Disclaimer: Naruto so does not belong to me...

Written for the October AU prompt "Thus with a kisse I die" from the 31days livejournal community. I have other drabbles/oneshots for this community on my lj that I probably won't be posting here so if you're interested in reading them, I have the link up on my profile.

Written in the Stars
by: Hime

Sometimes when Hinata looks at Neji, she thinks that she may love him more than what is respectable considering her station in life as a member of the branch family. Sometimes when she looks at Neji, she thinks that she loves him far too inappropriately, considering he is her first cousin. Every time he smiles at her, she doesn't care.

Sometime when Hinata sees her Uncle, she shakes in anger, though people have confused this with timidity. Never does she correct this line of thinking. Sometimes when she sees her Uncle, she can almost feel her heart stop for a moment before it begins to beat again, pumping the colorless poison of hate throughout her system. Every time she sees her Uncle training her cousin, she wants to hurt him.

She knows how.

She knows that her cousin is the light of her uncle's life, the pride of the family. His technique is almost flawless and soon he will be inducted into the secrets of their clan. He is the prodigy that will lead the Hyuga family to a time of even greater prominence within their village.

So Hinata reads books on medical herbs and plants and the main house encourages her studies. How fine, they say to each other, that their Neji will have his very own medic to look after him for the rest of his life. She has become quite skilled in making the medicinal salve that heals her cousin so well that hardly a trace of a scar is left. She is now required to be in his presence whenever possible and sits right beside him during meals.

She is almost fourteen when he kisses her as she leans forward to place the delicate cup that only the head or heir of the main house may drink from before him. That night, she lies in his bed beside him and urges him to drink his tea; after all she has made it especially for him. After he has taken his fill, she drains the rest, her lips on the spot his had touched just moments before. Minutes later, as the world fades to black, she embraces his limp body closer to hers and smiles.
we are star-crossed lovers

Author's Notes:

Yep, in this world Hinata is born to the Branch family and also it is her father that dies for Neji's. And yes, just to be clear, she poisoned Neji's tea at the end of the story.

Oh, and as for Hinata's age—Juliet was also the same age in the play.