K: Hey people!
Angry Mob: chucks random blunt objects at Ko's head
K: X.X; Y-yamete kure! cries as she gets hit HIDOIIIIIII! ;o;
Y: Well, what did you expect after not updating in so long? . ;
K: squeaks and hides behind Ya Don't hurt the kitty! ;o;
Y: sweatdrops How many times do I have to tell you, aibou? YOU'RE NOT A CAT!
K: Nyaaan! ;o; sobbu
Y: Yare yare…
DawnAurilain (Glad you liked it! Hopefully I can keep this up. Lol. ;)
Web Walker (Why is everyone feeling bad about Draco? He DID ask for it, ya know… and continues to, if you get what I mean. )
Kin'ni (Yes, it would've been a LOT more IC if the roles were reversed, but I was getting a bit tired of Harry being such a wimp in most of the other fics I've read. Don't get me wrong- I love angsty uke Harry, I just wanted something different to spice things up.)
Fate (Yes, here is the long-awaited 3rd chapter. Sorry to make you camp out here for 6 months… ;)
Elis (Sometimes the lack of words in a review can say more than you think. Glad you liked it so much! )
Aoi Me (I'm glad that you're able to appreciate music through my works. bow)
TicTac (Well, sorry to make you wait so long! ; Writers' Block sucks ass…)
Unmei3 (He's not really sad, just having conflicted feelings about what he and Harry are doing. He hates that he bends so easily to his body's needs, especially when it hurts his pride to be doing it with his enemy. He's disgusted by it because of the way he was brought up-superior to everyone. Now that he's on the receiving end, he wants nothing more than to be rid of it.)
Mirai (Yup yup. Sorry I didn't get to see you at all this summer. UU Busy, busy, busy… I'm glad to see that you still take the time to read my updates, even though I don't write very much any more.)
Beth Weasley (K: squeaks DON'T HURT THE KITTY! Y: YOU'RE NOT A CAT, AIBOU! AW, FUCK IT… stalks off K: Nyeau? blinku)
Nolaluvzlegolas (; Gomen ne. I'm not very good at lemons, so I couldn't expand on those parts. There IS, technically, slash—the fact that they're together, but they're still rivals, even if something like this has happened. Neither one will back down, since they've fought all the time they've known each other, and those feelings won't just magically disappear so quickly.)
Sapphire-wolf1 (Why does everyone think Draco's sad! yanks her hair He's got conflicted feelings! He's not crying about it! He's pissed off at himself and at Harry, that's all! Nyearrrg! . ; sigh Sorry, but you're the 5th person to say that you're sad because Draco's sad, even though he's not really all that depressed. Now where's that asprin…? hunts around her room for asprin)
Tarah (Thanks. Glad you liked it.)
Tati1 (Nah- I already blew up at poor Sapphire-wolf1… . ; Nyarrrg- I feel bad… But it had to be done. sigh Thanks, and hopefully this one will wrap things up for good. X.X;)
Yana5 (What's not to get?)
Lisa-san (SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! ;o; bows multiple times Gomen gomen gomen gomen gomen!)
Disclaimer: Watashi no Hari Potta dewa arimasen. J.K. Rowling no Hari Potta desu. Domo. (Harry Potter isn't mine. Harry Potter is J.K. Rowling's. Thanks.)
Directions: Same as the others. This time it's "Figured You Out" by Coldplay. (?)
You Out
I wonder what the house-elves think of us? Surely they noticed the sheets and state of our pajamas by now, haven't they? Maybe that's why I haven't seen Dobby in a while… Oh well. At least he's not running around, trying to "help" me. I don't think I could take much more of that.
Stifling a yawn, I scratched my head and focused on trying to decipher Snape's handwriting. Too bad the wizarding world never heard of energy drinks—I could really use one right about now. I wonder if they have a spell for things like that? I'll have to ask Hermione later…
"Let's see… Rat spleen, check. Tail of a newt, check. Fur of a puffskein, check. Frog legs…."
