A/N: This is my first time to write a story with a love triangle in it. Hope everyone bear me with this. My title is just a simple word for I'm planning to make a fic of UFO baby simple yet promising! I want to have several twists here. I have so many ideas for them!

Kanata X Miyu X Seiya (A little bit of Christine X Kanata)

They are all aged 15 here.

Disclaimer: I do not own Daa! Daa! Daa! a. k. a UFO Baby. If I do, I would have made Kanata love me!


By: Sophisticated Alexir

Chapter 1: The Feelings and Hidden Rivalries I

It's Friday morning. Our beloved Kanata and Miyu woke up with the beams of sunlight that touched their eyelids. Miyu rubbed her eyes, her door opened and there Lou flew to wake her mama.

"MANMA… MANMA…" Lou said as he flew to hug her.

"Good Morning Lou…" she said with a smile.

Kanata on the other hand, stood up to take his bath and Bow Meow gave his towel.

"Ms. Miyu! Ms. Miyu! You should get ready for school or you might be late again!" Bow Meow shouted to get her up.

"Yeah yeah… I'm coming!" she said as she yawns… Lou flew to Bow Meow in the kitchen.

Miyu stood in front of the bathroom door, waiting Kanata to finish.

/Phoew! It's another day for school and it's another day for me to stare on her. Will I tell her or what? You know you're sure about what you feel about her! It's really hard though…/

It's been several minutes since Miyu waited. Peeved by Kanata's slow bath.

"Hey Kanata! Hurry up! We'll be late!" she shouted. After few more minutes, Kanata went out.

"Look what's the time! You've ate so much of my time!" she bawled and hurriedly entered the bathroom.

"Next time move faster so that you'll be the first one to take a bath." He said calmly as he went straight to his room.

/maybe it'll be of help if I would be quite gentle on her…/ he thought

They've finished their breakfast and before they bid goodbye, Bow Meow gave them their packed lunch. They both said 'thank you' to Bow Meow. Miyu kissed Lou on his forehead and reminded him to be a good boy.

In their Classroom

Both jaded from the long run just to make it to school. Good thing they were not late. Aya went near Miyu and tapped her back.

"You're lucky not to be late today." Aya said

"I told you they will come in time!" Nanami said

"Pal! You're already all in! It was sure fun to run that fast!" Santa jokingly said to Kanata.

"Yeah…" Kanata said… panting for breath.

Christine was sitting on her chair located somewhere behind the room. She was staring upon her Kanata's manly back and somewhat having a blush on her face whenever she thinks about Kanata carrying her in his back. She'd loved Kanata since their younger years. She'd admired everything about him especially his back. She'd been dreaming of Kanata being hers and both of them living happily ever after.

"Miyu…" Kanata said. He motioned to her, giving her some checked papers, which Nozomu was distributing.

Christine's reveries of her dream boy turned out to squish when she heard Kanata mentioned Miyu's name. She remembered that since Miyu came to their school, she had been having some rivalry for Kanata's heart. Though Miyu was not really being a rival to her, she just felt like Kanata is having some special connections with Miyu. Since then, she'd felt very furious whenever she'd saw Kanata and Miyu so close to one another.

/God he's handsome. How'd I wished I could tell him what I really feel…/ Christine thought giving her another blush.

"Look there Aya. Kanata and Miyu seemed to be so closer than ever. How sweet!" Nanami said pointing in their direction.

"Yeah you're right. Maybe there's something happening between them or something." Aya answered.

"Not to mention that the number of their fights decreased." Nanami continued. They both laughed quitting from their notions of them. Christine overheard their conversation and started to think about it again…

/they're right! Maybe there's something happening between them! Besides, they're living in one house. What if? What if/

"Miyu… here's your book. I found it inside my bag." Kanata said and placed his hand upon Miyu's left shoulder for a better reach.

"Oh thank you Kanata. I thought I lost it." She said with relief.

"Next time try not to misplace it." Kanata exclaimed.

Christine didn't take it any much longer now… Eyes sparked and made a huge tongue of fire.

"Arrgh!" she lifted her table and almost ready to break it into pieces.

