Disclaimer: Xiaolin Showdown does not belong to me. I remembered, thanks to starvoidangel.


He was saved, walking the Xiaolin path once more as it should always be. The darkness was vanished from his unwilling body and mind, but he was grateful in the end…they saved him…

The black-haired spitfire with ocean hued gems; cleansing him with her warm red fire.

The fair-headed rock of clear sky eyes; the sturdy calming earth soothing his misplaced fears.

The brown-haired breeze that had emerald eyes; cheering him up with light-hearted winds.

They reached out to his caged soul and he did not want to respond for he was enchanted. No, not by a clever spell or bubbling potion, but a dragon of fierce eagle eyes. The dragon had called out to him in velvet covered steel; dripping honeyed venoms into unwilling…willing ears and summoning his bubbly water to his thorny cage in raspy tones.

He responded; drank in the velvet voice and absorbed his sweet toxin with ready fervor. Accepted him with unmasked certainty into the budding darkness of his soul, smiled secretly at the black vapors within and knew he was ensnared.

But they saved him, believing that their innocent dragon wanted to be saved and was frightened beyond words. That he needed them like he was did, and that they were not too late to redeem his soul.

Too late, the dragon had wrapped his tail around him whilst whispering delicious promises in his ears; tasted his light flavor and seeping poison into his depths. He was his, just like he wanted.

But he couldn't let them know that after all the trouble they had been through…

Masking his fiendish grin with a grateful smile, hiding his wicked intentions with sugary innocence and beaming at them was the way he greeted them. He went along with the elements, fought flawlessly and defeated the evil dragon while retching inside.

He was saved at last…really, he was. Really.

Now the golden-eyed dragon is silent, no longer singing his raspy song, not pouring wicked thoughts into his dreams…he was just silent…It upset him, it angered him and it baffled him that he no longer paid attention to him.

He was saved, but it didn't stop him from hoping to be saved.

Oh! He could hear it, the dragon's steel covered velvet voice as he closed his eyes. He could see those bronze painted eyes staring at him intently and those poisonous lips smirking.

He was saved…oh, how saved he was…