A/N: Thanks to all of you who reviewed! Wow! That's awesome! I hope that you'll like this story because I know that I already do. And I do apologize ahead of time if this chapter is really hard to follow because I have a feeling that it will be…sorry. And since I hadn't included him in it previously, Leo is in that whole 'frozen' aspect of his life right now, for the story's sake. I had such a good mojo and I don't know what happened…any help you guys can give would be great!


Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed…blah blah blah…. You know the drill.

Gidgetgirl: If you do decide to read this more, I'm glad because you will see this. I do apologize for the way I responded and I realize that I made a huge fool out of myself. I see that you are trying to help and I need to get over myself and start taking that help. I really am sorry for the way I treated you and I do hope that you'll read this story. I hope you can see that I have seen that I was a complete idiot and mistook a chance to be mean for what was actually a blessing. I really am sincerely sorry and can't apologize enough.

'chuffy-barmed-oc': Lol, thanks. I thought about that for a while actually. It had to take me some time but I did it. Just another P and it sounded better than Peony or Paloma… Plus, I think I actually like it. Yes, I love Wyatt so much and I had to figure a way for him and Chris to be a part of it…I don't know exactly where this whole thing is going to go so any help from you guys would help a lot, and right now I'm in extremely happy mood because I'm listening to this really great song and I'm all like "Woo! Yeah!" And the whole thing with Paige, I love Paige and I just wanted one of them to not be okay with the whole "Billie is Prue's daughter" thing and it was the only reasonable way I could do it…

debbydo0dles45: Yea, both of my dogs sniff cheese out of nowhere and I'm like "You dogs are really weird!"

Littlefirecracker: Well, thanks but I am sorry that it took me so long to update, I'm just not quite sure where to go with it all. And I wanted to bring Wyatt and Chris's little sister and cousins back but it would be too much like my other story but if you all want me to, I will.

Gorgeous Nick Stokes: I was so sad, I cried like a baby for the whole episode! I was devastated and completely torn…It made me sad but hey, at least I can still write about him! Oh yeah!

Jaydat: Yea! He's in it! He is so awesome! And he doesn't like it all to much, of course, it's only natural for him to still be mad at Leo, and as much as I would have loved a 2,000 word review, I think I would have given up on reading it after the first 500 words! Lol. But, it's great to know that other people are random too. "Random is not a fashion statement, it's a lifestyle!"-me!

Chapter Four: Headaches and Timeportals

"So you know who I am?" Chris asked, his brow furrowed. He hadn't been here for too long but so far, he was already confused.

"Of course I know who you are, you came back to stop Wyatt from turning evil. But then you…" Piper frowned. Somehow, she could feel a headache coming on.

"I did? Wow, there's a lot I don't know about myself. So it looks like I didn't do a very good job."

"No," Piper said, reflection in her eyes. She was thinking back to the time where she was in the hospital and had found out what had happened to him. "You did stop him. Well, as far as we knew. Wait I'm confused."

"He's still evil," Billie said, trying to shed some light on the situation. "Or he's evil again. He said something about 'changing him but not being able to change the actions of others.'" Billie really didn't want to tell Piper that she was killed by the one person who had loved her through every one of their problems. She looked over at Chris who looked very straight and sober. She knew that he was remembering the first time he found out what had really happened. Somehow she knew that he wouldn't say anything to Piper, he would rather fix the problem than dwell on it.

"Wait, Wyatt's back here?" she asked with a look of worry.

Billie and Chris nodded. "He was the one who kidnapped me when I was talking with Pr…um…my mom and dad."

Piper looked lost in thought when Phoebe came into the room. "Billie! You're okay. So glad…Wait…Chris? Never mind. Well…Um," she said with one of her patent 'Phoebe's done something that she's trying to cover up' smiles. "I may have done something bad or it could be something good."

"What did you do now?" Piper asked in her older sister tone.

"I um…I gave Paige a sleeping potion," she said looking down at the floor.

"Good, better you do that than me blow her up. I mean, I don't know what is up with her lately. I mean she is just being completely unreasonable with this whole thing."

"What whole thing?" Billie asked. Even though, she knew the answer, she just needed to make sure.

"With accepting that you're our niece," Phoebe said rather quietly.

"That's because Wyatt put a spell on her," Billie and Chris said together.

"Wow, so what? Are you two like psychically linked now or something?" Piper asked sarcastically.

"Well, actually, yea," Chris said before Piper put her hand to silence him.

"Wyatt?" Phoebe asked.

