Hey dudes! New story from me with Draco/Hermione romance and humour!

I think you'll all love this one! Draco and some of his friends, and Hermione and some of her friends have to go on a camp to the Forbidden Forest for TWO WEEKS! How the hell are they going to survive together for that amount of time! WILL ROMANCE COME OUT OF IT! SHOCK HORROR! author faints well read and find out ppl!

Please review! More reviews then quicker updates!


In Which we introduce our Beeloved Characters

Hermione smiled as she watched her best friends, run towards her. Harry Potter grinned at her with his perfectly straight teeth and Ron smiled shyly. 'God, the guy has it bad for me', she thought. 'It's our 7th year and he still hasn't made a move! But I can't be horrible and tell him, 'Ron…I'm sorry we just can't be. It's to do with your hair. Have you ever tried gelling it spiky or back? I could give you a few numbers to call because you know, that's what friends are for!' As if', Hermione thought snorting. 'He'd go all red and pig-like and turn against me then plot to take over the world…because of me complaining over his hair style! '

Hermione laughed quietly to herself as Harry came forward to hug her.

"'Mione! Where have you been? We've been looking for you everywhere!" Well where do you think boy-who-lived? Is there such thing as rushing off to the loo?

Hermione smiled and let go of him.

"I had to run off to the loo! And I've already put all my belongings on the train. How bout you guys?" she asked, smiling at Ron and hugging him too. Ron patted her awkwardly on the back.

"We've done them too. Time to pick a carriage don't you think Harry?" Ron asked, nudging him.

"Yeah…" Harry was staring at Hermione. God she had changed since the boofy haired little bookworm in 3rd year. She was now a gorgeous girl with perfect brown curls that fell just past her shoulders, a curvy body, and Harry noted how her school shirt clung to her nicely, and dark brown eyes that any guy who liked her, would just get lost in. Thank god they were only like siblings! He wouldn't have known how to react around her if he liked her anymore then that. Wait…he only had to look at Ron and know the answer. He rolled his eyes. Gosh, couldn't Ron see that Hermione just wasn't interested in someone like him! And especially with that hair style…he preferred messy hair that wasn't soo much like a carrot top. (AN. I personally don't mind Ron's hair so don't get angry with me! I just thought it would be funny to add this in! )

Hermione caught Harry staring at her and sighed. Gosh these two buddies of her were so…guy like…It's time these guys got girlfriends and quickly. She was going to have to fix that and soon.

"Let's go," she said, waving her hands in front of Harry to get him out of his daze. He blushed and nodded. 'Damn…caught in the act', he thought.

Hermione laughed and turned around, heading through the doors of a carriage and started searching for a compartment for her and her friends. Harry and Ron obediently followed her.

Hermione sighed as she passed a carriage full or Ravenclaw giggling 6th years, Hufflepuff 7th and 1st years, and some random Slytherin guys. 'Oh yeah…', she thought. 'I haven't seen that stupid blond haired buffoon yet.'

She scowled to herself as she found an empty compartment and pulled her friends inside. She didn't look behind her though because behind the door was a certain blonde haired Slytherin and a girl that didn't look all that pretty. Ah…must be Pansy Parkinson. And what the fudge was he doing gazing at her gums for?

Ron stepped forward in front of Hermione.

"Get out Malfoy! This place is taken!" he growled, ready to punch him, but Harry grabbed him to hold him back.

"He's not worth it Ron, let's go get another carriage. Come on Hermione." He calmly spoke, trying to keep the anger out of his voice. But Hermione wasn't listening. She was staring at Malfoy who in turn, was curiously staring at her with a trademark smirk on his face.

He was looking gorgeous. His blonde hair was covering his eyes a little and he had got rid of the gelled hair from 2nd year, and his toned chest could be seen from his outer shirt. He is that muscular, she thought. How could he have changed so much? She inwardly screamed to herself. LOOK AWAY FROM HIM YOU TWIT! HE'S JUST TRYING TO LURE YOU IN TO BE HIS PERSONAL SLAVE! But she couldn't do it. She looked up into his eyes and they immediately got lost in the other's eyes. His silver eyes looked broke away from her gaze and looked her up and down. She looked really appealing to him as well, but the day he would admit that is the day Lucius Malfoy walked into the Slytherin Common Room in a pink tutu.