I frowned, checking my stock of potions ingredients. No frog legs. A vague memory of Seamus coming into the room holding what looked like a pair of blackened sticks and muttering something about borrowing my stuff surfaced in my mind, and my scowl deepened. Bloody wanker stole my frog legs! "Borrow" my arse!
Grumbling, I turned to Neville, who promptly dropped his quill and gazed up at me nervously. "Y-yes? What is it, Harry?"
Now why would he be afraid of me? Even with the whole Malfoy thing, I'm still the same old Harry Potter… I guess he's just unnerved by it. Shaking my head, I smiled at him.
"Neville, you wouldn't happen to have the frog legs, would you? A certain Finnigan seems to have stolen mine, and I forgot to restock them."
He gulped, and smiled back faintly. "I ran out of them last week when we made the shrinking potion…"
"Neville, there aren't any frog legs in shrinking potion."
He blinked at me, his eyes glazed; trying to process this information. Suddenly, a spark ignited in them and he clapped his hands together. "So that's why it turned green instead of purple!"
Resisting the urge to slam my head on the desk repeatedly, I sighed and prodded my cauldron. Looks like another F in Potions this semester…
"Bloody hell."
"Seamus owes me ten pairs of frog legs."
Hermione raised an eyebrow at this statement, confused. "Didn't he only take one?"
"Ah. I take it you didn't have any then, mate?" Ron questioned.
I glared at him pointedly. "No, we had more than enough—that's why I'm pissed at Seamus."
"Huh?" was his intelligent reply.
"Forget it."
He scowled, slamming his hands on the other side of the table at which we sat. "What crawled up your arse and died? You're acting like that bloody git, Malfoy!"
"Ron!" Hermione shrieked, surprised by his outburst. She leapt from her seat, tugging on his arm. "Don't…"
"Huh?" Now it was my turn to feel stupid.
Despite Hermione's attempts to calm him, Ron shook her off, causing her to stumble back a few feet. She gazed at him in a mix of shock and disappointment, hurt. He ignored her, continuing his tirade.
"Everyone knows it- ever since you started doing….stuff….with Malfoy, you've slowly started to become more and more like everything you've always hated. It's like you've turned into bloody Lockheart!" he threw his arms up in the air, emphasizing his point. "No one likes you anymore—they hate what you've become. Your power over Malfoy's gone straight to your head."
Hermione stared at the floor, ashamed. "Ron…stop…" She turned her gaze upward once more, tears shining in her eyes. "Ron!"
That's not true….is it? It can't be. I've always tried my best not to be the stuck-up prat Malfoy and Snape seem to think I am… Ron's just pissed that I'm shagging the git—that must be it. Yeah…
"Hn. Listen- power means nothing to me. Malfoy means nothing to me. I can stop this little game whenever the hell I want to—I don't need it."
Ron stared at me coldly. "Then why don't you stop? After all, you don't need it, right?"
Why don't I? It won't hurt me to—Malfoy's the one who needs this. So how come I haven't stopped yet? It does feel good, I suppose… But still…
"Hn. Mind your own business."
"H-Harry…" Hermione gazed at me, unable to find anything more to say.
Ron glared at me, trembling with rage, then swept his arm across the table, sending my books and parchment to the floor. This snapped Hermione out of her reverie, and she screamed.
Before I could yell at him, he stalked off, Hermione chasing after, leaving me alone in the common room. I glowered in the direction they'd left in, kneeling down and picking up my things. What the hell is Ron's problem!
Shit…There's no way I can concentrate on homework now… I sighed, picking up my books and trudging upstairs to dump them in my trunk. I locked it, placing a silencing charm on it to drown out the screeching of the planner Hermione had bought me for Christmas last year. I never did check off the one assignment I'd written in it, and now it chided me every chance it got.
Kicking the trunk to vent my frustration, I flopped on my bed, breathing heavily. What Ron said isn't true. It can't be true. I'm not like that…am I?
