Christmas Past

Part 6

During dinner, the fire-team gathered at the usual table.

Mrs. B: Anyone hear about the Captain?

Smoke: Nah, Scream ain't back yet.

Angel: Hope everything is okay with the captain. As officers go, he's alright.

Smoke: Shit yeah, compared to that fucking lieutenant they stuck our shit with.

Tariq: Dim, what's up? You've been pretty quiet down there.

Smoke: Let's not screw up a good thing, huh.

Dim: I know I act like I know everything in front of you guys, but I've got to say, that I am very grateful that Scream was there when that happened with the captain. I wouldn't have known what to do.

Smoke: You mean there something out there you don't know, hot shot?

Dim: Medicine has never been my forte.

Smoke: Your what, dimwit?

Dim: Never mind. Scream saved the captain and that's what counts.

Angel: He was awesome, wasn't he? He knew exactly what he was doing.

Doublewide: Now, if we can just figure out what Scream's problem is…

Tariq: The guy just doesn't like holidays, big deal. Let's just drop it.

Doublewide: I'm telling you guys, it's more than that.

Doublewide starts tapping her fingers on the table and looks down at her vest.

Mrs. B: You know, something we don't.

The others watch as Doublewide pulls something from the pocket of her vest.

Doublewide: Remember, Scream said he don't have a family.

The others nod their heads, yes. She then hands them a picture.

Doublewide: Then you tell me, who are those two kids with him?

Angel: Where'd you get this at?

Doublewide: When Scream sent me back to his tent for his radio. It was on his cot. I guess the wire was wrapped around his pillow cause when I lifted it up I pulled the pillow off and this picture was under it. Now, that's definitely the sarge in the picture.

Tariq: A lot younger, but yeah that's him.

Mrs. B: What's he hiding and why?

Smoke: Somethin that ain't none of our business.

Doublewide: Why didn't he tell us about his kids. They're adorable.

Dim: We don't even know if they are his. They could be his niece and nephew or godchildren.

Angel: I'll buy the godchildren part, but he said he was an orphan. He didn't mention having a brother or sister.

Dim: He didn't mention the kids either, but here they are. Maybe he found his long-lost siblings later on in life.

Smoke: I don't know nothing about what the sarge got going on in his life. I do know you better put that picture back where you found it. If he come back and see it missing, he'll be havin us doin' push-ups til Easter.

Dim: For once, Smoke's right. Put it back, Doublewide. We can't let him know that we found it.

After dinner, Doublewide did place the picture back underneath Scream's pillow and left his tent before he or any other sergeant walked in on her.

At revelry, Scream had his team fall out for calisthenics. Two hours later, the team was dismissed and each went for their canteens. Scream was speaking with another captain when he was waved over by his squad.

Scream: Something you need, soldiers?

Dim: We were just wondering how the captain was doing?

Scream: He's going to be fine. He was just starting to wake up when I left. He'll be there for a few days for observation and once they reverse the trache, he'll be back here…good as new.

Angel: Thanks to you, sarge.

Scream: We all had a hand in it. Didn't do it alone.

Dim: But you could of. You did a great job.

Smoke: Where you learn that from, sarge?

Scream: Told you. I watch a lot of tv shows about hospitals…

Tariq: I do too, but I wouldn't have known how to perform a tracheotomy on anyone from the television.

Doublewide: Give it up, sarge. How you do it?

Scream: You guys don't listen to shit that I say, that's why I don't tell you nothing. I remember telling you I started in the army as a medic.

Mrs B: Yeah, you did. Why you give it up?


Knowing that Scream was probably still upset over his friend's condition, they didn't want to get anymore on his bad side. They immediately headed for the showers and made sure they were at the captain's quarters in under twenty minutes.

Captain Nichols: Rawhide 1, at ease. Your sergeant here, tells me you aren't afraid of hard work. Well, I'm going to put you to the test. Since most of the other details have left the base or will be leaving soon, that leaves you here to do some of the clean up work. Until my predecessor, Captain Baron, returns…your asses are mine. And if you ain't soldiers yet, you will be when he gets back.

Dim: Sir, I thought we were at cease time. Isn't this our down time?

The captain walks up and gets in Dim's face.

Captain Nichols: In case you hadn't notice, boy…we have a war going on here. There is no such a thing as down time. We have to be prepare under any circumstance for the enemy to attack. I took a tour of your sorry ass base, and you ain't hardly ready. There are tents to be secured to the ground, ditches to be dug, weapons to be cleaned, ammo to be checked. DO YOU READ ME, SOLDIERS!

Rawhide 1: YES SIR!


The team took off and began their scut work. Scream hung back with the captain.

Scream: Now, maybe that will fucking get them off my back and leave me the hell alone for awhile anyway. Captain, permission to send an email, sir?

Captain Nichols: Permission granted. Then I want you back to supervise your team, given that this was your idea to begin with. Dismissed.

An hour later and Scream inspected his team's work areas. Watching how hot and sweaty they were getting, made Scream flash one of his rare smiles at them.

Smoke: Glad you find this so fuckin funny, sarge.

Scream: You don't goddamn think I didn't have to do shit duty too when I was a private. I paid my dues, now you have to pay yours.

Angel: Thought we were suppose to be taking it easy.

Doublewide: At least, when Captain Baron was here we were.

Scream: You guys don't get it, do you? By now I would have thought that you knew you don't get shit in this world without working for it.

Tariq: So, what do we get for doing this besides blisters and sunburn.

Scream: Your goddamn Christmas party. You still want that, right? Or should I tell the captain to cancel the steak and roast beef dinner he's having prepared for you. Not to mention the presents.

On that note, the fire-team double timed on their work.

Scream: That's more like it. MOTIVATION!

By the end of the week, the team was so exhausted by the time mail call was announced, that none of them moved. That was always the one thing they looked forward to each day in the shit hole, but having been out in the shit hole more than they'd like this week made them little enthusiastic.

The team finally got their second wind and went outside just as mail call was about over. The final piece of mail was a large package.

Mail Clerk: This one here is for Captain Baron. Guess we'll put it aside.

Scream: I'll take that. We've been expecting it.

Mail Clerk: Sergeant, you know I can't release any mail into the non-owner's hand.

Scream: Hand it over, private. I'll take full responsibility.

The mail clerk did as his out-ranked superior told him too. Scream carried the large package by his team, who were just dying to know what the hell was in it, and what the big mystery was.

Shortly before dinner that night, Scream and Rawhide 1 was summoned to the captain's quarters. All were thrilled when they walked in and saw Captain Baron back. Captain Baron had a small bandage over his throat from the tracheotomy reversal, and wasn't able to talk very much or loudly. Other than that, he was almost one hundred percent again.

Dim: Captain sir, you're looking well.

Captain Baron: I'm feeling much better, thank you.

Smoke: Glad to have you back, sir, like you never believe. So glad.

Captain Baron: I'm glad to be back, which is why I called you here. I hear I have you to thank for my being anywhere, except a graveyard, Sergeant.

