Freedom Samurai

New and old characters, new cities, new sorrow, and a new Hukari.But all have one goal; to kill Rau.SEQUEL TO STRIKE SAMURAI you must read Strike Samurai before reading this story. KxL AxC SxS MxM DxM YxR NxSxM AxA


Me: Hey Homies! Sorry about the confusion, I thought yesterday was Saturday, silly me!

Olivia: (hits palm to fore head) God Sam, you're so stupid!

Me: (sticks tongue out)

Alex: Want me to cut that thing off!

Me: (covering mouth) NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! It's mine!

Chelsea: Well, I'm just glad Freedom Samurai is in and we all get to stay!

Me: Yeah, thank Picup and Fayt and r for that. Cause if they hadn't told me, you would all be back in the salt mines!

Alex: NooooOOOoOoooO! The salt, it burns my fingers!

Olivia: No, my hands are still sore!

Chelsea: I have no idea why I agreed to work with you all… (-.-;)

Olivia: Oh, and Ultimate Coordinator Berserker, YOU SUCK!

Me: OLIVIA! She doesn't mean it, hehe (-;)

Chapter 1 Love For You

His eyes were letting his tears stream down his face, and they fell onto the ground, staining the blood around them with salt water. Lacus was still deathly quiet, and Kira couldn't even hear her breathing. "Lacus please open your eyes!" he begged. He felt a pang in his heart as it nearly stopped.

hontou ni taisetsu na mono igai subete sutete shimaetara ii no ni ne

genjitsu wa tada zankoku de

It was dark around her, and lonely, but she heard someone crying. She walked a little ways away, and saw a little boy sitting hunched over, and sobbing. Lacus kneeled down next to him, "Are you alright?" she asked while she placed her slender hand on his shoulder. The little boy looked up to her, and she saw he had brown hair and lavender eyes. "My mother and father, they're gone! And they left me all alone!" he said before breaking down into more tears.

sonna toki itsu datte me o tojireba

waratteru kimi ga iru

The blue eyed girl smiled and took the little boy who must have been six years old into her arms and patted his back. "It's alright, they didn't leave you alone. What about Cagalli and Athrun?" she asked. The little boy stopped crying long enough to look up at her. "My sister and my friend will leave me alone! Everyone does because I have this!" he shouted angrily as he pulled his shirt down to show off a bit of a lotus tattoo. Lacus smiled warmly. "But they would never leave you. Your sister loves you, and your friend loves you like a little brother, and I love you." the little Kira began to calm down. "Do you mean that?" he asked as he looked up into her warm blue eyes. Lacus took his hands in hers, "Yes, I love you more than anything," the little boy smiled, and the darkness began to fade to light blue. "If you love me that much, you'll wake up," he said before running off and disappearing with two other figures with blonde and blue hair, which looked around seven.

Ah itsuka eien no nemuri ni tsuku hi ii made dou ka sono egao ga

taema naku aru you ni

Lacus starred after him as he ran away happily. "Kira, wake up?" she asked no one. "You have to wake up, if you love him." said a beautiful voice behind her. Lacus stood and turned, but couldn't see anyone. "Who's there?" she asked curiously. She walked forward, and looked down to see that the floor she was walking on was the sky. The clouds moved gracefully across the floor. Looking around, she saw everywhere around her was clouds and blue sky. "Is anyone there?" she asked, taking another step forward. The scene started to fade to bright white. "If you love Kira, you will wake up, you will be alright," said the voice. The bright white started becoming to bright, and she had to wince her eyes to keep them open. She could see a woman walking towards her. She had beautiful, straight black hair that shined an orchid pink. Her eyes were an orchid pink as well, and across her neck was a thin silver chain with a small blue orb hanging from it. Her kimono had white outlines around the neck, and sleeves. And a white belt tied around her waist.

hito wa minna kanashii kara

wasurete yuku ikimono dakedo

The upper part to her kimono was a sky blue, and the lower half was darker blue, like the early night time sky. The shirt had a low V-Line which exposed a black shirt underneath. Her sleeves were also pulled up to her elbows, and Lacus could see she had black sleeves that attached to a gold ring around both her middle fingers. (Like what Sango wears in her civilian clothes) "Lacus, you have to wake up, just open your eyes." the woman said softly, and clearly. Lacus fully opened her eyes. "Who are you?" she called as she felt herself being absorbed into the white glow. The woman walked towards her, took off her necklace, and shoved it into Lacus's hand. She smiled back, "I'm you," and disappeared. Lacus felt herself totally enveloped in the light, and closed her eyes.

