Selphie: Link's been away for a while, and Aryll writes him a letter.
Darunia: Disclaimer- she does not own anything Zelda-fied, so she owns nothing but the idea behind this piece.
Tingle: Zelda and all its characters and content are property of Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto or someone else like that.
Hi, Big Brother!
It's been forever since you came back to visit! We all miss you a whole lot! Lots has been happening around here!
For one thing, Rose and Abe found a girl pig for Link, and they had little piglets! They're growing up now too (pigs sure seem to grow fast, don't they?). They had to make the pen bigger. Rose was telling grandma that Link is one of the best things to happen to their family, and soon they'll be selling those pigs Link by Link. I guess they were really thankful you gave them that pig- they're naming them all after you!
Sue-Belle is away for a while. She went to Windfall Island to see her friend Linda get married. The weird thing is she left a couple months ago. Sturgeon got a letter from her asking for some money. I think she wants to stay there because she's so popular now. He was talking about her tripping a lady on the island by accident, and the lady broke her ankle. But I guess that made people happy because all they can talk about is Sue-Belle! They even turned it into a word, like running, jumping, and Sue-ing! There's a really nice man named Tingle letting her share his room until she has the money to find a better place to stay.
Last is the most important news of all. You remember Joel, right? I hope so, Big Brother, because he's super double nice. He gave me a flower the other day and kissed me on the cheek. Isn't that sweet of him? A little while ago he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes. Now we play together a lot, and Zill gets left by himself. I feel kinda bad for him, but at the same time I like Joel a lot better. Last week Joel asked me to marry him. I told him I'm too young to be thinking about marriage. I've gotta keep my options open. But he looked really sad, so I told him we'll wait until we're older.
I miss you lots, Big Brother. Everyone here does, especially Grandma. She says to let her know when you plan to come home so she can have her special soup ready for you! Write back soon, Brother!
Dear Aryll,
Tell Grandma to have the soup ready. I'm coming home right away!
Two days later, Link returned to Outset Island for a visit to his family and friends. He took time that evening to stroll over to Rose and Abe's house and have a little chat with Joel. The next day Aryll went to play with Joel, but he no longer had any desire to be her playmate for reasons best left to the imagination. Link was already gone with several bottles of elixir soup. His work was done.
Selphie: This was me being really goofy one day. I was playing TWW, beat it, and somehow started thinking, "What would Link do if Aryll got a boyfriend?" Well, I used to RP and my character was a kind of little sister to the great and powerful Big Brother Darunia.
Darunia: Hi!
Selphie: He was the vengeful older brother type. This is how I think our Hero of the Winds might react to his little sister getting a boyfriend. Hope you enjoyed. R&R and KIT&KIR.
Edit (7/27/2006): I reread it, and the reviewers are right. The ending did leave a bad taste in the mouth, so I changed it. I think it's better.