Scream: Good thing we were here.

Captain Baron: They told me back at the hospital that if you didn't do the trache, I would have never made it. I guess I owe you my life, Sergeant.

Scream: It wasn't just me, sir. We all had a part in saving you. I cannot, and will not take full credit for doing it alone.

Angel: Don't let his modesty fool you sir, he was great. A real hero.


Captain Baron: As you wish, sergeant. Let me just say that if there's anything you need, sergeant, let me know.

Scream: Appreciate it, sir. I'm fine. Anything else, sir.

Captain: No, that about covers it. I just wanted you to see that I was alright and to privately thank you. Dismissed.

The team left the tent, with Scream lagging in the back.

Scream: By the way, sir. The package we've been waiting for arrived earlier. It's in your closet.

Captain: Thank you, sergeant. I'll open it later and you'll have to let me know what you think.

Scream: I'm no expert on things like that.

Captain: You'll do fine. The others don't know what we've prepared for them for Christmas, do they?

Scream: Not that I know, sir. Christmas is in three days so I hope everything comes off as planned, sir.

Captain: The orphanage, what about them?

Scream: I've spoken with the French caretaker, Sophie, I think her name is. She is very grateful that we are doing this for her kids.

Captain: Funny, when I mentioned it to her before she wanted nothing to do with us. She said the soldiers frightened the children.

Scream: I had another chat with her. She's delighted.

Captain: I'll bet.

Scream: Sorry, sir.

Captain (smiling)I had heard that you had some "special influence" over her.

Scream: I'm sure I don't know what you mean. Permission to leave, sir.

Captain: Permission granted, Sergeant "Stud".

Christmas Eve morning arrived, and most of the camp was decorating for the party tonight. Those that weren't decorating, were in the mess kitchen preparing the food. Scream had left the base earlier to bring the orphans there.

Dim: You guys think we'll see Scream tonight at the party?

Angel: Captain Baron said appearance was mandatory. I don't think he can get out of it.

Tariq: He may not want to, given who one of the guests will be.

Doublewide: Who's that?

The male soldiers smile at each other.

Doublewide: Oh, you mean the lady caretaker. I got you. She'll cheer him up.

Dim: If he keeps up his attitude that he's had the past two holidays, she may not want to be around him either.

Smoke: If she don't do the trick, no one will.

Dim: I've never seen a guy go through so many mood changes like him.

Mrs B: Whatcha mean, "a guy". Since when you come such male chauvinist, Dim?

Dim: I didn't mean anything by that. Sorry. It's just one moment he's pretty cool, the next, he's hostile, and then he's like…

Angel: Like you don't know whether to go near him, or duck for cover.

Dim: Right. There's obviously something bothering him. I can't put my finger on it.

Smoke: We just see when frenchie comes tonight. With any luck, he'll jump on her back and stay off ours.

Scream was helping Sophie get the children ready to go when he zoned out again.

"Scream and Lindsay were sitting on the couch, with baby Ciara on her mother's lap. Suddenly, the pitter patter of small feet approach. CJ has arrived downstairs and stared at the tree.

CJ: I told you, daddy. I was good boy. Look what Santa left for me.

Scream: Both you and your sister are good kids. Santa knows it.

CJ: What 'bout you and mommy? You good too.

Lindsay: I'm sure there must be one or two presents in there for us too. Come on, Ciara…you must be hungry. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes.

Lindsay got up from the couch and carried Ciara out to her high chair set up at the breakfast table.

Scream: Come on son, you have to be starving too. You didn't have your "snack before going to bed" last night.

CJ: Be there daddy. Just want to…open a few presents first.

Before CJ could get to the presents, Scream stood up and grabbed hold of him.

Scream: You know better than that. We eat breakfast first, before open any presents, then we go to church. It's tradition.

CJ: What tadition mean?

Scream: It's tradition and it means we do the same thing every year. We don't have many, let's keep the few we do have. You'll understand when you get older.

Lindsay comes back into the living room.

Lindsay: Breakfast come and get it.

CJ: Can't open just one now, dadd…


CJ drops his head and drags himself to the breakfast table. Scream turns red faced and walks over to his wife.

Scream: Don't you ever yell at him like that again.

Lindsay: Just because you grew up with no parents and obvious no discipline, he isn't. Maybe if you would discipline him once in a while he wouldn't be the terror that he is. You don't see my precious Ciara carrying on like this.

Scream: She's two months old. Besides it' s not his fault he inherited my ADHD. What makes you think Ciara isn't going to be hyper when she gets older?

Lindsay: She may have inherited your looks but my calm, sedate, well- behaved personality. No pal, it's just the boys that are screwed up in this family…cause of you and those defective genes."

Scream was brought out of his trance by a shaking of his arm.

Sophie: You alright?

Scream: I'm fine, why?

Sophie: We're ready but you aren't. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you didn't want to go.

Scream: Don't be ridiculous. The kids will have a great time and I'll have a good time showing them one. Now, let's mount up, everyone.

Sophie: We are. All except you.

Scream: Right, let's go then.

Scream climbs into the driver's seat in the van, trying to shake off the chill going down his back.

That night at the party, the kids feast on the candy and cookies that the soldiers spent the day preparing. The soldiers were basking in some liquor that was provided by the army. Most of them were pre-occupied with playing with the children that they didn't notice that there was an unusual presence among them.

A soldier dressed as Santa Claus came in with a large sack on his back. The fire-team laughed when they realized that underneath the beard and red suit was none other than their own Captain Baron.

Angel: With all due respect, sir. I didn't know you were into this sort of thing.

Captain: I use to do it every year for my own children when I was home for Christmas. So, HO, HO, HO…CHILDREN GATHER ROUND. SANTA' S GOT PRESENTS FOR ALL…YOUNG AND OLD.

Scream stood in the background watching when he saw a small boy, go behind the buffet table and touch one of the hot plates. He quickly ran over and grabbed the boy. He lifted him off his feet and carried him over to Sophie.

Scream: Got to keep an eye on them. Little kids shouldn't be anywhere near a stove.

Sophie: Sorry, but it wasn't a stove. Just a hot plate. But you are right, he could still get hurt. Thank you, sergeant.

Scream: Just keep them away from the uh, hot plate. Not safe for them, never know when one will blow up. I got to go.

Sophie: Blow up?

While the presents are being handed out, Scream grabs hold of a six pack of beer and slips out of the mess tent unnoticed.

Later once all the kids received their presents, Captain Baron started handing the fire team theirs.

Each member of Rawhide received a large gift wrapped package. They stared down at them and looked at the captain.

Captain: Before you open your presents, I have one more here for you.

The captain drew the soldiers' attention over and pointed at one of the tent flaps. Seconds later, a visitor arrived to the soldiers' surprise. They all smiled in shock.


The soldiers went to greet their fellow comrade.

Bo: I was wondering how my old outfit was doing? Did you miss me?

Doublewide: Hell yes. How are you?

Bo: I'm getting better. The leg or that is my stump still hurts from time to time…

Tariq: …you look like your walking okay despite what happened.