"KA-NA-TA'S HAND ON MIYU'S SHOU-LD-ER? IT REALLY MAKES ME MAD! WHY? WHY? WHY?" she bawled with fiery eyes, ready-to-fight aura that surrounds her, and her hair with snake-like motion. Because of that, everyone else was scared to go near her.

"N-no Christine! You got it all wrong!" Miyu hurriedly said waving her hands to sign negation.

"Ye-Yeah…" Kanata gulped and agreed on Miyu's pleads.

Christine ceased and sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry… I thought there's something between you two or something. Maybe I'm just imagining things to much." Christine said with her prim and proper looks.

Everyone fell on his or her knees with great relief.

Classes dismissed and Kanata needs to give their papers to the principal. Left to clean the room were the three.

"Christine sure does like Kanata huh?" Miyu whispered to Santa, Aya and Nanami.

"You betcha' She'd never loved anyone else except Kanata." Aya said while holding the broom.

"And she'd said that she'd do anything just to make Kanata love her but, she's to shy to reveal her feelings." Nanami said, cleaning the windows.

"I'm sure that Kanata always recognizes it. Nevertheless, why doesn't he approach her? Is there any problem?" Miyu inquired. Seemingly unknown to Kanata's attitude. Yes, they live under the same roof and yet, she knew a little about him especially when it comes to his likes and dislikes on a girl.

"It's because…" Santa said as he finished erasing everything on the board. Everybody else stopped and looked very curios on what's Santa's going to say.

/Ooops! I'm in big trouble/ he thought

"Because?" They all asked

"Uhmm… It's because…" Santa gulped and wished he didn't start anything. He'd swear to his best friend not to tell it.


It was winter night when Kanata and Santa had a walk together from the mall. They've met there Nanami, Aya and Miyu shopping. They didn't not stay long with the girls and soon bid goodbyes.

Winter has been a season of death to some other people. Tiny white cold spots started to fall from the heavenly dark skies. Kanata seemed to be thinking deep and not even talking. He even bumped few people that walked against their direction. Santa noticed his being absent-minded.

"Err, what's the matter Kanata?" he asked breaking the silence that surrounds them.

"Huh? Oh… nothing…" Kanata answered, still walking and looking straight.

Still not convinced, tried to change the topic.

"Hey, have you noticed Christine's actions towards you?" he initiated the conversation.

"Christine? Towards me?" Kanata asked, somewhat skeptical about his best friend's statement.

"Yeah… she seemed to like you… can't you notice it?" Santa continued.

"Oh…" he laughed

"Why? What's the matter? I really can't understand you. A while ago you were quite and emotionless, now you're laughing with an unrecognizable reason?" Santa said. He was sure confused to Kanata's weird expressions.

"I have noticed those things…" Kanata confirmed

"You do?" Santa asked

"Yeah… I admit it Santa, she's cute, sweet, and thoughtful and not to mention that she is rich… but…" Kanata cut his statement.

"Huh? But what Kanata?" Santa asked again

"But, I really can't change the fact that I love someone else. I know that she'd be furious to hear this but, I'd never fell in love with her." He said. Santa saw him blushed and inquired further.

"Really? And who's the girl?" he asked

"Promise me first that you will never tell it to anybody! It's our secret Santa." Kanata said offering his right hand for a shake.

"I PROMISE WITH ALL MY HEART." He said and took Kanata's hand into a secret handshake.

"So who's the girl Kanata?" he further inquired and walked facing him.

Kanata didn't say a word yet, he smiled and looked above the stars.

"What? Who is it?" Santa asked…

"She can be peevish sometimes, I tease her all the time, and I surely not recognized her since we were young. You know Santa, even though she hits me hard, she kicks or pinches me, my feelings for her developed so well that no one's can ever change it." He said… showing his admiring smile while they walk.

"It's Miyu… It is Miyu right. The one you love is Miyu all along…" Santa said

"Huh? How did you come up with that conclusion? There are many girls in our school who might have been getting my attention all along." Kanata elucidated but, he was sure surprised about Santa's conclusion.