"Feel free to pick your jaw up from the floor at any time Granger. I know I'm fine but I don't like Mudbloods staring at me soo much. It could ruin my reputation, you understand right?" he asked, but she only shook her head to get the thoughts of how good he looked out of her head.

"Whatever Ferret. The day you're good looking is the day I decide to tell everyone that I love the colour pink," she retorted quickly, then realised what she said and went a bright shade of red. Damn. She liked the colour pink too. Ah well, the things she would have to sacrifice when dealing with a Ferret.

"But Hermione…" Ron looked at her stupidly. "You like the colour pink!"

Oh god…she could have smacked him in the head for that. 'Damn you Weasley! Don't tell him that! I hate him with such a fiery passion that you could warm the whole of Hogwarts for a whole year with the amount of hate I have for him!'

"Shut up!" She growled.

Draco laughed and grinned to himself. So he had been staring at Pansy's gums for a while before these three showed up. It wasn't his fault that she blackmailed him for it! She told him if he didn't check to see if her teeth and gums looked perfect, she'd tell the school how she forced him to wear a dress for her dress up party, and he couldn't have that! I mean, his ego was at stake here!

Harry looked at the cocky Malfoy and snarled.

"If you want to look down people's throats Malfoy, you should learn to lock the door."

"If you want to look like an idiot Potter you should go …wait…you already look like one. My bad," Draco retorted.

Hermione cursed to herself. This was going to go on forever!

"Harry, Ron, let's go! Leave the Ferret-face here! COME ON!" and she pushed them out the door.

"Nice to see you too Granger!" Malfoy shouted after her, laughing before he looked at the silent Pansy. 'Why has she been silent all this time?', he thought. 'Ah…she had been staring at her pig-like reflection in the train window. Oh what a sad girl…when it comes to herself she shuts out everything else.' Draco sighed as the door shut behind the trio. It was going to be a long trip, but at least he could get out of here for the Prefects' meeting.

Hermione smiled as she watched Harry and Ron focused in a game of chess. Harry was struggling to get rid of Ron's Queen and King and Ron looked very much on the verge of winning.

She looked down at her watch. Time for her Prefects' meeting.

"I've got to go guys! I'll talk to you both later ok?" she told them, standing up from her seat.

"Sure Hermione. Tell us how it goes ok?" Ron answered, eyes still glued to the game.

"Yeah!" Harry said, smiling quickly as he looked up at her, then back to the game.

"Shall do!" Hermione replied, as she walked out of the compartment and into the corridor.

"Well..well….if it isn't a little Gryfindor I see. Why is she all alone I wonder?" a cold voice said from behind her.

Hermione whipped around to stare into the eyes of Draco Malfoy. 'Damn, got to look away from those silver eyes,' she thought. 'Or I'll get distracted again.'

"Shut up Malfoy! Go shove a glue stick up your ass so you can walk around without your Slytherin attitude, and with more of a constipated like attitude…" she growled, turning around to head towards to staff compartment.

"Granger! Such horrible words! I think I may fall over and die from the impact of those horrible words…catch me…" he said sarcastically, grabbing her arm to stop her from going any further.

She pulled her arm free and kept walking. The less she had to talk with him the better! She just wanted to be away from the sexy god that was behind her, not closer! Wait…sexy god! GET THOUGHTS OF THE STUPID GIT OUT OF YOUR HEAD HERMIONE! HE WILL BE AN UGLY HEDGEHOG TO ME FOREVER! She shook her head to get the thoughts out of her head and kept walking.

Draco snarled but let her walk away. "CHICKEN!" he shouted after her.

"Now Miss Granger, I must tell you some fabulous news that you can discuss with Mr Potter and Mr Weasley alright?" Professor McGonagall calmly asked.

Draco and Hermione had been pulled aside from the other Prefects and were now sitting as far away from each other as possible. Professor McGonagall noted this and silently laughed inwardly.

Hermione nodded and shifted towards the end of the seat, only to have Draco shift closer towards her. His arm reached out, as if to stretch but 'accidently' touched her leg in the process. 'Ha ha ha…' he thought to himself. 'Teasing Granger this year is going to be fun.'

"Enough, Mr Malfoy! Can't you see Miss Granger is falling off the chair? Focus!" Professor McGonagall said to Malfoy.

