I do not own anything! sigh

Four shall be born of fire, water, earth and air,
To save and reunite the worlds.
Their friendship shall reign of all others,
Their friendship shall save the world.
Fire born as the seventh month dies,
Heir to the thrown of Gryffindor.
Water born of the non-magical,
With knowledge of all.
Earth born six of seven,
With blood that is pure.
Air born last of seven,
With power that is great.
For soon these four shall save us all,
And let the new age start.

This prophecy had been legend, for no one had ever fit the description. When this was mentioned people often thought of it as a joke. They had given up all hope for the two worlds to be at peace. Little did they know that this prophecy was no joke, for the world's saviors had been found!


Albus Dumbledore at his desk reading. He had finished his summer paperwork early that year so he decided to read his book called 'Many Legends' by Celeste Morgana which he got for Christmas that year. He never had a chance to read it so he thought that this was his chance.

He read,

Four shall be born of fire, water, earth and air,
To save and reunite the worlds.
Their friendship shall reign of all others,
Their friendship shall save the world.
Fire born as the seventh month dies,
Heir to the thrown of Gryffindor.
Water born of the non-magical,
With knowledge of all.
Earth born six of seven,
With blood that is pure.
Air born last of seven,
With power that is great.
For soon these four shall save us all,
And let the new age start.

He thought this seemed very curious. He knew of 4 kids that this prophecy would fit perfectly.

Harry Potter, his birthday was on the last day of July. There was one other with the same birthday but Harry's Great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandfather was Godric Gryffindor.

Then there was Hermione Granger. She was a muggle-born and everyone knew that she knew almost everything. She was studious and a great student.

Next was Ron Weasley. He was the sixth child of seven and he came from a long line of pure-bloods.

Then there was Ginny Weasley. She was Ron's younger sister. The last child of seven. Every one knew not to mess with her because no one wanted to get on the wrong end of her bat-boogie hex.

They were all great friends and no one could ever split them up. Albus wondered if her should tell them. They needed to be trained if they had these powers.

He put his book down and left his study.


Harry Potter was lying on his bed at Privet Drive. But the problem was that ever time he stopped to think for even a second he would think about Sirius Black, his godfather. At the end of June Harry was tricked into going to the 'Department of Mysteries' with 5 of his friends (Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville). The order came a short while later. Sirius was dueling Bellatrix when she shot a stunner that hit him in the stomach. Normally a stunner wouldn't be fatal but right behind Sirius was the 'Veil of Death'. Anyone who falls in will automatically die. Sirius fell in.

Harry blamed him self for falling for the trick and getting Sirius killed. In each letter he received it would tell him not to blame him self because it wasn't his fault. He couldn't help it. Sirius was the closest person to a father Harry had ever had. In his mind it was his entire fault.

Earlier this summer at the train station his guard had warned the Dursleys that they had better not mistreat him of suffer them the Dursleys had been afraid ever since.

"Get down here boy!" His Uncle Vernon shouted. Harry reluctantly got out of bed and headed down the stairs. When he got to the bottom his uncle shouted, "Your Aunt Marge is coming to visit us today. We are going to have a nice fancy dinner and you are going to cook. You got that boy?" Harry nodded and walked into the kitchen and began to cook.

One hour later Aunt Marge arrived. They sat at the table to eat. Harry brought a plate full of food to the table but Dudley (His cousin) stuck out his leg and tripped him. CRASH! The plate fell to the floor "Oh! Your in for it now boy!" Uncle Vernon was grinning like a child in a candy shop. "It wasn't my fault! Dudley-"Uncle Vernon interrupted Harry by saying, "Don't you go blaming it on your cousin. He did nothing!" He grabbed Harry's ear and dragged him into the living room, then he shoved harry into their fire place.

A few members of the order burst into the house from their guard duty. They stunned him then rushed over to harry to see if he was alright. They were surprised to see that harry's face showed no pain but curiosity and questioning. The order helped him out of the fire and sat him down on a couch. Harry was looking at his hands in wonder. Even though his hands got into the flames there wasn't a single burn mark on them. The order was also confused. In fact not one single part of his bady had burn marks or any sign that he was just pushed into a fire place.

"Come on Harry. We're taking you to HQ." Tonks told him. She grabbed the emergency portkey out of her pocket, thrusted it into Harry's hand, then started to count down, "3….. 2…… 1-"

Harry felt a pull behind his navel and left Privet Drive.


Hermione Granger was at the beach with he five year old cousin. She was babysitting him but she wasn't enjoying it. First he insisted that they build sandcastles. He had been working on kit for hours and was very proud of it. She hated making them. Then he would show off that he was a child prodigy and skipped five grades. She was starting to get very annoyed with him. She knew he was only five so she tried to stop her self from snapping at him.
"You go to a special school don't you," he said suddenly, snickering. She wished the water would just wash away his sandcastle just to make him cry.

The wind was blowing away from the beach but suddenly the waves turned around just were he was and washed away his sand castle. He was only five so he started to cry.

Hermione got that look on her face that she had whenever she was trying to solve a mystery. She wondered why the waves washed her cousin's sandcastle away just when she willed it to. It was odd. She knew it couldn't be accidental magic because it stopped normally after most peoples third year.


Ron went out side with his broom because he and his sister Ginny were going to practice Quititch. Just before he hoped onto his broom to join Ginny in the air his brothers Appearated right in front of him. "Guess were we were," George said.
"nevermind we'll tell you!" Fred said next.
"We were in you room and we found a very interesting book!"
"It was called 'Ron's Diary'."
"I can't believe-"
"You like-"
"Hermione!" they finished together.

Ron couldn't believe they actually went into his Journal. "I do not!" He said blushing violently.
"Ron and Hermione sitting in a tree! K-I-S-" They were interrupted by the earth shaking. The both fell onto the ground and looked at Ron in shock, before they heard a yelp.


Ginny was watching Ron argue with her brothers, Fred and George.She couldn't hear what they were saying but she knew that Ron was mad. Then the trees began to shake. The was to surprised she fell off her broom. She screamed., but right before she hit the groud she felt a powerful wind and she relized she stopped. She look down to see that she was still a foot off the ground. Her brothers looked at her with amazement.


Although they were all at different places they all had the same thoughts. 'Something weird's going on!'

\ This is my first time writing a story with chappies so it might not be that good!

Ps. Another one from my collection.