Thank you, Celtic Cross, lafemme540, spbangel, for reviewing the last chapter. This chapter is dedicated to Lu82, Happy Birthday, cariño!
Five years later
"Come on, Spike, if you don't hurry we won't get there before the night falls."
"Hmph," Spike pouted. "Easy for ya to say, luv, I'm not the expert mountaineer that ya are."
"Oh, quit being a big baby and hurry up," she replied, but her bright smile belied her words. Pouty Spike was so adorable; she just wanted to eat him up.
Spike almost stumbled as he noticed her smile. She just took his breath away, even more so than the climbing had. Five years had passed and he still turned to mush every time she smiled at him like that. Five years and he just couldn't imagine his life without her in it. And hopefully now that they had finally gotten married he wouldn't have to find out.
Things had been… almost too good to believe, so much so, that sometimes he had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Since that day when he'd seen Buffy in the pond, his life got turned completely upwards, his luck changing drastically with that one look that they'd shared, even if he'd been a complete git and ran away at the time.
Before her, his life was almost too dark, he couldn't dare to hope that it would ever be anything but that, especially after he'd been send to the Honor Camp. And then he'd met her and her brightness had painted his life with vivid colors, filling it with her love, her trust and her. Now he just wanted everyone to be as happy as he was.
Well, to be honest, he wanted almost everyone to be happy, because he really was quite content with the fact that Snyder was facing a twenty year sentence without the possibility of parole for the several crimes he'd committed while he'd been at the service of Travers and the Honor Council. With any luck, he'd never had to see rat-face ever in his life. He'd seen enough of him through the long months of his trial to last him a lifetime. But then again, if he'd never been at the Honor Camp and had to suffer all that the warden had put him through, he would've never appreciated what he had now as much as he did, a wonderful bride, a family and amazing friends that make it all worthwhile.
As they got closer to the top of the mountain, Spike's nervousness increased tenfold. He hoped that his princess would like her surprise, even if it had meant that he had to carry the tent all the way up the mountain, so she wouldn't suspect.
Buffy kept on climbing up the mountain, slowing her pace a little to allow Spike a little breather, after all it wouldn't do to have a too tired groom in their wedding night, would it?
She still couldn't believe how many things had happened to them and their loved ones in those five years since they'd met. Although, probably the most surprising of those things had been how much their parents had gotten along, so much so that her father and Josh had began a new and very successful business shortly after they'd met and the two families spent practically every weekend, holidays and vacations together.
As her parents had promised, they'd moved to Sunnydale shortly after their reunion at Spike's home and they had become the parents she'd dreamed of for so many years. They were caring and loving, and spent as much time as they possibly could with her, so it really hadn't been that difficult to mend their relationship. Of course, they'd had to face a few problems as they adapted, but they were all willing to make an effort and that made all the difference in the world.
Little remained from her old life at the Immaculate Heart School, just her friendship with Willow and some of the other girls and the framed enlargement of her portrait as Ophelia—that had been rescued by them, after Sister Victoria threw it away after her escape—that occupied the site of honor in her brand new house with Spike.
Another smile blossomed in her face as she thought of her best friend. Who would have thought that Willow would marry Xander, and that they'd even marry before them? They'd met again at Harvard, fallen in love and after a whirlwind courtship, they'd married almost two years ago. Buffy had always thought she was the impulsive one when it came to love decisions, but Willow had proven that she also liked being spontaneous every once in a while.
So lost was she in her remembrances that she missed seeing the cabin that stood tall in the middle of the mountain's summit until she was practically in front of it and when she finally saw it, she gasped, her eyes filling with happy tears as she alternatively looked between the cabin and Spike's expectant. Could this be what he'd been doing on the times she'd been away on her climbing expeditions during the summer? They had been there only one more time a little over three years ago and it had broken her heart to see the ruins of the cabin where they'd spent their first night together, to the point that they had decided not to spend the night there.
So it wasn't that difficult to imagine how hesitant she'd been to accept when Spike first told her he'd love for them to spend their honeymoon at the mountain, and it had been just because of his boyish enthusiasm, that she'd finally gave in. The last thing she had ever expected to find a cabin built in the exact same place where the first one had stood.
"B-but… how?"
"Well, Hank, my father, Xander 'n I spent the last two summers workin' on this; ya know while ya 'n Willow were out playin' mountaineerin'?"
Buffy nodded, still surprised that Spike had gone through so much trouble. "But, why?"
"Well, I made a promise to a lady."
She frowned, confused. "A promise?"
He took off his backpack and walked over to where she stood, opening the door, before putting one of his arms under her knees and the other around her upper back, effectively lifting her from the floor and crossing the threshold with her. "I think my exact words were: Someday I'll do this again, sweetheart… the day we marry."
"You did all this," she said, basking in the knowledge that her husband loved her so much that he'd do practically anything to see her happy and knowing that she'd do the same for him, if the occasion arose. "Just because of that?"
"Yep, I did." He looked at her, all the love he felt for her reflected in his azure gaze. "I knew how special this place is for you and now we can come here as much as we like."
"As much as we like? I thought this was property of the National Park Service."
"It is. But it turns out my father-in-law is a very influential man 'n 'e managed to get us a lease on the cabin, after 'e convince them to let us rebuild. So, Mrs. Taylor, 'ow do ya like your surprise?"
"Oh, Mr. Taylor, this is the best surprise a girl could ask for. Thank you," she said, embracing him tightly as she leaned her head in his chest.
"It's the least I could do, luv. Ya made my life brighter ever since that first day when I saw you at the pond, ya're my own little guardian angel that 'elped me fight all the darkness that surrounded me then and filled it with your sunshine."
"You did that for me, too. From the first day I met you, you made me stronger, braver. Ever since that day I feel as if I can face anything and everything because I have you in my life. I want to grow old with you, be yours as you'll be mine forever." She gazed adoringly into his eyes. "I know we've gone through some rough times and we probably will have more of those in the future, but these things have only made us what we are today. Two persons that are not afraid to love each other with everything they have and that will fight fire with fire against anything that might want to come between us."
"Fire with fire, I like that, baby," Spike said huskily. "Want to feel your husband's fire now?"
"Why, Mr. Taylor, I thought you never ask," she said coquettishly, laughing when he took her in his arms and proceeded to kiss her until they were both breathless and practically mindless with passion, ready to begin this new chapter in their lives together.
The end.
You wouldn't believe how sad it makes me to end this story. My first Spuffy story. It began as an experiment to see if I could write in English and it turned into so much more than I expected.
I want to thank Charis, Spikeskat, Caitie and Jen for betaing this story for me. You made it so much better with all your advice and help.
And a special thank you to everyone that read the story, and especially to those that took the time to review. Your kind words throughout the story made me very happy.
Thank you again and hugs