with the Brotherhood of Evil, who gave him new equipment to destroy the Titans. Facing the Titans East instead, Freak was handily defeated and sent to prison. Eventually he was freed to join the Bean Brigade. Since several of his old Panda Team buddies are in the group, he feels right at home.

Ember McLane

First Appearance: Danny Phantom episode #11 "Fanning the Flames."

Costume: Black halter top, tights, left glove, right wristband, neckband, hairband; gray belt, boots with demon-like face on toes. Her skin is white, her hair a blue flame.

Weapons/Powers: Ember's guitar allows her to cast spells or attack. Different settings allow her to play music, make people fall in love with the first person they see, fire a wave of skull-shaped energy, a powerful green fist, or a wave that puts people under her control. In addition, Ember can fire purple blasts from her hands, and become intangible.

Biography: Nothing is known of the origin of this punk rocker ghost. A ghost that feeds off fan worship, Ember came to Amity Park to set up a concert that would allow her to conquer the world. To distract Danny Phantom, she made him fall in love with his friend Sam. Danny however defeated her, and sent her back to the Ghost Zone; a few months later, she returned with a new scheme accompanied by ghost pirate Youngblood. This plan too fell apart, and Ember has taken to attacking Danny both solo and with other ghosts. Her brash personality and defiance of authority wouldn't make her the first choice to join a group. But, she's good friends with the female members of the group and would gladly help them in a pinch. But don't cross her, or she's likely to attack allies as well as enemies.


First Appearance: The Batman episode #31 "RPM."

Costume: Black bodysuit with yellow chest, belly, waist, brown stripe down front, and yellow patch on left arm; yellow boots, left fingerless glove, cowl with black patch down front. His left hand, right arm & eye are robotic.

Weapons/Powers: Yellow armored car with claw, for grabbing loot, and turbo jets. Right arm allows him to interface with any vehicle and make it faster. Mini-missiles, fired from yellow patch on left arm, that use nanotechnology to take control of vehicles.

Biography: The mysterious Gearhead broke on to the scene at a Gotham City charity race. A thrillseeker, Gearhead only goes after targets that give him an adrenaline rush, and offer him a challenge. His initial confrontation with the Batman damaged the Batmobile, but a newer, faster version was built and Gearhead defeated. He spent some time in Arkham, till the Brigade traveled back into the past to recruit him. Gearhead loves his new job, since it provides him with continued excitement. He's best friends with fellow member Motor Ed, and the two often work together on cars.

Hannibal Roy Bean

First Appearance: Xiaolin Showdown episode #42 "the Life and Times of Hannibal Roy Bean"

Costume: None, Hannibal is simply a small, brown bean.

Weapons/Powers: The Moby Morpher, a Shen Gong Wu that allows Bean to transform himself or others, into whomever he wishes. Through unknown means, it also allows him to increase in size. On occasion, Bean also wears a mechanized suit of armor, equipped with hand blasters.

Chief Henchman: The Yin Yang Bird, a black & gray colored bird, which occasionally serves as a means of conveyance.

Biography: Hannibal Bean has been around for years, causing evil wherever he goes. It was he who turned Chase Young evil by preying on his desires to become the greatest warrior ever. However, Chase ultimately turned on his benefactor, sealing him in the Yin Yang world. Inadvertently freed by the Xiaolin Dragons, Bean has resumed his goals of world conquest, while also attempting to destroy Chase and the Dragons. Despite his small stature, Bean is a diabolical genius, and quite proficient in martial arts. It is his hope that his newly formed Bean Brigade will bring him one step closer to either of his goals.

Motor Ed

Real Name: Eddie Lipsky

First Appearance: Kim Possible episode # 41 "Motor Ed."

Costume: Blue tank top; gray pants; black gloves, shoes, belt with gold buckle. Blue "ED" tattoo on left arm.

Weapons/Powers: Large, destructive monster truck. Grease gun, crowbar, wrench, and other repair tools.

Chief Henchmen: Chops, his miniature "main bro" who wears a light green shirt, dark green pants, black gloves, and brown shoes, belt, and bandolier; assorted nameless thugs in green outfits.

