What if…?

(Cries) Apparently. My dear father has rebooted the computer and the original draft of this chapter has been deleted. So sorry for the delay everyone, but now I have to go to Toronto. Yes. I really have a busy life. (sulks)

Chapter 20: Curse or Gift?


You're the last visitor of the Village of Snowfall. We won't be planning to have anymore in the near future, but before you leave please go to the shrine that keeps the Snowfall Rune in balance. That is where our graves lay with it. I'm sorry for all the trouble we caused you to get here, but you were going through a hard time with the rune.

You are one unique true rune bearer, but Neriko sees you as a strong bearer stronger than me. She reminds you of Niicol's cousin. But one favor before discard this letter.

Promise us when you are done you're duties, please find some people who will rebuild the village. Who will follow the way of Snowfall? You can do it anytime. Just please. I want to see the village lively again.

Former Bearer of the Snowfall,

Neeko, Neriko and Niicol. I haven't forgotten those three ever since I left the Village of the Snowfall. No one ever knew its existences. I was one of the few people who knew it was deep within the forest near Two River. I wonder how it came to be there? Why does the Snowfall rune have a bad history of bearers? Will I ever meet that fate as well? I guess, time will tell.

Neeko stated that the bearer after him ran away to Felena, she wasn't evolved into the war though. She merely experienced the Scared Games of the princess and how some noble won the games. Though, she did meet the prince, his auntie and knights. Neeko never knew about it, but I have no clue how he got this information. Really, I don't. When the war is over I guess I will think about going to Felena myself, if that place still exists that is.

The hidden village of the Snowfall ruins. I guess I will think about it. Neeko did want me to rebuild that place. Plus, I will have to get people to follow the way of the Snowfall. I don't even know how to follow it. Wait, Sierra is a founder of some village; I'll ask her how she did it. Well there's a start. But I haven't really started, yet.

"Noria? Wake up." Sierra bluntly said to me.

One eye open I stared at a pale face, snowy white hair. I looked at a face of a vampire.

As I sat up I looked at my hand, "So, Snowfall rune. Did you sleep well?"

Sierra rolled her eyes, being ignored she started to the door. She turned back to me.

"You better hurry. Everyone is waiting for us. Well you actually, you have an important task to do." She told me before leaving the room.

Silence flowed through the room. I yawned and stretched. As I grabbed my clothing as I began to put my socks on the Snowfall rune began to glow a light blue. I looked at it for a bit, then the room began to turn blue.

"What the-" I muttered until…

I wasn't in Tinto anymore. I was somewhere else snow surrounded me. Until I noticed houses that looked familiar to me. As I turned my body I faced a totem pole, the same one in the Village of the Snowfall. But…it seemed that it was built a few years ago. My eyes widened when I heard a familiar voice. A soft voice, Neriko?

"The r-ritual is a month f-from now. I wonder who will g-get picked." A young girl dressed in blue and white robes asked an older girl.

The other girl wore a beautiful headdress. It was decorated with a snowflake pattern in the center. It looked like the snowfall rune. She had icy blue eyes and black hair. She dressed way differently than the rest of the villagers. Her robes had much more detail than Neriko's robes. Maybe the girl had higher standards than the others.

"Well, Neeko will surely choose a worthy bearer of the Snowfall rune. Oh wait, the rune chooses its bearer. There has to be someone in this village who is worthy enough to be the next bearer." The older girl asked Neriko.

Neriko looked down at her feet, "Well I mean. That's what we've been taught! N-Neeko was chosen right? S-so what if the n-next bearer w-was y-you, Nemuri?"

Nemuri laughed, "Me? You have to be kidding! I'm the priestess of the village, not a rune bearer. That would be ridiculous for me to bear such a rune. Even if I was the bearer I would run away from here!"

The younger girl's eyes widened, Nemuri laughed. "Just kidding."

A sigh of relief.

"Nemuri, you shouldn't be joking around! W-what if someone was eavesdropping on u-us and they ac-actually took it seriously?"

The priestess laughter died down she looked at the girl. "Hey, don't be silly. Anyways, where is Neeko? Is he with Niicol? I haven't seen those two for like…forever."

Neriko looked around, "Niicol is with his parents farming. Brother is…with big brother."

"Hmm…Neeko and Niiki? That's a first." Nemuri muttered.

As the two girls arrived at the shrine they heard screams. They were coming from the village. Neriko looked up at the sky, gray clouds appeared in the sky. The wind started to get stronger. Then snow appeared. A blizzard was about to start.