Bo looks at the strange soldier, confused.

Angel: Oh right, this is PFC Tariq Nassir, he's your replacement.

Bo and Tariq shake hands.

Tariq: Heard a lot about you. Sorry, about the accident.

Bo: It's alright. Last time I ever go on a beer run again.

The team waits for Bo to laugh at his own joke and when he does, they follow.

Smoke: So, you out of the shit before you got into it.

Bo: Well,…

Captain: Maybe not. Private Ryder here, may be coming back. We are working on getting him back into combat but right now, he's working in the states as a recruiter.

Bo: Pretty boring work, but at least I get to spend a lot of time with my wife and son. By the way, captain, about the awards. I wanted to thank you and sarge about,

Captain: We'll talk about it later. Visit with your friends.

Bo: Alright guys, so open your packages and see what Santa here, bought y'all.

Doublewide: First, there's something we need to say to you, captain.

Captain: What's wrong?

Mrs. B: Nothin' wrong. We just wanna thank you for the party and the gifts.

Captain: Your welcome, but it wasn't me. I'm not the one responsible for giving you the party or presents, even though it's a gesture I should have made given the wonderful job your team has done.

Smoke: I get it. More tax payer money being used to support the troops that we'll be hearing about when we get home. You know, how deep the country is in goddamn debt.

Captain: No taxpayer money was used. The benefactor wanted to remain anonymous, but…what the hell. Look at the cards on your presents.

The team reaches for their presents and almost on cue open the gift tags.

Dim: To the best fire team a squad leader could ask for. Merry Christmas…SSG Scream.

The fire-team's jaws drop.

Tariq: Sergeant Scream is giving us the party.

Captain: The party, the gifts, the food. He even arranged to have Bo flown over here. It was all him. He paid for everything out of his own pocket. He didn't want you to know, but I think he should be given the credit.

Angel: That's our sergeant, modest as hell.

Captain: What are you guys waiting for? Open your presents before they expire.

The team was wondering what the captain meant by expiring. They started to rip the paper of the packages like a group of children. They opened the boxes and smiled when they saw what was in them. For Dim, there were packages of Pepperidge Farm Milanos and Wheat Thins. For Angel, Oreos and Chips Ahoy. For Tariq, Nutter Butters and Doritos. For Smoke, Peanut M&M'S. For Doublewide, Nachos and Cheese Dip. And for Mrs. B, A Sweet Potato Pie.

Smoke: How did he know I liked M&M'S, peanut brand too.

Tariq: You guys remember, sitting back in the truck…right before Madcow was killed. We were talking about our favorite foods.

Angel: He remember all that?

Dim: Must have. Alright , sarge.

Doublewide: Me and Mrs. B wasn't there. How he know what we like to eat.

Captain: That was tough, but I think he contacted your families and asked them.

Mrs. B: We got to thank him for this.

Smoke: Shit, how we gonna do that, when we ain' t suppose to know?

Dim: Anonymity or not, I want to tell him how grateful I am. Where is he anyway? I haven't seen him all night.

Smoke: Just find his girlfriend, he won't be far behind, shit.

Tariq: There she is but he's no where in sight.

The team put their packages down and approach Sophie.

Sophie: I don't know where he got to. We were discussing one of my children earlier and then he like, how you say, vanished into thin air.

The team, along with Bo, went over to his tent and found Scream sitting alone, a near-empty six pack by his foot. He was rocking back and forth again, with a partially empty beer bottle in his hand. The mood was more strange than usual when they came to see the sergeant.

Angel: Can we come in, sergeant?

Scream didn't answer. He just sat, zoned out and didn't even acknowledge their present. The team couldn't help but notice a hand gun sitting on a crate next to the sergeant.

Bo: Uh, sergeant. I wanted to thank you for what you did for me. You know, getting me not only the purple heart but the bronze star too.

Scream remains silent so the team decides that he's in one of his "leave me the hell alone goddamn it" moods and turns around to exit the tent, but not before Angel is able to remove the gun without the dazed sergeant noticing.

Scream: Meant it too, Bo. You can still be one of my best soldiers.

Bo: Thank you, and I'll try to do you proud. I mean I will do you proud.

Tariq: Sergeant, the rest of us know you're the one who gave us the party. You didn't have to do that.

Scream leans forward, almost falling flat on his face, when he manages to catch his balance.

Scream: Knew me well enough, you'd know I DON'T do anything I don't WANT to do. You guys deserved this.

Mrs. B: Captain said you gave up your R&R to be here with us. Not to mention part of a army bonus to pay for everything.

Scream: I figured you can't be with your family and I don't have family to go home to. GODDAMN IT, I WISH HE HADN'T TOLD YOU!

Dim: We probably would have figured it out anyway, when we read the tags on our gifts. Thanks, you really knew what we all wanted.

Scream attempted to get to his feet, but the present stupor he was in, was making that a difficult task without him falling down.

Scream: Got sick and tired of hearing you whine about the food and MRES here. Maybe this bit of gee dunk will shut you all the hell up for awhile.

Smoke: Shit, that it will. Anything we won't have to eat in the mess tent is fucking appreciated.

Scream looks up at his fire-team, his eyes bloodshot and his face sweaty and clammy. His words are badly slurred, revealing to them his condition.

Scream: What the fuck else you want? Someone hand me my last bottle over there on your way out.

Dim: Don't you think you've had enough? You can barely sit up with out falling over much less stand. This isn't like you. I never would have taken you as a heavy drinker, especially at Christmas.

Scream: You celebrate your goddamn holidays your way, I'll celebrate mine, my way.

Mrs. B: You sure this is how you want those kids to see you out there?

Scream: Not going out there anymore. This is the way I want to spend this crappy day.

Angel: You don't like Christmas either, sarge?

Scream: Nope, don't have time for it. Get out of here and go be with your guests. LEAVE ME GODDAMN IT ALONE!

Tariq: Well, have a nice Christmas anyway.

Smoke: Why don't you wait til Christmas and tell him that?

Dim looks at his watch.

Dim: Look, it's 0100 hours. It is Christmas.

The team start wishing each other a Merry Christmas

Scream: If none of you idiots want to get my beer, I'll get it myself.

Scream manages to get to his feet, but before he can take a step, he topples over. Angel and Smoke are able to get hold of him before he can go completely down.

Angel: Alright, that's it. Time to go to bed.

Scream: I'm not tired, am I.

Tariq: Yeah, you are.

The two soldiers help Scream over to his cot, when he starts mumbling something incoherent.

Scream: It's my fault. All my fault. I didn't mean it, kids.

Mrs. B: What he talkin' 'bout? What's not his fault.

Dim: No idea. We'll find out someday?

Smoke: Why the fuck not now? Not often we get him with his guard down.

Dim: Not tonight.

Once Scream is settled down in his cot, he instantly goes unconscious, from being too drunk and exhausted. Mrs B removed his ICOM. When the team is ready to leave him alone, Doublewide spots a piece of paper in the sergeant's hand that he's been holding on to. She manages to remove it from his tight grasp.