"Never mind, I'll explain later," she said irritably. She turned back to Billie and Chris "It was a rhetorical question. What we need to do now is get him back into the future. You too," she said looking at Chris.

"Actually, that might be a small problem," he said looking down at the floor.

"Why!" Phoebe and Piper said at once. "Great so the ruler of all evil is in our world and we can't stop him. How could this day get any better? What happened to my little, cute, adoring nephew?" Phoebe asked, running her hands over her face.

"It wasn't what happened to him," Billie muttered, staring at her shoes. Chris hit her in the arm.

"Shut up!" Chris ushered quietly. "Don't…please don't."

"Alright you two, what's going on?" Piper demanded. She didn't like the fact that they were bickering about something that could possibly involve her or anyone else she cared about.

"Nothing Piper," Billie assured her. "It's just a little problem with…um…a spell. Yea, a spell, an um…cloaking spell."

"What cloaking spell?"

"The one I used to keep Wyatt from finding us here," Chris replied. "I'm going to need protection crystals and I'm probably going to have to keep saying it until we figure out what we're going to do." Chris was now fairly good at covering, especially since he had to do it so much when Pate, Phaith or Prue messed up. He had put his life on the line so many times but didn't care, as long as they were still alive.

"God, just hearing the words 'cloaking' and 'spell' in the same sentence make me feel like I'm in a Harry Potter movie," Phoebe said with a stupid smile.

"Better than Pirates of the Caribbean," Piper reminded her with a smirk. "I swear, our lives just come off of movie scripts, don't they?" She let out a small laugh as Phoebe nodded.

"Okay, back to the current problem of Wyatt finding us," Billie said, butting in.

"Right," Phoebe said, walking up to the podium. She opened the Book of Shadows and began to flip through it, searching for anything that could help them. She had no clue what was going on but she knew that Chris was back and normally, when people come back from the future, in any case, it usually never a good thing.

"We're going to go look for him and figure out something. Get some crystals ready and we'll trap him and bring him back here and keep him in a crystal cage." Chris held his hand out for Billie so that they could orb but frowned when she was hesitant to take it. "What is it?" he asked.

Billie stood quiet for a few moments where all the eyes in the attic were locked on her. She looked up at Piper and then looked over to Phoebe, whose eyes told her that it would be okay. She sighed and closed her eyes briefly. "All of this…from the witchcraft to my mom…to time travel. All of it is just so confusing and I don't know how to deal with all of it. I just need some time…" Billie turned and walked out of the attic. Phoebe began to follow her but Piper shook her head.

"Don't," she said softly. "Just let her go. If she needs help, Chris, you can sense her, right?" Chris nodded. "Then if Wyatt or someone else gets to her, then we'll go, but for now, she just needs to be alone. All of this stuff is coming at her at such a fast speed, she doesn't know how handle it and get a grasp on things. I think that we can help her but we just need to let her have her space and let her sort through what all is going on."

Phoebe nodded as she continued to look through the Book, until she found the cloaking spell. "Here it is," she said. Piper came over to her side. "It's not a Power of Three spell so we should be able to take care of it ourselves. As long as we can prevent what happened last time." Phoebe's eyes turned soft as she looked from Piper to Chris. She wanted to say 'We can't lose him again' but didn't. She didn't want Chris to know what had happened to him the last time he tried a good deed.

"Well, you guys cloak the house or something and I'll go look for him. Well, at least cloak our presence and if you can, figure out someway to keep Billie safe, without her, the future will be worse than it already is." He looked at his mom and aunt and orbed out.

"Than it already is?" Piper said, he voice shaking. "Am I a bad parent? I mean, I don't know when we get Leo back and I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I mean, I have to raise these two boys all by myself…"

"No honey, you don't. Paige and I are here and you know that we would die for those boys because we are a family, as odd of one as we are, but we are still one and nothing will change that." Phoebe put her arm over Piper's shoulder and rested her head against Piper's. "It'll be okay. We will fix this, no matter what."

"I just hope you're right Phoebs." She looked down at the Book. It was open to the page describing Whitelighters. "I have an idea to protect Billie."

"What?" Phoebe asked.

"An…" But before Piper could reply, a time portal opened up in front of them.

Okay, so how do you all want me to do this? It's your choice: Would you rather see the future's Power of Three come back (Prue, Patience and Phaith) or would you rather just have it be Wyatt's magic but it's not quite strong enough to do what he wants it to do… well I'm leaving it all up to you so don't disappoint me! Onemorewordhahaididit2,000words!