aisubeki mono no tame

ai o kureru mono no tame dekiru koto

Kira clutched at the woman's shoulders. "Lacus, please…open your eyes," he said wearily. The woman's face was facing Kira's shoulder, and the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was his bloody shoulder. "Kira," she whispered quietly. The man widened his eyes, "Lacus, you're alive!" he shouted as he pulled away from her to see her living face. "Kira, you're hurt," she said as tears collected in her eyes when she saw his wounds from Rau. "It's nothing, as long as you're," but he was cut off in a serious fit of coughing, blood spilling onto his hand. "Kira!" the pink haired girl shouted as she grabbed his shoulders. He looked over to her, "Lacus, I'm sorry," and fell into her arms. "Kira? Kira? Kira!" she shouted as she pushed his face towards her. His eyes were closed, and she could sense the life leaving him.

deatta ano koro wa subete ga bukiyou de

"Kira!" she shouted again and saw her blue seed in her mind bloom, but instead of blue vines, she had orchid colored ones with black stripes on the petals. Leaning forward, she closed her eyes and placed her lips on his gently, a soft blue glow coming from her body.

The others in the room watched helplessly as she tried to revive him.

toomawari shita yo ne

kizutsuke atta yo ne

Kira felt himself falling away, but something, or someone was holding him back. He lost all of his supports, but that same something was pulling him back. Then he felt a surge of power spread through his body, a pure, selfless power filling his soul. They wouldn't let him leave.

Ah itsuka eien no nemuri ni tsuku hi made dou ka sono egao ga

taema naku aru you ni

Kira looked up and saw nothing but blackness. He sat up and looked around, "I must be dead," he thought, but he felt a kick in the side. Falling over to his non hurting side, he held his hurt side tenderly. "What the heck was that for?" he shouted angrily. He saw a figure standing over him that could've been him. "For thinking you're dead idiot!" he said, his dark purple eyes flashing angrily. He also had short black hair with spike bangs like Kira's, except his were longer. He was wearing a black kimono with red outlining his neck and sleeves. His baggy pants were also black with a single red band around his left knee. His shirt was short sleeved, and he had a red band tied around his right upper arm. He wore a thin silver chain around his neck with a small lavender orb hanging from the center. Around his waist hung two swords. One looked like the Strike, and the other he wasn't very sure of.

deatta ano koro wa subete ga bukiyou de

"Who are you?" asked the brunette. The man smirked and took off the pendant. Kneeling down he placed it in Kira's hand. "Take this, and stood back up. Kira did the same and stared at him before he felt that same force pulling him back. "You better stay alive, and protect Lacus and Liorlia," the man said before saluting Kira lazily and walking away. Kira felt himself fading from this place, so he shouted back, "Who are you!" the guy turned around with a smirk on his face. "You idiot." and Kira disappeared.

toomawari shita yo ne

Slowly opening his eyes, Kira's gaze met Lacus's sweet face, and she was kissing him. He slowly sat up and Lacus pulled away, "Kira, I'm so glad," she mumbled before throwing her arms around him. Something fell from her hand and hit the floor, making a small clink. The two turned to look at it, and Lacus picked it up in her hands. What? Isn't this the pendant that woman gave me? she thought curiously as Kira noticed her had the same one, except his stone was lavender. "Kira, what are these?" she asked. Kira shook his head, I don't know," he said before he felt someone jump on him from behind.

tadoritsuitan da ne

"KIRA! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!" shouted a blonde samurai who looked like she had been crying. "Cagalli, were you crying?" Kira asked in disbelief as Athrun came up and hit him on the head. "Of course idiot! She thought you were dead!" Kira rubbed his head as Shinn and Stellar ran to Lacus. "Lacus, are you alright?" Stellar asked kneeling down in the blood that was staining her white kimono. Lacus nodded with a smile on her face, when Shinn threw himself on her. "WE THOUGHT YOU AND KIRA WERE GONNA DIE!" he shouted with tears streaming out of his eyes, anime style. Lacus pried him off of her and smiled, "It's alright, I'm fine. But Kira has some serious wounds that need medical attention." she stated as her and Cagalli lifted him up onto his feet, each of his arms around a girl's shoulder. Athrun smiled, though they had gone through two near deaths, a gruesome experiment, and tears and mushy writing, they were all acting as though nothing had happened. "Well, guess we have to head to Aprilus City!" Stellar became a bit down cast. Cagalli saw her sad face and replied softly, "Rey is dead," Stellar brightened, even though you're not supposed to do that when you hear someone's dead.

Shinn smirked widely, "That means you're all mine!" Stellar laughed and Shinn chuckled nervously.

As the group stumbled into Aprilus City, they were met by a bunch of cheering villagers. Neo stood in the middle, and smiled wider when he saw Stellar. The Hukari made the short distance to the villagers quickly, and they were bombarded with questions and congratulations and Thank You! Neo pulled Stellar into a large hug. Athrun didn't really get how everyone was cheering. "Why are all these people cheering?" asked Athrun as the crowd held many smiling faces.