Smoke: What's that?

Doublewide: A newspaper article from December 26, 1994.

She continues to read the article.

Doublewide: Headline says, " Gas Explosion Kills Two, Critically Injures Third in Long Island." "Long Island's army Corporal Christopher Silas was critically injured yesterday when the stove in his home ignited a gas explosion. Corporal Silas, who suffered 3rd degree burns over 45 of his body, two fractured vertebra and a punctured lung, remained fully conscious throughout the ordeal while he attempted to save the lives of his two young sons. Jeremy Silas, aged 6 months, died instantly from his injuries. Christopher Silas Jr., aged 4 years old, also known as CJ, suffered 3rd degree burns over 80 of his body and a fractured skull, died minutes after the explosion. Paramedics arriving on the scene 20 minutes after the explosion stated that they saw Corporal Silas, cradling the lifeless body of his oldest son in his arms. Corporal Silas was admitted to the Long Island Burn Unit's ICU, in serious condition. Although he is expected to survive, his recovery will be long and painful. The boys were survived by their father, mother Lindsay, and sister, Ciara, 2 years old. A funeral for the boys will be held on December 30th. In lieu of sending flowers, Corporal Silas has asked that all donations be made to the Long Island Burn and Pediatric Center in his sons' memories."

The team remained silent. Tears pouring down their faces.

Angel: Well, goddamn it.

Doublewide: Dear god, they were just babies.

Smoke: No wonder he hates Christmas.

Tariq: Shit, that had to kill him out there, with all those kids around the Christmas tree with the presents.

Doublewide wipes the tears from her eyes, folds the news article up and places it back in the sleeping sergeant's hand.

Doublewide: Come on guys, help me cover him up.

The team got the blankets on the table nearby and covered up their sergeant. They fix his head more comfortably on his pillow. Before leaving him alone, both Doublewide and Mrs. B give Scream a kiss on his head, while the male soldiers salute their squad leader. They quietly leave now, for the first time, completely understanding their leader's pain.

Later Christmas Day, the captain enter the sergeant's tent to find him still asleep on the cot, fully dressed.

Captain: Sergeant, yo attention on deck there.

Scream turned over, put his hand over his eyes to shade them from the disturbing blinding light that was coming in.

Scream: Oh right, sir. I'll get up as soon as I get my bearings.

Scream scrambled to sit up but kept falling back down. His eyes were more bloodshot than usual. The captain took one look at the sergeant and realized he was in no condition to sit let alone stand up.


Scream grabbed his ears and then his head and started rolling around in the cot.

Scream: Quieter please, sir?

Captain: Sorry. I said I know what brought this state on and you have my sympathies, but it's not proper way to present yourself to your team. Do I need to worry if this is going to be a regular thing with you?

Scream: No, just a once a year thing. I'll be sure that it never happens here again, sir. You're right. I am, at this moment, a sorry excuse for a soldier and squad leader and I'm ashamed of myself.

Captain: I didn't say or even think that. You are one of my best Staff NCOS and I don't want to lose you because of something stupid. Don't be so hard on yourself. If anyone has a reason to get drunk, it's you.

Scream: It's still no excuse…

Captain: Sleep it off and we'll talk about it later over some coffee. Hot, black and strong coffee is what you need.

Scream: Thank you, sir.

Captain: As you were.

The captain left the tent and ran into the fire-team on the way out.

Captain: I don't think this will be a good time, everyone.

Dim: We really need to speak with the sergeant, sir.

Captain: He's not in a talking mood.

Smoke: I be surprise if he was in a conscious mood after this morning.

Tariq: Sir, we know what's going on with the sergeant and it's vital that we do talk with him.

Captain: He's your squad leader. I can't stop you.

The captain continues to go on his way, while the team starts to whisper just outside Scream's tent.

Mrs. B: Maybe this ain't the right time.

Dim: Do you know of a better one.

Mrs. B: I just don't think we shoul' just barge in on him.

Dim: If we didn't barge on him this morning, we probably wouldn't have a squad leader now.

Smoke: For once, the dimwit is right. Boy had a loaded gun sittin' next to him.

Angel: I've already witnessed one soldier eat his gun, I couldn't go through that again. Especially, the sarge.

Dim: He's severely depressed…

Doublewide: No shit. The man lost both his boys on Christmas, wouldn't you fucking be a wreck, too.

Dim: I know if anything ever happened to my stepson, Eddie…I can't say that I wouldn't feel a little suicidal.

Suddenly, the team hears a bang and the sergeant yell. They start to panic until they realize, that's it's only a hummer backfiring. They peek inside the tent and see the sergeant sitting up in his bed, holding his head.

Tariq: Everything okay in there, sarge?

Scream: Just hit the shit out of my head on this goddamn table.

Dim: Permission to enter, sergeant?

Scream: Enter.

Doublewide: Females, too.


The team enters and makes themselves comfortable on the cots. They sit in silence for a moment not knowing who should begin or from where.

Doublewide: So sarge, how you feelin' this morning?

Scream: Why how do I look?

Smoke: Like shit.

Scream: Good, then I look better than I feel. I'm sure you didn't come in here to check up on me.

Tariq: Actually, we did. After this morning, we were worried about you.

Scream: What happened this morning?

Mrs. B: You don't remember?

Scream: With the way my head is throbbing, I'm lucky I can remember my own name and what shit hole I'm in.

No one said anything causing the hung-over sergeant to look at them individually.

Dim: You were pretty out of it earlier, sarge?

Scream: Dim, is that your high-class college way of saying that I was fucking drunk. It's alright. It's not a secret.

Doublewide: We know why you got drunk last night and we just want to help out.

Scream: You wouldn't even know how to fucking begin to help me…wait a minute, how do you know why I was the way I was?

Bo: We came by to thank you for the party and…

Scream shook his head and tried to focus his eyes.

Scream: Bo, where the shit did you come from?

Bo: You arranged for me to fly back to see my old squad.

Scream: Wow, that was fucking nice of me. Good to see you.

Bo: Yeah, anyway…I wanted to thank you for getting me my medals and helping me get back into combat.

Scream: I'm doing all that. Goddamn, I've been busy.

Dim: I think we'll getting off the subject.

Scream: Right, uh…what was the subject.

Dim: This morning we came by to see you and you were already through your fifth bottle of beer and working quickly into your sixth one when you passed out. We got you to your cot and…

Scream: You put me to bed? I wonder how the hell I manage to make it the distance. Thanks, you're a good team.

Angel: We saw the newspaper article that you were reading.

Angel pointed at a piece of paper on the floor. Scream bent down to pick it up. Before he opened it up, he had realized what it was. His face turned beet red and you could almost, literately, see smoke come out of his ears.




Scream grabs hold of his head and tries to slow his rapid breathing down.

Doublewide: Take it easy, sarge. We only did it because we were worried about you and cause we care about you. Haven't you ever had anyone who cared about you before?

Scream: Not without an ulterior motive.

