Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans!
BBRae Fan Fiction!
No Flaming Please!
I appreciate your reviews!
ShadeyMike: I'm practically falling off my chair from laughter(: Your pretty, dang funny! Your one of the funniest people, I have ever met! Your reviews rock!
Raegirl: Yep! BBRae stuff rocks!
ShadowRoth: I almost died from a heart attack when I saw it! It was the best day of my life! I'm fifteen, and I'll be off for two weeks! I don't really like school, so I'm glad that I got vacation! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch the new episode. I was grounded from the television! There is a rerun this Friday, though!
TTfan111: Thanks! Your sweet!
Meomina: Thank you! You're such a kind person!
Monchhichi: I could have slowed the chapter down a bit! My birthday was on December 21st! I love your reviews!
Kikyz: Thank you! The page is on its way!
rikuxheart: It's the background of my computer, too! I was so happy! I though I was going to die from happiness! Loving your reviews!
warprince2000: Thanks! This is the last chapter of this story, but I'm going to write another BBRae story.
Aussie gurl rox: This will be the last chapter! Your review was so sweet! You're a very nice person! I love your reviews!
The Ubermann:Yep! I'm very excited! I hope it lasts, too! It would depress me, if it did not! Your review is awesome!
Firenze2000: I'm incredibly happy! This will be the last chapter of this story, but I'm writing Homicidal Spree Two next. It will be dedicated to you, as I promised! (: I love your reviews!
TrueTitan: They kissed in, The New Teen Titans. It was freaking awesome! I love your reviews!
gregthezombie: Yep! You were right! I mistyped the word, but it's fixed now! Your incredibly smart! Thanks for your reviews!
pureangel86: Yep! It was pretty cool! I hope they get together in the show, as well! I love your reviews!
LiStEn To YoUr HeArT: Yep! I hope they don't bring Terra back to life! (No offense) I love your reviews!
I love your reviews!
Authors Note:
I made a quite few mistakes last chapter. I meant to say that Keller was stabbed in the heart, and I fixed some grammar mistakes. The fax copy of the BBRae kiss is still available to all those who want it.Happy Holidays!
Chapter 19: Epilogue!
Dear Diary,
It has been exactly three months since the incident with Keller. Rayne seems to have
grown extremely fast, and Beast Boy was once again being a idiot. That little grass stain
made me spill tea, all over my clean leotard. I got my revenge though, and at this very
minute; he is swimming back to Titans Tower. I feel a bit guilty, and Robin now has to
pay for the hole Beast Boy left in the wall. He looked pretty angry, but I think I scared
him away. Beast Boy has a nerve of steel! Yesterday, he snuck in my room, and was
watching me get changed! It's three weeks until the wedding, and I'm getting a bit
anxious. I hope that Beast Boy doesn't have to many bruises. I don't want him to look
like a grape at the wedding. Rayne, seems to enjoy blowing Beast Boy up. I guess, some
of my genes are shining through. I should probably tell her not to do that, but sometimes
he deserves it!
Raven Roth
Dear Diary,
Raven threw me into the ocean this morning. She so overreacted! All I did was jump out
from behind her, and yell boo! It took me a whole hour to get back to Titans Tower, and
that is in dolphin form too! I really should apologize, but I have to write what I'm going
to say, on a piece of paper first! If I say something wrong, then she'll probably kill me!
She's probably still mad about the other day. I know, I shouldn't have tried to watch her
change. I just wanted to see her in the wedding dress, and it wasn't like I wanted to see
her naked or anything…. Okay, maybe I did. I couldn't help it! Anyway, the
wedding is in three weeks! Rayne totally likes me! I just hope she grows out of the stage,
she is in. I got burned twice yesterday! It hurt really bad!
Beast Boy
Dear Diary,
The little grass stain is getting married! I can't believe it! At least, they will still be
staying in Titan's Tower. Beast Boy can still play Nintendo games, and Raven could still
help me with the car. I have to go whoop the little grass stains butt!
Dear Diary,
My friends seem to enjoy their book of words! They made nice Christmas presents! I'm
very pleased! Me and Robin, enjoyed mating for the first time yesterday! It was quite
fascinating! Robin seemed quite flustered, afterwards! I wonder why? On my planet,
mating is quite normal! I shall discuss this with Robin, later! Raven threw Beast Boy,
through the wall today. It took him a earthly hour to return home. I hope he is alright!
Dear Diary,
Me and Starfire had,…….. You know. I didn't know, what I was doing. I hope Starfire
wasn't unsatisfied. Raven threw Beast Boy, through the wall! I wonder how much it's
going to cost this time! If she does it again, then she is going to have to pay for it! We
can't afford to constantly have a hole in the wall. She'll have to torture, Beast Boy
another way! I told her that, too! I was worried, that she would throw me through the
roof, as well.
Three Weeks Later….
Walking forward, Raven Roth stood before a full length mirror. A white gown surrounded her body, and she gave a nervous smile.
"You look gorgeous!" Starfire squealed, as she jumped up and down.
"Thank you." Raven grumbled, as she slipped her feet into high heeled shoes.
"I think I'm ready." Raven stated, as she finished her primping. Taking one last look at her make upped face, Raven walked out of the dressing room. Awaiting to step forward,Raven watched Starfire march down isle. Terra had arrived a week ago, and was standing in the corner. Smiling, Raven looked at the aggitated blonde girl.
"We're ready." The chaperon stated, as he lead Raven into the room. The circumstances being as they were, Raven was led sown the isle by Cyborg. Smiling nervously, Beast Boy stared at Raven.A few anxiety filled steps later, Raven arrived atBeast Boy's side.Stating their vows, everyone around them was utterly silent. The man began to state his words of wisdom, and Beast Boy continued to smile.
"Raven Roth, I take you to be my lawfully wedding wife.Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live.I take you, with all your faults and your strengths,as I offer myself to you with my faults and my strengths.I will help you when you need help,
and will turn to you when I need help.I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life." Beast Boy began, as he took a step backwards.
"Garfield Logan, I take you to be my lawfully wedding husband.Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live.I take you, with all your faults and your strengths,
as I offer myself to you with my faults and my strengths.I will help you when you need help,
and will turn to you when I need help.I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life." Raven stated, staring at Beast Boy.
"The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two loyal hearts in endless love. It is a seal of the vows Garfield Logan and Raven Roth have made to one another." The man stated, as they brought the rings forward.
"Raven Roth, I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. Beast Boy stated, as he handed Raven the ring.
" Garfield Logan, I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. " Raven said, handing Beast Boy the ring.
"You may now kiss the bride." The man stated, as Beast Boy and Raven kissed each other softly.
The End!
Rate and Review Please!
Coming soon!
1.Homicidal Spree Two: Reality Check.
Pairings: BBRae, StarRob.
Summary: Unavailable.
Will be available: December 23rd, 2005.
Dedicated to Firenze2000.
2. Once Upon a Time.
Pairings: BBRae, StarRob Summary: Unavailable.
Will be available: Unknown.