Hermione gratefully pulled herself back onto the seat and shoved Draco away from her. He laughed but didn't answer Professor McGonagall.

"Now, I have to tell you both that this year is going to be very busy for both of you and you must work together to get a lot of the Prefect work done, am I right?" she asked, in a business like voice.

"I have to work with HIM?" Hermione asked, shock written all over her face.

Draco's eyes widened too. He thought he might have to do Prefect work with some random Hufflepuff kid, but a Gryfindor? NOOO!

"What! NO! I will not have this!" Draco shouted, standing up from his seat.

Professor McGonagall sighed.

"Sit down Mr Malfoy. You will have to share a common room but will have separate rooms and bathrooms each, understood?"

Both nodded slowly, thinking of all the things that was wrong with what she was saying but knowing that they had no choice to argue as Prefects.

"And you will both be going out on a camp to the Forbidden forwards in one week's time for a three week period, so that you may get to know each other better."

Eyes widened from both teenagers. Not together with no one else! That was preposterous! No way!

McGonagall saw the looks of protest in their eyes and smiled.

"But…you may choose some friends to go with you of course, understood? This is a new idea from Professor Dumbledore and he wanted to put both of you to the test first."

"Yes ma'am." Hermione answered first.

Draco growled and nodded.

"That will be all. You may leave now."

They both rose and left the room, all the while having a shocked look on their faces. Camping? Together?

The moment they left the room and turned around a corner Hermione turned to Draco.

"Eww! I don't want to go on a camp with you!" she said, a disgusted look on her face.

"Well neither do I Granger…but seeing that we have to…we might as well be nice to each other right?" he asked her calmly.

Hermione gulped and tried to ignore her heart beating faster as he leaned in towards her face.

"What are you talking about Malfoy? Why do you want to get along with me?" she asked him nervously, her breath hitting his face.

Draco leaned in further so their noses were almost touching, waiting to bring out the suspense. He was looking deep into her eyes and he could tell Hermione was definitely becoming uncomfortable. He noticed a curly lock had slipped out from her tied up hair, so he brushed it back behind her ear. Hermione's eyes widened and she tried to step away from him.

Then he leaned back and Hermione's heart started to slow down. 'Weird…' she thought. 'Why the hell is my heart beating up? WELL…he is coming into my personal space!'

"HA! You should have seen the look on your face! You actually thought I was going to kiss you didn't you?" Draco smirked and started cracking up.

Hermione ignored her suddenly blushing face and walked up closer to Draco.

She leaned into his ear and whispered softly.

"You are such a stupid asshole…I HATE YOU! GO TO HELL AND STAY THERE FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY!" she screamed.

Draco's eyes widened and he started laughing again, but got cut off as Hermione's fist smashed into his jaw.

'Ok…the girl must have PMS', he thought. 'Can't even take a joke…hmm…ok…'

Hermione growled. How could she have ever thought that the arsehole was being nice to her? He was an inconceivable jerk that deserved to go to hell!

"Just you wait Malfoy! Being in a group with me on camp is going to be something you will forever regret! We will never get along! NEVER! YOU HEAR ME!" she shouted, and turned away from Draco as he rubbed his bruised jaw, amusement and a little pain still on his face.

Hermione kicked him in the shin and walked back to her compartment, leaving a very amused Slytherin behind.

'What the hell is her problem? Can't she even take a joke? It's not as if I was hitting on her? Well…camp is going to be interesting…'

And his mind started to come up with some very evil ideas of how to prank the little Gryffindor…

AN WELL! How'd you like the first chapter? I have many grand ideas for this story and I'd really like to know whether you guys like it or not! And flames aren't wanted. But…if they come I shall use them to burn all my homework for school, so GO AHEAD! I DARE YOU! I've always wanted to burn my homework! evil laughs

cough Anyway….would you all like a Harry/Ginny pairing and maybe a Pansy turning good and a Ron pairing? I could make it really amusing! rubs hands eagerly .

OH! And shout out to StarJade! I hope you don't mind me using your Chapter headings with the 'In Which…' because I think it's grand! FEEL FREE TO READ HER STORIES EVERYONE! My favourite is 'Mischievous Love' now that is some true comedy! Syaoran/Sakura and Tomoyo/Eriol pairings! It's one of my fav stories so please go read!