Doublewide: Not even family.

Scream: Told you before I don't have any family.

Mrs. B: Then who are the two kids with you in the picture?

Scream: What picture?

Mrs. B: The one you keep under your pillow.

Scream: Shit, you know 'bout that too. Good thing this army don't tell privates any government secrets or we'd be invaded by goddamn who knows what the fuck.

Doublewide: Why didn't you tell us about your…family?


The team gives up and begins to leave when the sergeant stops them.

Scream: I lied about not having family, but you already know that. In between foster homes, when I was sixteen, I met a girl. Her name was Lindsay. Her family was well to do and they never would accept me. When I was seventeen, she gave birth to our first son, CJ. He was the image of his mother. Blonde hair and blue eyes but he unfortunately inherited my ADHD. Her family wanted me to give up all my paternal rights to the child, but I refused. Lindsay and I were going to get married but I had to wait to turn eighteen so I could provide for us, by joining the army.

Dim: There must have been other ways besides joining the army?

Scream: Not for someone who was overly aggressive, barely a high school education and no work experience. We were married while I was still in boot camp and arranged to stay nearby, at first. I became a medic and was trained and eventually worked in a VA hospital. Occasionally, I was shipped over seas to help on different MASH units. During that time, Lindsay was left alone with CJ. He was very colicky, like I was and he drove her out of her mind. By the time he grew out of being colicky, he started turning aggressive and Lindsay was pregnant with our second child. Ciara, was born when I was nineteen and she was a calm baby. She had jet black hair and golden tan skin, like me. She wasn't ADHD though. The doctor said it was possible that gene was only dominant in males.

Mrs. B: That was a lot for her to handle alone with you gone most of the time.

Scream: Maybe, but I wasn't away very long. We got a house just off base and it was going alright for a while as long as CJ stayed tranquil.

Dim: There's medicine they could have put him on.

Scream: I know about their "medicine" . They tried putting me on it when I was a teenager. Damn shit, left me groggy and basically stoned all day. I didn't know up from down. I was not going to let them turn my children into zombies. Lindsay doted on Ciara. She was her pride and joy and poor CJ winded up getting pushed aside by her. I made sure both children were equally loved.

Bo: Like a good father should.

Scream: I thought so too. More trouble was to come when our third child, my son Jeremy was born. He also favored his mother on looks but he had my screwed up gene. Lindsay decided enough was enough. She couldn't handle one ADHD child much less two. When Jeremy was only a month old, I came home to find a note on the kitchen table from Lindsay asking me to pick the boys up from the army daycare center.

Dim: They took them that young at only one month?

Scream: Not on a regular basis but if the parents had an emergency then they wouldn't mind you bringing them over to watch every so often. She said that she had already picked up Ciara, who was 2 at the time, so they could have some girl-time together. That wasn't unusual. She had done it before. Later when I came home, I got a phone call from Lindsay. She said she couldn't deal with it anymore. She no longer wanted to be mother to a couple of unruly terrors and she was taking Ciara and leaving me. Before I could say anything, she hung up…

Smoke: Shit, I would've taken that bitch's ass to court…

Scream: I thought about that, at least to get visitation rights with my daughter, but I couldn't drag any of my kids through nasty court trials. Besides, her family was too powerful. They'd do anything to keep me away from her so they had no problem hiding her from me. Every time I tracked her down, she'd pick up and move again. Someone hand me the shoebox under my cot. If I bend down, my head will burst.

Tariq reached under the cot and came up with the box. He handed it to Scream. Scream opened it to reveal a bunch of unopened envelopes bound together with a rubber band.

Scream: I managed to track her down several times over the years and send her checks to support my daughter. They all came back, unopened and with the same message on it, "RETURN TO SENDER".

Angel: Well, I'm sure Lindsay's family is providing for Ciara.

Scream looked at his team and his face grew red. He got up and threw a chair at the center post of the tent busting it into a few thousand pieces and causing his team to jump almost out of their skins.


Seeing his squad flinch, brought Scream out of his tirade.

Scream: Sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone.

Mrs. B: That's okay. That would explain why she or her mother wasn't in the explosion.

The team saw Scream start to shake and a death look came over his face.

Dim: Let's not go there. It's obviously too painful for the sergeant to talk about. (pause) unless he wants too.

Scream: Gone this far, can't stop now.

"Christmas morning, 1994: Scream was busy cooking breakfast in the kitchen when he heard CJ enter the living room.

CJ: Wow, I was a good boy 'gain this year. Look what Santa bought me and Jerry, daddy.

Scream turned off the burner and moved the pan with the eggs and bacon in it to the back of the stove so CJ couldn't pull it over on himself.

Scream: Shhh! You'll wake your brother up.

CJ: I open my pressens real quiet.

Scream: Not now. You know we never open the presents before breakfast. It's tradition.

CJ: Mommy not here anymore so it not like every Chrismas.

Scream: I know but I still want to keep some things the same. First we eat, then open presents, then church. Come on to the table.

Scream got CJ settled into his seat when the baby started to cry. Scream went to get Jeremy. When he returned, CJ was nowhere to be found. Scream checked the living room. He wasn't opening presents, he checked the bathroom and still no CJ. He figured he went into his bedroom, so he didn't think anymore about it until he walked into the kitchen with the baby in his arms. CJ was putting his little stool down in front of the oven.

Scream: CJ, what do you think you're doing?

CJ: Helpin you, daddy. Make breakfass.

Scream: You know better about going anywhere near that stove. Not til you're older. You want to help me, get a bottle out of the fridge and feed your brother for me.

Scream sat Jeremy down in his baby rocker seat on the kitchen table. CJ retrieved the bottle and put it in the microwave. Scream, being on his own, had to depend on CJ'S help in caring for the baby, so CJ was accustomed to heating the baby's bottle up. Once it was done, Scream watched as CJ tested it on his wrist.

Scream: Too hot?

CJ: Juss right. Here feel.

CJ squeezed a little out on his daddy's wrist and Scream agreed it was perfect. He watched while CJ gave Jeremy the bottle. CJ stayed by his brother's side watching him drink. Scream turned back around to the stove, brought back up the pan with the eggs and bacon in it and turned the pilot on. BANG!"

The team lowered their heads cause they knew what had happened next.

Scream: Next thing I know is I wake up across the room and there flames and smoke everywhere. I started yelling for the boys, but it was quiet. I expected to hear Jeremy crying, but he wasn't. I tried to get to my feet but I couldn't see and it was difficult to breathe. It hurt like hell to even move my legs.

Bo: With those injuries, no wonder.

Scream: My injuries were least of my problems. I had to get to my kids. I started to crawl along the floor, calling their names, in between choking on the smoke. I couldn't see so I felt around until I came to a soft bundle on the floor. It was Jeremy. I felt all over his body and couldn't find a pulse. He wasn't breathing. He was just limp. The little guy never had a chance. Then I heard CJ gasping for air. I managed to get to him. He was crying and just asked me to hold him. I told him we were going to the hospital and they were going to make us better. He asked me if he would be allowed to open his presents when he came home from the hospital. I told him sure and then he took one deep breath and that was it. I started rescue breathing and compressions. There was a knocking on the door. It was paramedics, I told them kick the door in. We were only about ten feet from the front door, but by the time they got to us, CJ had died in my arms.