"C'mon Kanata! We have been childhood friends and I can say that I already know you. I can say it by your looks and as you stare at her. You have been teasing her just to get attention to you. So, is she the one?" Santa said giving back the smile.

"Heheh… Yeah… she is the one…" Kanata said. Deep eyes of him tells Santa that he really mean it. He was sure happy for his best friend.

"So, have you told her?" he asked

"Nope… not yet… that is my problem. I don't know the right time and place." Kanata said

"Oh… Do not worry! Your secret is safe with me! No one will know! Not until you have confessed your feelings to her. But, for now, why won't you try to be gentle to her?" Santa said with might. Kanata laughed and placed his arm over his best friend's shoulder.

"Thank you so much Santa." Kanata smiled.

"That's what friends are for Kanata!" they both smiled and decided to call it a day.


"Santa?" Miyu asked.

"Huh? What are you girls saying again?" he asked

"You've been looking so far away…" Aya said

"Oh… I'm sorry…" Santa said

"It's alright, now you can continue with what you were saying before…" Miyu said

"Oh! That one! I am sorry but I forgot about it! Heheh… Okay! I need to go now…" Santa said and ran home.

"Boy he's weird!" Miyu said, Nanami and Aya agreed.

Kanata returned to their classroom and they all went home.

Back at Saonji Temple

"We're home! Lou? Bow Meow?" Miyu said as both of them removed their shoes.

"Welcome home Master Kanata and Ms. Miyu!" Bow Meow said.

"MANMA!" With Beppo, Lou flying.

"Lou!" as Miyu held him in her motherly arms.

"PAPA!" Lou said as he flew towards his earth-known-father.

"I'm going to change!" Miyu said as she walks towards her room. After she had changed her clothes, she walked to the living room to play with Lou yet, she saw Kanata and Lou already playing. She hid herself and secretly watched the two, both elated and sure exhaust taker. Kanata was laughing as he plays with Lou and Beppo. There, she noticed Kanata's admiring smile. She was sure captivated by his looks and whenever in school, his intelligence and talents. Now she thought of Christine.

/Now I know why is Christine is dying over Kanata…/ She said…

She watched the earth-known-father and son play. She smiled and continued to stare on Kanata's placid face.

"Ms. Miyu… what are you doing?" Bow Meow said as he come closer to see what's she was looking at. Miyu was surprised and sure needed an explanation. She doesn't want him to know that he liked Kanata a lot.

"Uhmm… no-nothing… I'm just looking at Lou… Lo-look how happy he is." She said

"Oh… You're right, Master Lou had never been happier since we've landed here. I thought you were looking at Master Kanata." Bow Meow said and laughed

"What? No way! Why would I waste my time for that bully!" she said and faced against him.

"I'm just joking… anyway, the dinner is already served and you've got a mail early this morning, it arrived after you both went to school." Bow Meow said

"Okay thanks!" Miyu said and went to the kitchen.

"DINNER TIME!" Bow Meow happily said. Lou and Beppo raced to the kitchen and Kanata followed as well.

While having their dinner…

/A letter? Who might send it? Maybe it's from NASA…/ she thought and continued eating…

"Here's you're letter Ms. Miyu." Bow Meow said as he reached the letter.

Miyu opened it and she was surprised to read whom it came from.

"That's from whom Miyu?" Kanata asked

"I think it's from Seiya…" Miyu said, checking the letter inside and out.

"Seiya?" Kanata was also surprised.

"Yeah…he said that he'd be coming here tomorrow. He's asking us if we could empty a room for him. He said that he and her sister got a fight and he wants to stay here for few days for he needs to cool off." Miyu elucidated.

"Why not? He'd be welcome here." Kanata said.

They've finished their dinner and all went to sleep. Except for Miyu, she's still thinking about Kanata. She needs to confirm her feelings 'cause she thinks she is really fast falling for him…

The night fell deep and Miyu finally got into her sleep…


A/N: This is really getting controversial… well, that's just the first part of it! Wait until Chapter 2 arrives. The story will be getting exciting in the next chapters… Please feel free to leave some comments. Hope you enjoyed it and for now, here's my chapter 1!

Chapter 2: "Official Lovers"