Okay people. This is my first attempt at fanfiction. Please, don't, I repeat, DON'T be kind with your reviews! But I want constructive criticism (Don't say, "It was horrible. I don't want to read it." Instead go for: "It was horrible the way you wrote it. I wish there was more detail. I think it would have been better if you had written it in the first-person" etc.)


Disclaimer: I don't own it. Squaresoft does. I wrote it. Squaresoft didn't. I don't send lawyers to Squaresoft's doorstep. Please don't send them to mine.


Zidane Tribal and Queen Garnet stepped out into the cool autumn air, and smiled at each other. Dagger picked up the basket, and Zidane picked up the blanket and they set out for their picnic.

But little did they know that someone else was watching them. She followed them out to the outskirts of Alexandria, watching as they spread the blanket out in the field behind the city.

Zidane ate slowly, stealing glances at Dagger every once in a while, just out the corner of his eye. My God, she's gorgeous, he thought, resisting the urge to lean over and kiss her. He relaxed a little as they continued to eat.

At length, Dagger was done, and laid down upon the blanket, soaking up the last warm rays from the sun. He watched as she closed her eyes and smiled at the sun, which seemed to be smiling back down upon her.

Slowly and as quietly as possible, he moved over to her, so as not to wake her. He gazed down upon her, and wondered if he'd ever felt this way towards anyone before. He watched her rest for a moment.

"What is it?" Dagger asked, making Zidane jump slightly. "I thought you were asleep…" he whispered. Dagger's chocolate brown eyes fluttered open and she smiled as she sat up. Zidane stared at her for a moment, before changing the subject.

"It's nice to get out of the castle, isn't it?" he asked. She laughed softly. "Yes, I suppose it is. If there is anything that makes me tense, it's being cooped up there all day and all night. It's nice to get out every once in a while." She leaned over and kissed Zidane's cheek, making him blush lightly. "Happy birthday." She whispered. And it was, for she had managed only to get the both of them out of the castle for his 18th birthday.

"But, the funny thing is," Zidane whispered, putting his hand in his pocket, "I have a gift for you." Dagger blinked at him for a moment as he extracted a tiny black velvet box from his pocket. He held it out to her.

She was about to take it when something knocked Zidane to the ground. She pulled back, looking up as a large black cat swooped down from the sky and picked Zidane up in her jaws. Dagger screamed as the beast soared up quite a few feet before dropping Zidane. He hit the ground hard, but bounced up, ready for battle. To Dagger's surprise, the beast laughed.

"Have you forgotten already, Zidane?" Zidane let his weapon drop to the ground in realization.

"Cyra?" he asked, staring at the cat as she pulled her great paw back and struck him hard, landing him on the ground with a sharp groan. "I'll be back for you in three weeks." She said. The beast struck him hard in the chest with her back paw, before picking up her bat-like wings and flapping away, in much the same way she had come.

Dagger was motionless. She looked down at the tiny black box with lay open, the once pristine golden ring splattered with Zidane's blood. She looked up at Zidane, who lay motionless on the ground.

She ran over to him. He was panting softly, but it was labored. Dagger touched his face. "I'll go for help," she said in a panicked whisper.

She ran off as fast as her feet could carry her.