Scream went numb as the others tried to control their own feelings. They fought to hold back their tears but couldn't.

Scream: At the funeral…

Dim: The paper said you were critically wounded, how did you make the funeral?

Scream: Signed myself out AMA. Come hell or high water I was going to put my boys to rest. Didn't matter whether I died, anyway. My life was over without my babies. Ironically, Lindsay was there but no Ciara.

"Scream: Why isn't Ciara here at her brothers' funeral?

Lindsay: Ciara never mentioned them so I don't even think she remembers them. I didn't see any reason to tell her they were dead.

Scream: Does she remember me, huh…Lindsay?

Lindsay: Strangely enough, she did. She remembered you in your army outfit and asked about you all the time. I told her you were killed in the war. She stopped asking after that.

Scream: What the hell kind of a mother doesn't tell a little girl her brothers are dead and does tell her that her father is dead when I'm not. I want to see my daughter.

Lindsay: Not on your life. You already killed my two little boys, I'm not going to let you anywhere near my precious daughter."

Scream: At that moment, I wanted to tear her apart limb from limb but it was my sons' funeral and unlike her I didn't want to make a scene there. I loved them too much. Funny though, I was thinking about my two little fellows but one thought kept entering my mind. (Fighting his tears) They never got to open their Christmas presents. If I had only let them open them, this would have never happened.

Dim: You don't know that for sure.

Scream: Yeah, I do. The fire marshal said that it was the stove that caused the explosion. The best I can figure is when CJ was alone in the kitchen, he was turning the knobs on the burners but he only had the back one turned a little bit and the pilot was out. It wasn't on long enough where I would smell gas escaping, but long enough to fill the kitchen with fumes and when I turned the front burner on to cook the eggs, it ignited. If I let those children open their presents, they would have been playing in the other room instead of messing with the stove. Lindsay's right, It was my fault. I killed them.

Doublewide: No, it wasn't. No one here would ever hold you to blame.

Doublewide's words fell on deaf ears.

Mrs. B: Sergeant, how long has it been since you saw your daughter?

Scream: Lindsay took her away when she was two. She just celebrated her thirteenth birthday in early October. You do the math.

Doublewide: Eleven years.

Scream: Yup. My little baby girl was becoming a young lady and I missed out on it.

Smoke: Sergeant, the boy at the orphanage that you tried to save…you said he was one more you couldn't save. You meant your sons, huh.

Scream nods.

Scream: That chess set I gave him, was my daughter's. Well, it was mine but I was sending it to her for her birthday. From what I remember about her, she loved challenges. Only she never got it or any other present I sent her. Her mother always headed it off and sent them back. Just like the one I sent a few weeks ago. It was a computer, a Christmas present. Still have it wrapped under my cot. Uh, I've taken up enough of your time with my sob story. You have better things to do.

Dim: Actually, we don't.

Scream scrambles to his feet and grabs hold of his mouth.

Scream: Well, I goddamn do. IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME, I HAVE TO THROW UP!

Scream pushes through his team and heads as fast as he can to the latrine, leaving the others pondering what he just told them.

Bo: Think he's okay.

Smoke: Booze is catchin' up with him.

Mrs. B: That and all those locked up emotions.

Angel: He's a good man and doesn't deserve this.

Dim: Right, he doesn't. We have to make it right.

The team leaves the tent headed for the captain's quarters.

The next day, Scream sees Captain Baron sitting at his team's table in the mess hall. He decides to join them. The captain and the team are deep in conversation when they see Scream approach. They quickly end their conversation and stare as Scream sits with them.

Scream: Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt the conversation.

Dim: You didn't. It's just a shock seeing you actually sit with us. You usually sit by yourself unless there are no free tables.

Scream: If I'm crowding you, I'll get up and move.

Captain: Relax, sergeant. You're fine where you are.

Scream: So Captain, how's the throat?

Captain: Much better. Still difficult to swallow, but it should heal completely within the next week or so. Um, Sergeant…my doctor said that tracheotomies don't get prettier than the one you did on me, especially under the circumstances.

Scream: You can thank the army for that. They trained me well.

Doublewide: Sergeant, you never did tell us why you didn't stay a medic?

Scream looks around at his team, swallows his food, debating whether or not let his squad in on any more of his life. Then again, they were there when he saved the captain's life, so that gave them a right to know. If he would've done anything wrong when working on the captain, the whole team would have been held responsible.

Scream: Back when I was a medic, I was offered a chance to transfer over to infantry. The lieutenant that I was working under thought that my aggressive behavior would benefit the United States if it were used on the front lines. He said the pay was better, but I refused. Maybe if it was just me, I would have done it but I had my family to consider. I didn't want to go too far into dangerous territory and risk not being there for my kids. Anyway, as a medic, I was able to stay close to home more often. After the boys' death, I never went back to my house and insisted I be shipped overseas. I was assigned a med unit very close to the front lines in Somalia. This didn't bother me so much anymore, since I was on my own and had no one to worry about, except Ciara, then again, she thought I was already dead so she wouldn't agonize about me.

Angel: But you were still a medic at the time, right?

Scream still had food in his mouth and nodded. He waited until he had swallowed to continue.

Scream: I was sent out on the front line to tend to one of our men who was injured by a grenade. It had been the worst injury I had seen since losing my boys. His chest was almost completely gone. Little hope of survival but I still had to try but…I froze on the spot. I couldn't do anything. Another medic had to cover for me. The soldier died anyway, but I knew if I froze once, what was the guarantee that it wouldn't happen again. Next time, it could be while treating a soldier that has a chance of surviving, and because of my petrified state, he dies. I couldn't live with that, so I did transfer over to infantry.

Tariq: Well, we'll glad you did.

Captain: I know I am.

Scream started feeling the eyes at table on him and that made him apprehensive so he quickly changed the subject.

Scream: So, uh Bo, did he go back home?

Dim: Yeah, he picked up his wife and son from the army base center and they flew back home to celebrate another Christmas in Texas.

Smoke: Is it really true, he coming back to combat?

Captain: He's been wanting to come back ever since he was injured, so he's been keeping himself in shape. Only time will tell. I think there's only been one other amputee in the history of the army to go back into combat.

Scream: If anyone can do it, he can. Excuse me.

Scream got up and removed his tray from the table. The team waited until he was not only out of the mess hall but completely out of view before they continued their earlier conversation.

The next couple of days, the other details were starting to arrive back on the base from their furloughs. Scream pretty much kept to himself, still filled with so many feelings that he's kept hidden for so long. When he did venture out of his tent and happen to walk by on of his team, he'd greet them and go on his way. Behind his back, the team smiled. They knew by the beginning of the next year, they will have their old Scream back or maybe even a new and improved one.

