A/N:The reason this took so long is...I was waiting for votes. I know, I know, it's been likea month, but I wanted everyone to have their chance.
Saturday had been the interview portion of the Miss Flawless contest, where each of them had passed with flying colors.

Whoever had decided that a young male judge would be a wise idea didn't know what the poor man would be in for. Cha-Cha was ready to pounce on him whenever he strolled in front of her, and almost fell out of her chair trying to restrain herself. It only took a minute for her charismatic personality to win him over, and soon he was standing near her side as he asked the questions, occasionally placing a hand on her shoulder. She spotted the bohemians smirking in the audience, and couldn't help a self satisfied smile of her own.

Ivana answered in true Miss America style, and was rewarded with adoring coos from smitten viewers. Amazing Grace followed suit, adding in a touch of sarcasm, getting a rise of laughter from the crowd.

Stormy's blind followers hadn't been as lucky. Aside from himself, Kitten, and Pixie, the rest of his gang had been eliminated.

Angel had an angle none of the others had thought of. When asked how she would help the community, she didn't answer with the common 'fight for lower crime' line.

"I would work to get Life Supports message out around the city, to get more involved," she had said. The young man was taken aback by the original answer. "Life Support is a group for people coping with life. Its not just for people with AIDS, everyone's welcome."

Mimi noticed various audience members scribbling a note on their hands or scraps of paper from their purses. She smiled. Paul would have his hands full next week.

Angel answered the rest of her questions with her charming humor, winning the viewers over in seconds.

Sunday morning was here. The group of friends perched on the edges of their flimsy folding chairs, gripping the metal or their neighbor tightly as they looked eagerly at the stage. Every contestant had gone, and the judges had been gone for over an hour. It had to be soon.

Other impatient audience members were chatting noisily, betting on who would win, drunk fans screaming at those with little faith in their choice.

Music blared through the speakers spread throughout the room, grabbing everyone's attention. The crowd quieted down, or tried to, and the music faded away.

Gypsy sauntered to the center of the stage, receiving applause and anxious squeals of viewers ready to scream from the tension.

"Alright, alright," she said trying to calm them down. "People." She was getting annoyed as the last voices remained. "If you'd just shut up, please," she smiled. Silence. "Thank you. Now," she continued, "we've had a great this year, and it was incredibly hard to narrow it down. I know you all want to know who won," she smirked, the crowd groaning with anticipation. "But first, here are the final seven.

"Ivana Man." Mark clapped louder than the entire audience together.

"Stormy." The loyal lapdogs hollered, not even close to compairing to the noise before.

"Our newest contestant, Angel." This six in the crowd cheered.

"The twins, Gracie and Candy Lacavera."

Rusty leaned over to Mimi. "Candy's a sweetie," she smiled. "She better beat Stormy."

Gypsy's nose wrinkled. "Kitten," she said monotonously.

"Oh please," groaned Maureen to Joanne. "She only got here because she stole Angel's dress for the beauty pagent."

"Hush," Joanne urged.

"And finally, our three time winner, Miss Cha-Cha de los Santos Pé rez Cueva," Gypsy announced happily. Backstage, Angel gave Cha-Cha's hand a squeeze, both smiling and shaking.

"And this years winner of the Miss Flawless contest is…" Gypsy opened the envelope slowly, making the anxious viewers moan, eager and impatient. "…Angel Dumott Schunard!"

The gang jumped up, Mimi and Maureen screaming as the leaped into their lovers' arms. Cha-Cha was hugging the life out of the Angel who couldn't stop bouncing if said life depended on it. Collins beamed at her from across the stage, wishing he could hold her.

When Cha-Cha finally let go, Angel made her way to Gypsy, audience still roaring. A cute girl bounced over, handing the sparkling Flawless crown to Gypsy, who then placed it on Angel's head. Angel was about to burst, desperately trying to keep herself from running off stage to grab her friends.

"And runner-up….Cha-Cha!"