Neo pulled away from Stellar and said, "Because the Zu Barrels are gone, Rey was killed, and the Red Samurai and Rau no longer have control over this village. And our trade routes to Junius City have been re opened, and it's all thanks to you kids." the blonde man replied with a laugh. The Hukari smiled embarrassedly. True, Rau would look for a new fortress, but where? and howl long did they have before he struck again? Stellar interrupted all their thoughts as Neo told her something. "Really! A banquet, for us!" she shouted with stars in her eyes. Shinn's eyes grew wide, "Food? Lots of food?" he asked stupidly. Stellar turned to Shinn and Neo said, "No Shinn, we're all gonna chew on rocks…of course there will be food there." Shinn jumped up for joy, anything with food and he was there.

Stellar looked at her friends for a minute, and decided on something. "That's it! None of you are going anywhere until we get new clothes!" everyone looked at Stellar funnily. "Stellar, we don't need them," Cagalli started, being the rough and tough girl she is. Stellar had flames in her eyes and Shinn hid behind Neo with an 'Eep!'. Cagalli sighed. "Fine," she grumbled. Stellar smiled and waved to Neo as she led them all to the tailor.

Opening the door, she found her red haired friend Stacey Keller. "Stacey! I need some new outfits, pronto!" she shouted. The red head smiled and said, "It's good to see you too Stellar, yes I've missed you a lot too, no, you don't have to introduce me to your friends." she said and laughing pulled Stellar, Lacus and Cagalli with her to the back, "C'mon, Steven! We have some people in front that need your help for once!" the girl shouted to her older brother. A boy with red hair and brown eyes like his sister came out of a side room and starred at the appearance of Kira, Athrun, and Shinn. "Whoa, you must be the Hukari and archer they villagers were talking about. Hehe, you're clothes are covered in blood," Steven said before leading them to another room. Kira leaned over to Athrun, "Why is it I think these two are whacky?" asked the younger man. Athrun shrugged. "I won't mind, as long as what Cagalli wears shows off her nice body," he said as his eyes clouded over from stupid perverted thoughts. Kira gave him and angry glare and with Shinn pulled in front of them, allowed Steven to do whatever had to do.

Two hours later, the Hukari gang stepped out of the Tailor Shop with Stacey and Steven following. Steven changed the sign to say closed before locking the door though. Lacus was wearing a light pink kimono with dark pink flowers petal designs. Underneath she had a short black dress with short sleeves and light purple outlines around the sleeves, waist, and neck. Her kimono had a light purple bow around her waist, and she was wearing her hair up in a high pony tail Cagalli had done with her hair while they waited for Stellar to be done. Around her neck was the silver chain with the blue orb.

Cagalli wore an orange shirt with a red dragon design on her back. Her baggy pants were also orange and she had blue bands around her knees. Across her back was the Akatsuki which stayed there because of a blue sheath and blue shoulder strap.

Stellar wore a dark blue top with large and long white sleeves. A pink cloth was holding her sleeves in place and around her waist. She also had a large white skirt that came down the just above her ankles. Across her back was the Gaia and her bow and quiver. (Out fit from Phase 1 of Destiny)

Shinn wore a red shirt with a long sleeve on the left side and short sleeve on the right. There was a V-line on his kimono shirt, and his pants were black with red straps around his knees. A black outline ran around his neck and sleeve, and he had a black belt where the Impulse hung. And on his back was his bow and quiver.

Athrun wore a teal green shirt with dark green outlining his sleeves and neck. His sleeves cam to his elbows and around his waist was a dark green belt where the Justice hung. His pants were teal green and he had dark green bands around his knees.

Kira wore a black shirt with short sleeves outlined in lavender. His V-line neck line was also outlined in lavender, and around his waist there was a lavender belt where the Strike hung. His pants were black with lavender bands around his knees. Around his neck hung the silver chain with the lavender orb.

Stacey wore a yellow kimono with bell sleeves and yellow bands around her elbows. Her sleeves were light pink and see through, and her neck line was outlined in light pink as well. Around her waist was a light pink bow. Her kimono skirt was slit up the sides to her hips, and on her feet were plain sandals, like everybody else. Her long, fluffy red hair was pulled into a high pony tail by a yellow bow.

Steven wore a yellow shirt with orange outlining his long sleeves and neck line. Around his waist was an orange belt. He also had baggy orange pants and sandals, like everyone else in the group, including the Hukari gang.

Okay, I was gonna make it longer, but you people wanted the first chapter so here it is! And I'm really rushed cause I'm 8 minutes behind schedule, make that 9!