DISCLAIMER: I know I didn't put one on the 1st chapter so here it is…I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, nor do I own Inuyasha. There I think that covers everything…Here is the next chapter.

"Umm…guys. I don't think we are in Japan anymore." Kagome stated as she looked up at four new faces.

"I don't believe it! It worked!" Ron exclaimed.

"Of course it did Ron what did you expect? A poof of smoke like all of your's do?" Hermione spat at him.

"Well this is just great we haven't any idea of where we are?" Sango said kind of worried. "Is this where you live Kagome?"

"No! I haven't a clue where we are!"

"Dam! This is just great! We were just about to kick Naraku's ass!" Inuyasha growled.

"Bloody hell! Who are you? And…what are you?" Ron asked looking dumbfounded and looking straight at Inuyasha.

"Hi! I'm Kagome! Who are you? And where are we? Kagome asked.

"I'm Hermione. And this is Ron and Harry." Hermione stated excitedly. "And you're at Hogwarts School of witch craft and wizardry."

"What type of name is Hairy? You don't even have that much hair!" Inuyasha asked stupidly.

"It's a perfectly good English name, for the most famous wizard in the world!" Ron exclaimed.

"Ma'am, would you mind bearing my children?" Miroku asked Ms. Kiva.


"Miroku you don't even know her! And she's from a different world! How could she bear your children when you live in different worlds?" Sango yelled at Miroku with a bright red face.

Mean while Miroku hade a puzzled expression on his faces and sported a bright red impression of Sango's hand on his right cheek.

"How did we get here is what I want to know! And what were going to do to get back to Japan to stop Naraku." Inuyasha wondered.

"I have brought you here. You see I am a descendent of Sango and Miroku. They are my great great great great great great great great great…"

"O.K. we get it!" Inuyasha barked.

"Hold on I have two more to go. Great great Grandparents. I have been told so much about you. This is why when I got my letter to become a witch that I jumped at the chance. Because I knew that one day I would meet you both…"

"This is crazy…" Inuyasha growled.

"I'm not crazy! I just wanted to meet my great great great..."

"We get the dam picture!" Inuyasha growled. Getting a little impatient.

"Fine Grandparents. This is what I've wished for ever sense I was little. And it finally happened." Ms. Kiva stated looking extremely happy with herself.

"She's a nut! We always get the nuts as our teachers! WHY?" Ron wondered aloud.

"She is not a nut Ron she is our teacher and a great one at that!" Hermione yelled at Ron.

"This is just plane crazy that's what I think. What are we going to do with them know that they're here?" Hairy I mean Harry asked.

"Well I guess we could send them back." Ms. Kiva said sounding a little upset by the whole idea.

"Well then let's do it before anyone finds out what's happened." Ron said.

"Tiempo Fortuita Completa!" Ms. Kiva said with a tear in her eye.

There was a great big puff of smoke and they were gone.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione started for the door.


The three of them turned around and there in front of them where Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, a little thing that looked like a fox, and a little animal with two fluffy tails.

"OH NO!" Hermione said with a tone of terror in her voice.

"What are they doing back here?" Ron asked, with his jaw hanging open for all to see.

"They were here to long now they can't go back!" Hermione said.

"This can't be happening!" Harry exclaimed with a look of terror growing upon his face.

"You mean to say were stuck here… forever!" Inuyasha said looking horrified at the mere thought of having to stay.

"Well….in a way yes. But we will do everything we can to get you home as soon as possible." Hermione pointed out.


Sorry but I hade to end it somewhere. And this is as good a place as any. So stay tuned in for the next chapter.