Cha-Cha squeaked and walked as fast as she could to Angel's side. Angel gave the same life threatening hug she'd received. The girl who had carried Angels crown handed Cha-Cha a large envelope. She snuck a peek, and saw various gift certificates, along with a check. She smiled. She had a feeling her rent wouldn't be a problem for long time.

"Cha-Cha, the local Wigs Galore will give you five free, any that you choose," Gypsy beamed, seeing Cha-Cha's eyes light up.

"Now, Angel, we can't forget your prize…" She waved to the side of stage, and Collins shyly walked onto the stage to the screaming of the envious girls.

Angel licked her lips. Collins was dressed in his best suit, and looking deliciously handsome. When he got to her side he wrapped an arm around her waist, smiling widely and whispering congratulatory murmurs before and while kissing her cheek.

Angel giggled, waved once more to the audience members, half of them fawning over her prize, and then practically dragged him off the stage behind the curtain where she could get a proper kiss.

Gypsy gave Cha-Cha a quick peck on the cheek before they filed off the stage. Cha-Cha was almost run over by Ivana as she came around the corner.

"Oh my god! You did it again!" Ivana yelled, jumping on her friend. "Three and a half times!"

Mark came up a moment later, finding himself oddly jealous of the affection Cha-Cha was getting, and shook his head to chase it away. When Ivana let go of her friend he slipped an arm around her, and soon she was playing with his hair and fussing over him like she had been before the announcement of the winner.

The rest of the gang fought their way through the crowd to their side and congratulated Cha-Cha, not being able to find Angel in all the madness.

She arrived not long after, light red lipstick smudged, tugging along a Collins whose lips were an unnatural shade of pink.

"What did you get?" she asked Cha-Cha, looking at the envelope curiously.

"Gift to certificates to any place you can imagine!" the drag queen giggled. "I think you got the better deal, Miss Flawless," she smiled, nodding toward Collins.

A sly, smug look came over Angels features as she looked at her lover. "I'll trade you," she winked. "Three of the wigs for an evening out with themost handsome man in New York City."

"Angel?" Collins asked, very confused.

"Two, and the gift card for 'Wing Lee'."



"Done!" Cha-Cha handed over the card.

Angel grinned and hugged her Collins, who was looking at her like the crazy girl she was. "Have him back by one," she said to Cha-Cha. Cha-Cha nodded, and then was grabbed by Amazing Grace.

"What just happened?" Collins laughed, knowing he had a minute before Amazing Grace would let Cha-Cha out of her hug.

"I traded you for two wigs and a steak dinner."

"I feel so loved," he joked. He put his hands on his hips. "And what makes you think you can just hand me over?"

"I won you, sweetie," she giggled, tapping her fingers playfully across his chest. "You have to do whatever I tell you to."

"Don't you mean whatever Cha-Cha says?" he countered with a humored air.

"Temporarily. Besides, think about it. I have you everyday, and we go out every other night. Cha-Cha hasn't gotten out much, not since Walt started spending all his time with Tia. She deserves a great night out, and who better than you, honey?"

Collins smiled. That was his Angel. Thinking of others.

"Besides, when's the last time I could afford a real steak dinner?"

He sighed. And with her stomach.

She kissed Collins briefly on his already lipstick stained lips. "Save some energy for tonight Collins. Don't forget, you're mine again at one." She smiled slyly before turning to shout over to her friends. "Mimi! Roger! Let's go!" Angel looked back once more to her lover. "Have fun!"

Collins laughed as he watched his lover bounce out the door. He turned around and saw Cha-Cha looking at him for assistance, completely surrounded. He elbowed his way over and helped her out of the circle.

Cha-Cha linked her arm with his as they left the crowded center and out to the street.

"Where to?" Collins asked. "You're the boss."

Cha-Cha suggested a few places, and they discussed them as they strolled slowly down the street.

He looked forward to the few hours he'd spend getting to know Cha-Cha better, but not as much as he looked forward to getting home to his Angel. He couldn't imagine what she was planning, but was sure their bedroom would be involved. He smiled. Have fun indeed.
