Giving In

John hated the same old song and dance with Balthazar. He would head to the apartment time and time again, determined to rid himself of the demonic businessman once and for all.

After the usual jibes and barbs, John would slam the demon half-breed down and begin to mutter the incantations required to deport him. All the while, Balthazar would smirk maddeningly up at him, infuriating him more and more until John could take it no longer. He would kiss those smirking lips had, just so they would stop teasing him, like an important secret that would never be told.

After that one kiss, however, it would become an addiction, John would feel that strong body under his, reeking with dark power, and he would see those dark eyes shining with malicious light, beckoning him. He would answer that call with a black fury, angry that he always gave in, that he could never keep his self-control. He would heave into Balthazar again and again, finally leaving, the demon half-breeds' laughter ringing in his ears.

Yes, John always started out on top. But when he left, he always felt that he had been on the bottom all along.

The End