His team didn't really say much to Scream either. They weren't really sure what they were suppose to say. They were afraid to bring up any part of their Christmas Day talk, not knowing how Scream would react. When one of them did get up the courage to say something to him, they quickly backed off, scared that if they said the wrong thing, Scream would make their lives hell. But even with Scream's hard-assed attitude, there wasn't one of his team that didn't respect him and at the same time feel bad for him for his loss.

New Years Eve Day came and now that there was a fully occupied base again, the captain arranged for some champagne to be delivered to ring in the new year. As midnight approached, Rawhide 1 was in the mess tent preparing to toast the end of the year. They were starting to fill their glasses, when the captain stuck his head in and signaled for them to follow him. Smoke grabbed a bottle of champagne as Mrs. B took eight champagne flutes. They marched over to the Staff NCOS tent. Scream was lying in his customary way, folding his arms behind his head and staring at the ceiling. When he saw them coming, he rolled over on his side, with his back facing them.

Tariq: Sarge, how come you're not at the party again?

Scream: I thought we've be through this already. I just don't get into holidays like the rest of you.

Mrs. B: Well, this is the last major one for awhile. Even if you hate holidays, you could help us knock off this bottle of champagne…

Smoke: …and listen to Angel say a prayer that this shit war will be over soon.

Scream: I know you guys mean well, it's just I don't want to be around anyone now. I want to be left alone. Can't you goddamn understand that?

The team smile at one another.

Dim: We have something that may change your mind?

Scream: Doubt that. I can be pretty stubborn.

Smoke: Don't we fuckin' know it.

Tariq: Sarge, we really liked the presents you got us for Christmas and we felt bad that you didn't get a present.

Scream: How many times I have to tell you. It doesn't matter to me.

Dim: Well, we know it's a little late, but we did get you a present. Sorry, we didn't have a chance to wrap it, but it was rather sudden.

Scream: You didn't…shouldn't have gotten me anything.

Captain: Will you just shut up for a moment and accept this gift for what it is…our way of saying "thank you" for everything you've done to make our time a little better in this shit hole.

Scream knew not to defy the captain so he remained silent.

Captain: Alright Doublewide, bring in the sergeant's present.

The captain tapped Scream on the shoulder to get him to turn over. Hoping they will go after this, he rolled onto his other side and slowly sat up on his cot just as Doublewide walked into his tent with a small, jet-haired, olive- skinned girl. Scream went stiff. He looked at his fellow soldiers and then back at the little girl. For the first time in probably his life, Scream was speechless. His body started to shake and he could barely speak.

Scream: Ciara?

Ciara: Hi, daddy.

Scream struggled to his feet and once he had his balance he ran over and grabbed his daughter into his arms quickly. He hung onto her as if he were drowning or as if she would vanish right in front of him, like he was dreaming. This was one time that Scream didn't give a shit if his team saw him crying. He was not even going to try and hold back his tears.

The fire-team stood back and remained quiet while the two had their reunion. They couldn't help but grin at each other and even their eyes filled with tears.

Finally, Scream let go of Ciara and put her on the ground. He took a step back and looked at her.

Scream: Ciara, you are as beautiful as I had always pictured you. As beautiful as you were the day you were born. I can't tell you how much I missed you.

Ciara: I miss you too, daddy. I'm sorry I was gone for so long. Mommy always told me that you were in heaven. Why did she lie to me, daddy?

Scream: We'll talk about that later. There's so much I have to ask you, so much I need to know.

Captain: You'll have plenty of time too, Sergeant. I've arranged for you to take some of that R&R that you've been putting off. Now, I realize that Iraq is not really the perfect setting for such a reunion as this but I manage to secure the two of you a room away from the war. You have a lot of catching up to do.

Scream: How did you get her here? Is Lindsay here, too?

Angel: After we found out about what happened that Christmas, we wanted so much to do something for you to get you back into the holiday spirit. The best thing we could do was to find your daughter and reunite the two of you.

Tariq: When you asked me to reach the shoebox under your cot, I saw the present under there and then I remembered you said you sent a package to Ciara and it was returned. We took that address off of it, and hoped that it was the right one.

Dim: Thank god, it was. Lindsay hadn't moved. We went to the captain…

Captain: …and I used some of my influence back home and arranged for a couple of MPS to go to the house your daughter was at. And no, we just flew your daughter over here.

Scream: I'm sure Lindsay just loved that.

Captain: She gave the police a hard time but they put her in her place. Sergeant, you will never have to worry about Ciara again. Lindsay was taken into custody when Ciara was picked up. She's gonna have to think about what she's done, long and hard and have 25 years to do it in.

Scream: You don't know Lindsay and her family. They wield a lot of power and money in the states. She'll get out.

Captain: Sergeant, you never legally severed your parental rights to your daughter so you still had legal custody of Ciara when her mother took off with her and went across state lines. That's called kidnapping. It's a federal offense. She won't be going anywhere for a long time.

Scream: I don't know about this. As much as I hate Lindsay, she is still Ciara's mother and feel weird putting her in jail. How am I suppose to explain this to my little girl?

Captain: She already knows about her mother and that it's not your fault. You couldn't keep her out of jail even if you refused to press charges. It wasn't your decision to make.

Ciara starts pulling at Scream's arm.

Ciara: Daddy, they told me that mommy did a bad thing by keeping me away from you and now she's in jail. She was bad, daddy. She hurt you and me. Now you have me and she don't. She'll know how you felt all these years.

Scream smiles down at his daughter's glowing face.

Scream: You are so smart and maybe when your mommy realizes that she did the bad thing and took you away, she'll be a better person for it. Uh, one problem. With Lindsay in prison, what's going to happen to Ciara. I wish she could stay here but I know that's not going to happen. I don't want Lindsay's family to have her and I definitely don't want her in foster care.

Captain: Been taken care of. Lindsay's family should have been charged with accessories to kidnapping, but the charges were reduce to probation on the condition that they don't ever seek legal custody of her. As far as where she will live, I told you I'm from Long Island too. My family is still there and I've arranged to get temporary custody of her…until you two can be together full time.

Scream: However long that may be.

Captain: Well, if you want to transfer back to being a medic we can probably have you shipped back home, that's if you're up to it.

Scream looked at his daughter shaking her head yes. He smiled at her.

Scream: Yes, I think I am ready to go back to the medical field.

Captain: Of course, you will have to take a refresher course back in the states.

Scream: Whatever it takes.

Captain: I'll look into it. Now, you two have a reunion to get on with.

Scream approached each member of his fire-team thanking them and then gave them a hug before packing a bag.

Doublewide: We'll miss you, Sergeant Scream.

Mrs. B: Take care of yourself and that little darlin'.

Scream: I'll be back. It's not like I'm leaving the country tonight.

While getting his things together, Scream handed Ciara a gift-wrapped package. Ciara took it from her father's strong hand and opened it up.

Ciara: A computer. Cool.