But it would explain why everyone seems so edgy around me, lately…
I sighed, sitting up and putting on my shoes. "I need some air."
1st stanza
Apparently, my subconscious thinks that "air" "Malfoy". I blinked, finding myself standing in the middle of the quidditch pitch, Draco scowling at me as he landed his broom in front of me.
"Yes? What is it, Potter? I need to get back to practice." His tone was flat, practiced.
"Well, I guess you'll have to practice another day. We need to be going."
He frowned in puzzlement that gave way to shock as I took hold of his arm and dragged him into the quidditch changing rooms. I don't know why I was doing it—it was like my body decided to go off on its own and I couldn't control my actions anymore. I tried to stop whatever it was I was doing, but found that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't.
Once we were alone in the locker room, Draco snapped out of it and glared at me. "Potter! What the hell do you think you're doing!"
He still thinks his little play is fooling everyone? You've got to be kidding me… "Everyone knows, Malfoy. Just give it up already…"
"They what! But… but…father will-" His eyes were wide, and he was on the verge of losing it completely.
My body decided to save him the pain of having to think about it, cutting him off with a kiss. He tensed beneath me, then slowly let himself go and responded in earnest, despite his earlier mood. We parted, and I saw that his eyes were glazed over as he smiled up at me, breathless. They instantly sharpened when there was a loud rapping on the door.
"Draco, what on Earth are you doing in there? Don't tell me you're snogging the golden prat! I don't care who your father is—get back to practice or I'll hex you to the Netherworld!"
I blinked as the sound of heavy footfalls faded away, surprised at the Slytherin's behavior. "Does Flint always act like that?"
"Only when it involves quidditch." Draco righted himself, picking up his fallen broom and regaining his composure. "So what did you want? Can I go yet, Potter?"
What was I planning to do anyway? I'm not quite sure myself… "It's nothing. I just didn't have anything better to do…" I smirked at him, grinning wider as his scowl deepened.
"Bloody git." He muttered, then stormed out of the room.
2nd stanza
Stupid Potter… What was he thinking! He's lucky that he chose to pull that little stunt during quidditch practice—Flint would've kicked his pansy arse the moment he laid eyes on him if he hadn't been so distracted by training. Honestly…
I sighed, mounting my broom and soaring high above the quidditch pitch. Why had he come, anyway? Surely he didn't come just to see me… He doesn't care. He doesn't have any feelings for me, and he's not the one who's addicted… So…why? To piss me off? To toy with me?
That must be it. Why in God's name would he ever come to me for any other reason? He hates me, and I hate him. It's not like we're lovers or anything, so we'll kill ourselves before going to each other for anything other than torment and sex… Right?
God, this is bloody confusing!
3rd stanza
Why did I go to Malfoy, of all people? I was angry and felt like crap—that's the kind of thing you go to your friends or pet about, not your rival. What in God's name is wrong with me? I think I've finally lost it…
I shook my head as I climbed the staircase leading to the 6th year dorms. What's going on with me? I'm not really changing, am I? I'm not the monster Ron thinks I am……right?
Well, maybe I do like how he can't live without me, no matter how much he hates it. Maybe it makes me feel needed… Maybe I like having him under my thumb because he won't bother us anymore. Maybe I like to study him—try and figure out what's going on inside that pretty little head of his…
Wait… That's not sadistic, is it? Am I keeping him chained to me like some animal in a zoo just so I can study him? That's wrong, isn't it? Maybe I am a monster…
But it is Malfoy, after all. He doesn't count, does he?
I sighed, flopping down on my bed once more—back where I'd started. Of course he counted. He was still a human just like the rest of them, no matter how great a prat he could be most of the time. I have no right to do what I've been doing…
"Good God….what have I become…?"
K: Hi everyone! It's finally finished!
Crowd: YAY!
K: Sorry it took so long—I had major writer's block, but now that I've been playing the 4th .hack and stuff, I've found inspiration again.
Crowd: YAY!
K: Well, I'm off to work on other stories! Bye bye!