As soon as Malica had disappeared after Cyra, Dagger pushed her way through the crowd. She finally reached the middle of the square. She looked around for a moment before seeing what she was looking for.


He was lying face down in the snow, his back slick with blood. She rushed over to him. As gently as she could, she rolled him over. He was limp and cold; the snow beneath him was crimson; his chest was bleeding profusely. She pulled him into her lap and touched her fingers to his throat where she had seen Cyra catch him. There were five very acute marks on his throat.

She nearly sung when she felt a pulse; it was very very faint, however. He wasn't breathing. No Zidane! she pleaded inaudibly. Don't die now…

"Steiner?" she asked, her voice breaking with the pain she was feeling in her heart. He marched over to her. She pointed down to Zidane with soft tears forming in her eyes. Steiner nodded and gently picked Zidane up. He was very, very limp in his grasp.


Cyra ran through the woods, Malica ever at her heals. At length, Cyra turned and the two of them exploded into the same battle as before.

Eventually, Cyra had gotten the upper-hand, and had her sister beneath her, flat against the ground. "You know that as soon as I'm done with you," Cyra roared, "You will have given me Zidane and Dagger?" Malica lifted her head and kicked Cyra hard, before meeting her full into battle.

"Tell me," Malica said, as they continued to battle, "Did you request Zidane or did Garland simply give him to you?" Cyra hesitated. "What do you mean?" she asked, stopping and facing Malica across an imaginary battlefield with about ten feet between them, leaning back into a battle ready stance, just as her sister did. Neither one wanted to be caught off-guard should the other decide to attack, but were taking a small break, the both of them tired enough not to waste energy on fighting too hard.

"I mean exactly what I asked," Malica said. Cyra relaxed, only a little, as did Malica. Make no mistake, though, both were ready to explode into battle once more should the circumstances require it.

"He was given to me," Cyra said, with a small smile flickering across her lips, "'Angel of Death'. I liked it, and I was amazed that Garland could create something like that. That was, of course, before I learned that Zidane was only here to ultimately take over Gaia,"

"And so you broke him," Malica asked.

"Yes. It didn't take much, I'm afraid." Cyra laughed.

"But enough about him," Cyra said, flicking her tail, "How about us? Won't it look simply great if I take over as queen and get my hands back on your precious Zidane?"

The battle began again, this time more intense.


Dagger followed Steiner as he brought Zidane into the infirmary and laid him down upon the bed. She was relieved to see that Zidane, somehow, was breathing once more. He was still very limp and very still. She leaned forward to touch his face. Though it was cold, it still had a small amount of warmth to it.

"Dagger?" a voice asked. Dagger turned. The doctor was standing in the doorway, with something of a soft smile on his face. "You're going to have to leave, for now." He said. Dagger nodded. She turned and on her way out the door, "I prescribe bed rest for you, Your Majesty," the doctor said. Dagger couldn't think of anything she'd rather do, other than be with Zidane.

Dagger slipped into bed and tried to overcome the curious feeling of loneliness that encompassed her. For the past two nights she had had Zidane next to her; tonight she felt alone. She spent the next few minutes trying to get to sleep.


That night, she rolled over and woke up. She had to see Zidane, even if was only to see him sleep. She stood up and slipped on her robe.

As she came to the infirmary, she pushed the door open slowly and quietly. She gasped.

The light of the stars and the moons shone down upon Zidane, giving him a slight halo. Some Angel of Death, Dagger thought. He was awake, his gaze upon the ceiling. He hadn't noticed her.

A shriek, soft, but at the same time, unmistakable, shot though the air. Zidane burst up and forced himself to his feet, but was brought down by a wave of exhaustion. He fell to the ground.

Once more, Dagger was struck with helplessness as she watched a cat-like shape descend down upon him. She couldn't help the pang of panic that struck her hard.

The shape was illuminated black as it descended upon Zidane's prostrate form. Dagger could hardly contain herself. Malica is dead, she thought in despair. Unable to suppress it any longer, Dagger screamed. The cat looked up.

The cat's eyes, however, were a soft and caring blue color, not the heartless yellow-green. Pricking her ears, the black animal leaned forward to Zidane. He whimpered.

"Oh, now, hush…it's only me…" she whispered. "Malica?" he asked hopefully. She purred.

Dagger pushed open the door and ran over to them. Malica was coated in dirt and dried blood. She was a mess, but no one could have looked more beautiful.

Malica lay down beside Zidane. He leaned against her, laying his head upon her chest. She laid her wings down upon him protectively.

"Then Cyra is…" Dagger asked, looking up into Malica's deep blue eyes. Malica heaved a deep and heavy sigh.

"Yes. Cyra is dead. She won't ever hurt you again," Malica said, nuzzling Zidane beneath her wings. She lay her head down upon the ground. Dagger touched Malica's forehead, where a long gash ran across. The cat's body was covered in various cuts likewise, each one still bleeding. Her ears flicked back and she closed her eyes. Her breathing was slow and shallow.

"Malica?" Dagger asked. Malica opened her eyes very slowly. "Are you in pain? Is there anything I can do to help you?" Malica shook her head. "I'll be alright," she whispered.

Zidane pushed her wing back and sat up. He stared at Dagger for a moment; she couldn't quite read the expression on his face.

"What wrong?" she asked turning towards him. "Nothing," Zidane whispered, "You're perfect."

Dagger blushed slightly. Zidane stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out the small black velvet box. Dagger's hands went to her mouth. "You kept it?" she asked, "Though all that you went through?" He nodded.

"I love you, Dagger," was his only reply, "And I want you to be my wife."

She met his bright blue-green eyes. They stared imploringly at her, afraid of rejection, but willing to risk it.

"I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend the rest of my life with," she whispered, leaning forward and planting a kiss on Zidane's lips. She drew the ring from the small box and placed it on her finger. She looked up at Zidane and smiled. He had a bashful, half astonished look on his face. Dagger leaned forward and gave him a passionate kiss; Zidane relaxed into it.

When they finally broke the kiss, Zidane turned away. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I never meant for you to go through all of that." He felt her hand slip under his chin and force him to look at her.

"Zidane?" she asked. He raised his eyebrows. "Shut up." Before he could ask, she gave him another passionate kiss.


About a month later, Zidane and Dagger climbed into bed with one another for the first time since they were at Malica's house. He had been kept under such a close watch by the doctor and his nurses that Dagger had hardly gotten to see him all that much. She was very excited to be with him, and even more excited to spend the night with him.

Dagger cuddled in next to Zidane, wearing naught but a thin silk gown. He held her body close to his, purring in her ear, his tail lightly flicking against her. Oh, how she rejoiced at the feel of his touch! She leaned back and kissed his face, gently, planting tiny kisses all the way from his cheek to his lips, where she lingered. Zidane moaned softly, then pulled her under the covers next to him.

A/N: So what did you think? I've got a sequel in the works now, simply called Crystal Tears II. Here's the run-through: Cyra has a daughter, and Zidane is promised to her. Is this daughter anything like Cyra? What will she do with him? What happened to Zidane all those years ago, in Cyra's keep? Read and find out!