Moment's Change

Summary: AU-What if Hisoka actually escaped Muraki during that night? What if he ended up in Kyoto at Kokakuro? Pairings: Oriya/Hisoka, some Muraki/Hisoka shounen-ai and yaoi

A/N: I'm trying to get rid of my writer's block for Alternate Universe and the others but I can't seem to get past it. But then another story came up in my head. I was kinda tired with the Tsuzuki/Hisoka or Muraki/Tsuzuki, NO OFFENSE! I like those pairings too but it sometimes loses interest after a while. Oh I don't know if Kamakura is near Kyoto at all so don't get all psycho on me about that. Anyways enjoy!

Disclaimers: Don't own characters, don't sue! Salamat! (Thank you)

Subdivision 1



The thirteen year old clamped his hands over his ears. He couldn't stand their thoughts or voices. He could always hear them down here in his white cell. Though he knew that he should've been use to them by now, it still didn't mean that it didn't hurt. He could hear thoughts and feel emotions from upstairs. He couldn't take it. So he curled up, hoping to lose himself in his 'own' thoughts.

He thought back to happy memories, which were few in number, but nonetheless calmed his hypersensitivity to the outside world. He smiled a little to these memories when his mother cherished him, his father strict, yet caring, and the maids weren't afraid of him.

They could only be happy for so long.

The memories shattered as he felt fear, hate, and, worst of all, their abhorrent thoughts. The confined thirteen-year-old felt the prickly sting at the back of his eyes but they didn't flow. The tears didn't fall; he couldn't cry. It just made his chest hurt. He chocked violently.

God, he hated this. All he wanted to do was just sleep. These insomniac nights are affecting him. It made his mind wander to things he didn't want to think about.

He glanced at the small bar shut window. At least they gave him something to look forward to. Thinking that a nice midnight stroll would do him some good, he walked out. They didn't strictly keep him imprisoned but he only had some freedoms. He didn't mind them.

The thirteen-year-old sighed as he breathed in the midnight air of Kamakura. His place was remote but he was grateful for it wasn't a busy city. His green eyes looked at the sky. There was a full moon, but something was off about it. The moon was red, blood red.

He shrugged off the feeling and went to continue his stroll. He walked up the hill. Maybe, he figured, he could sit under the sakura. It was beautifully bloomed this time of year. He pulled his kimono closer to himself as a strong cold breeze flown by. It seemed to increase as he walked further up the hill.

When he reached the top, he paused in step. Two people were already occupying the place. His surroundings began to change.

The landscape was encased in a red hue; the man and woman were in a close embrace…but was that a…knife? His green eyes widened as the man in white stabbed the woman, killing her instantly. He was in shock that he didn't notice the killer had seen him.

He came to his senses as he sensed the man coming closer. He felt the man's emotions: deep darkness and…lust…

His mind told him: Run…run…run!

His body moved on its own and dashed away from the killer. He quickly ran as a fast as he could. He didn't care where he was going because the man was a few strides behind him. It was only time before the killer would catch up. He couldn't run back to the house, they might kill the people living there. Though he harbored hatred for his parents, didn't mean he was that cruel.

The green-eyed boy kept running and running. He could feel the murderer near him, just behind. He had to run to a city. People would be there. He despised cities but they were his only chance to save him from what was about to happen to him. He ran for his life, dodging the murderer's reaching hands that intended to hurt him.

He ran through trees, dodging low branches and ground, upward roots. He was beginning to get tired and he hoped that he could find a city soon. The killer was still chasing him.

A thunderous sound filled the air. The boy glanced at the sky, still running, noticing that it was about to rain. He hated rainy days. It weakened him with feverous days and nights. His body was susceptible to sickness. He felt the coolness of the water touch his cheek. And soon it was a heavy downpour. Despite the rain he didn't give up and continued running.

He almost lost all hope until he spotted a city. People were walking by. He mentally sighed in relief. He just hoped that he could make it there before the killer grabbed him.

Suddenly he felt the killer slow down a little. Maybe the killer was tired? Or he was closer to civilization? His green eyes looked up and saw the city in front of him. He started to slow down his pace and began to walk at a normal pace. He looked behind him briefly to see that the killer didn't follow him.

He momentarily stopped and took deep breaths to calm himself. He was aware of peoples' stares but he didn't pay them any mind. After he got himself to breathe normally, he continued to walk. The rain hadn't subdued. He was going to get a fever. But where would he stay? He had no money and he didn't want people to discover his family name incase they call his parents. He was afraid of what they were going to do to him.

He paused in step as his legs started to feel numb. He was cold and his clothes were soaked. He was starting to become dizzy as his vision started to blur and everything was shut down. His body was going to collapse any second. He wanted to find a roof first. He staggered a few steps more before his body finally gave up and he fell in unconsciousness on the stone concrete.

Footsteps reached his figure on the ground. The passerby gasped in surprise before picking up his unconscious figure before taking him inside the place he landed in front of. It just happened to be where she had to go back. She was surprised that the boy was so light as if he'd fly away like paper any second. Shrugging out of her thoughts she called for her boss.



BLK Angel of Destruction: There, all in one night and its only midnight. I really have insomnia problems, there are times I don't sleep for days. Anyways I hope you enjoy! I suck at writing introductions! Oh and… Don't get psycho on me about my other stories for I will get to them and I don't know if Kamakura is even near Kyoto so don't get crazy on me for that too.

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