Biography: Despite his grunge rock appearance, Ed was once a great engineer. However, the scientific firm he worked for wanted him to cut his mullet hairdo, and he promptly quit. Since then, he has dedicated his mechanical skills to creating the perfect monster truck for random destruction. He has had two runs-ins with teen hero Kim Possible, one of which involved his cousin, Dr. Drakken. His mechanical skills were an asset to the Panda Team, although his overuse of "seriously" and his air guitar annoyed his cohorts to no end. After the Panda Team disbanded, Ed battled Kim Possible some more times, then was recruited to join the Bean Brigade. Ed has quickly established a friendship with car villain Gearhead, and the two often work together on vehicles and weapons.

The Ottoman Empress

First Appearance: The Tick (the animated series) episode #20 "Evil Sits Down for a Moment"

Costume: Red jacket with brown drawer designs down front; white tights, gloves, boots; yellow cape with high square collar, tassels, and purple lining.

Weapons/Powers: Through unknown means, the Ottoman can animate furniture. Once animated, the furniture will do her bidding until it is defeated or called back.

Biography: Little is known of the origin of this villain, save that she grew up lonely, with no friends or pets, just furniture ("till the age of 13, I thought I was a coffee table" she recounts). Coming to the City to gather a furniture army with which to enslave it, she becomes smitten with local hero Die Fledermaus. When he rejects her advances, she tries to kill him, but is defeated by the Tick and his allies. Put in the World's Most Comfortable Chair, the Ottoman gives up her life of crime, and settles down as a furniture salesperson. But Hannibal Bean tracked her down and rekindled her fire for evil, restoring her to villain status again. Ottoman views herself as a mentor of sorts to the younger female members of the group, and often tries to get them to learn her way of doing things.


Real Name: Heavy C (only name known)

First Appearance: Static Shock episode #9 "Winds of Change."

Costume: White short-sleeved shirt; gray metal visor, breastplate with pink tornado insignia on circular purple field; purple shoulder pads, studded wristbands, kneepads, tennis shoes with white lining; pink shin guards, terrycloth cape; light blue pants; blue hat; black belt.

Biography: The future villain was once a portly bully, who used his size and strength to intimidate others. After the infamous "Big Bang" occurred in his hometown of Dakota, he developed the power to control wind. He can use it to fly, fire concentrated tornadoes at foes, create gale force storms, or pick up objects. He wreaked havoc on Dakota and clashed with their resident hero Static, but ended up in prison. There he remained, until he was sprung from jail to serve as a member of Pandabubba's new group. Slipstream served with the Panda Team till they disbanded, then returned to Dakota to battle Static. Eventually, Bean came calling, and the rest is history.


First Appearance: The Batman episode #27 "Batgirl Begins, pt. 1"

Costume: Brown overcoat; black trousers, shoes, belt, sunglasses; gray shirt; silver metal gauntlets (see Weapons).

Weapons/Powers: Temblor's gauntlets allow him to create tremors; the power of these tremors depends on the amount of power set by the dials on the gauntlets.

Biography: A mercenary for hire, Temblor will commit acts of industrial sabotage, provided he is paid his standard fee. Upon his first appearance in Gotham, the villain was recruited by a mysterious individual to destroy several chemical plants. Eventually, Temblor discovered his employer was college student Pamela Isley, and tried to destroy her for being unable to pay him. Batman stepped in and saved the day, although Pamela later became the villainess Poison Ivy. Temblor did time in Arkham Asylum, till he and Gearhead were freed by a time travelling Bean Brigade. Temblor is a very ruthless and cruel individual, and has no problem doing whatever scheme Bean asks him to, so long as he gets paid.

Weather Vane

Real Name: Paula Hayes

First Appearance: Loonatics Unleashed episode #4 "Weathering Heights."

Costume: Black dress with white stripe down front and back, terminating into two lightning bolts at the bottom. The villain also has blue skin and gray hair.

Weapons/Powers: Besides being able to control the weather, Weather Vane can create objects from it, such as cloud creatures, or a giant storm dragon.

Biography: Paula was the long-suffering assistant to egotistical weather reporter Misty Breeze. When Misty was unable to deliver her weather report, Paula stepped in, only to be struck by lightning. That lightning transformed her into Weather Vane, and she dedicated her newfound powers to destroying Acmetropolis, unless Misty was handed over to her. The Loonatics defeated her, and her evil storm dragon, and she went into hiding. When the Bean Brigade visited the future, they helped her fight the Loonatics, and in thanks, she joined them. WV is good friends with fellow young female member Ember (they call each other Em and 'Vane, respectively). Likewise, she occasionally works in tandem with Slipstream.