Scream: Hope you like it. It's one of the many gifts that I got you over the years that your mother didn't want you having. There's something else I want to give you but that can wait until later. I did have your birthday present here too. It was a chess set.

Ciara: I like chess and I'm good at it too.

Scream: Knew you would be. Unfortunately, I don't have it anymore. When it was returned to me, I gave it to an orphaned boy when I accidentally destroyed his.

Ciara: That's alright, daddy. I already have so much. I can give some of my toys away to someone who doesn't have any. I wish I had a present for you.

Scream: You are the best and only present I could or will ever want. Let's get going.

Scream took Ciara's hand into his and with her other one she waved back at the soldiers, then set her attention with her daddy.

Ciara: Daddy, why do they call you Scream?

Scream let out a small laugh.

Scream: Cause daddy's got a big mouth.

The fire team had to laugh at Scream's answer.

At the hotel room that the captain set up for Scream, there were two beds and one medium sized bath. Not quite five star, but not bad for Iraq. After the two were unpacked, Scream sat down and started asking Ciara all the questions that he's been dying to in the eleven years since they last saw each other. They exchanged what their favorite, food, color, animal, music, and tv shows were. They found out that not only did they share looks but also likes and dislikes.

While Scream arranged for some dinner, Ciara sat quietly on the bed. Scream approached her, lightly biting his tongue. He needed to know the answer to something that's been going through his mind since they were first reunited but didn't know how to quite approach it. He decided to just come out and ask her. He sat on the opposite bed and looked across at her.

Scream: Ciara, this may sound weird but believe me it isn't. How much do you remember about our family before your mommy took you?

Ciara: I remember you, daddy. I remember you always wearing green uniform and that you were big, strong and so handsome.

Scream: That's it, huh. Ciara, do you remember your brothers?

Ciara's head dropped. Scream took her chin in his hand and raised it back up so that they were looking eye to eye. He noticed tears forming in her big brown eyes.

Ciara: I remember an older child, a boy, that use to always be around. That was my brother, wasn't he?

Scream: Yeah, that was CJ. What about your other brother?

Ciara: Sorry, not too much. I know we had a baby for a little while.

Scream: Jeremy. I don't expect you to remember him. He was only a month old when you left. Ciara, about your brothers?

Ciara: I know they are in heaven. They died. The lady soldier who took me on the airplane told me. She said she was a doctor that talks to people about their feelings.

Scream: They were just little boys when they died and I miss them so much. Just as much as I missed you when you were gone. You were the first thing I thought of when I woke up in the morning and the last thing I thought of when I went to sleep and all the hours in between.

Ciara: Daddy, how did they die?

Scream: There was a fire at the house. They went quickly so I don't think either of them were in pain.

Ciara: That's good, but I bet they were so scared.

Scream: I'm sure they were. But now, they are angels watching over us. They won't ever let anything happen to us. And they have each other so they won't be alone and we have each other now, so neither will we.

The food arrived at the room and Scream and Ciara sat down and had their first meal together in eleven years.

Ciara: I kinda remember a little of what CJ look like but not Jeremy.

Scream got up from the table and returned with his wallet. He opened it and removed the same picture he kept under his pillow at the base.

Scream: It's an old picture but it gives you an idea. That's me and the little commando there was your older brother. You were the little bunny rabbit.

Ciara: Do you have a picture of Jeremy?

Scream: Sorry, I wish I did. I'm lucky to have this one. Your mommy took the photo album when she left. I had this picture in my wallet and if I know your mother if she probably had any pictures with me and your brothers on it, we were cut off.

Ciara: Why was mommy like that? Why did she take me away and not my brothers? Why did we leave you? Didn't you want me anymore?

Scream: I don't ever want to hear you say that. I was devastated when she took you away. Here, I want to show you something.

Scream went into his duffel bag and pulled out the shoebox. He opened it and showed it to his daughter.

Scream: I don't ever want you to think I forgot about you or stopped loving you for a minute. See these envelopes. Each one contains a check from me. Every time I was able to find out where you were living, I sent one to your house for you. Your mother got hold of them and sent them back before you could get them. I wanted to support you and give you everything you needed. She wouldn't let me. It's alright now, because all this money that these checks were written for is in a special bank account waiting for you. I knew I would find you one day when I got out of the army. You can use it to buy a car when you get old enough.

Ciara: Or go to college.

Scream: Definitely. That would be great.

Ciara: You didn't answer my question. Why did mommy take me away?

Scream: Your mother had problems. She was sick in her head and for some reason she just wasn't suited to raise boys. Please don't think it had anything to do with your brothers or you. She and I were having problems for a long time and her answer was to run away and take you with her and leave me to raise the boys.

Ciara: Is mommy going to get help now? She's going to talk to a doctor like that nice one that was on the plane with me.

Scream: Let's hope so. But, this is our time together. Let's just talk about what you have been doing since I last seen you.

Two weeks, and one tearful goodbye later and Scream was back on the base. The army arranged for Ciara to fly back to Long Island and for the captain's wife to pick her up at the airport. Scream reassured her that they would never go that long without seeing each other and would stay in close contact. He told her that he would be back home with her soon.

When Scream arrived back on the base, he learned that there wasn't a single opening for a medic trainee back in the states. He was put on a waiting list. In the meantime, Ciara would remain with the captain's family for as long as necessary and Scream made good his promise that he and Ciara would write and talk with each other.

By the end of that year, Scream was accepted as a medic trainee back home and was preparing to leave. Before he left, his squad saw him off.

Scream: You guys are a great team and we couldn't have come as far as we did if we didn't work together. Remember, to stick with your team, have each others backs and watch over each other. Your time here would go faster and a lot smoother if you stayed together.

Private: Sergeant, your ride to the airport is here.

Scream: Thank you, private. As for you, Rawhide 1, I'm going to be checking up on each of you and don't let me hear one bad report about any of you or I'LL COME BACK AND KICK YOUR GODDAMN ASSES! YOU ARE GODDAMN CORPORALS NOW, NOT PRIVATES. SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR THE LOWER RANKS AND LET EVERY ONE KNOW WHAT A GREAT JOB I DID WITH YOU!


Scream: DON'T CALL ME, SIR! And I'll miss you, assholes too.

Scream picked up his bag and turned his squad, Rawhide 1, over to their new squad leader.



Scream: Not as big as my feet are. Goodbye, troops.

Scream got into the hummer and the others waved as they drove off.

Back home, Scream started his refresher coarse as a medic. He bought a house off base and he and Ciara moved into it. During a riot in the prison lunchroom, Lindsay was fatally stabbed. Now it was really only Scream and Ciara. However, every weekend they went to the cemetery and visited the boys. They maintained the graves and put new flowers on them every visit. After all these years, Scream finally had what he always wanted which was to be reunited with his children. It would have been much better if his sons were still with them. His and Ciara's time at the cemetery became known as "The Silas Family Reunion". Scream had finally dealt with his demons of that tragic Christmas past and was able to move on with his new life.

The End

Please read and review. Hope you enjoyed this little insight of my favorite and under-used characters, SSG Scream.