"Is brother doing this?" Neriko asked Nemuri in a worried tone.

The priestess looked around, "Something has happened," a pause, "Neriko! We have to go back to the village!"

The younger girl nodded, "R-right!"

As the two girls entered the village, they encountered a young boy around Neriko's age. It happened to be Niicol.

"Heeey! What's going on here? Why is a blizzard brewing up here? Is Neeko trying to kill the village or something?" he asked them with an alarmed voice.

Nemuri glared at him, "Do we think we know? Anyways, we must not haste! Neriko, Niicol…please evacuate the women, children and the elderly to the shrine! I'll find Neeko and talk some sense into him."

The boy looked at his cousin, "But Nemuri! What about you?"

The older girl looked at the boy. "Don't worry. I'll come back. Promise!" after that she took off.

Neriko looked at Niicol, "Niicol! We have not much time! Hurry! We have to get everyone into the shrine! It's the only place that the blizzard hasn't reached! …Niicol?"

She pulled the boy's arm and dragged him to help the villagers to safety.

Quickly the village was covered in the harsh snow. Many bodies we laying on the ground, most of them were frozen. Nemuri was in the center of the deserted village. As the wind died down she looked up at the sky. The moonlight shimmered down at the village. As the light hit her face, she closed her eyes.

Her right hand glowed a light blue. She placed her hands on her hat she removed it from her head. Her blue eyes opened slightly.

"Nemuri. Where will you be heading now?" a young voice asked her.

She turned back and faced her cousin. His eyes full of anger. Her eyes were full of sorrow. She closed them. She sighed.

"I'll be heading south from here. Don't bother following me. This place will won't survive with out this." She softly said.

She lifted her right hand and the light glow shone. Niicol lowered his head.

"It chose you?" he asked her.

"No," she turned her head, "I chose it."

As she turned to leave, she felt someone hugging her from behind.

"Be safe okay? And come back." He whispered.

"I'll try." She whispered. She touched his hands and pried them out of her waist.

As I tried to speak up, the village began to fade away. I ran towards Numuri and cried out her name. Nothing came out of my mouth. I couldn't speak! As I tried to get my voice out I tripped. I was surrounded by darkness. My right hand glowed a light blue, as I looked at it with weak eyes. As I muttered some words, I felt a hand pressed against my back. No, I can't face reality just yet.

No, not just yet.

Back to Reality
(In no one's perspective.)

Klaus returned from upstairs. He looked at bit pale and shocked. Shu looked at him.

Shu had dismissed Riou and the others off to the Crom Mines. He ordered Klaus to get Noria out of her room. As Klaus got ready to break the news, Shu sighed. He shook his head.

"Hm. Did she pass out?" He asked.

Klaus shook his head, "She…disappeared Lord Shu." He confirmed.

As he waited for Shu to reply he shook his head. A deep sigh escaped his lips.

"She'll turn out. She always has good timing." He said simply.

The young tactician looked at the main strategist, he looked uneasy.

Back to Noria

"Mmmm…My…head…hurts." I grumbled.

As I reached for my pillow I felt I wasn't in a nice warm bed. I slowly opened my right eye; it was so dark. I sat up from my uncomfortable position. I looked at my surroundings. I was in…a cavern. Or was I at the Crom mines? Water dripped and echoed through the whole cavern. I turned to see I didn't have my swords with me. Great, now I'm more useless than before.

I wonder how I got here. Does the Snowfall rune just randomly teleport me?

Damn. That's terrible, in a very bad way.

I stood up and dusted myself. I noticed I wasn't wearing my full attire. The only article of clothing I was wearing was my black leggings, blue skirt and a white sleeveless shirt. I must have left my sweater back at Crom. Oh well.

I turned my head to see a pathway leading it deeper into the mines. I shrugged; I really needed to find my way out of here. So I head back towards the entrance, which will be the worst mistake I ever made in my entire adventure of the Crom mines. For a brief moment the ground began to shake. I held onto the closest thing I could grab onto, which was a rock that was attached to the ground.

As the ground began to calm down I felt a presence. The Snowfall rune weakly glowed a light blue.

Someone's coming, I thought in alert, they must have a true rune or something.

"…But who?" I asked myself.

As I made my way back to the entrance I hear faint footsteps. Then I heard voices. I hastily hid behind a huge boulder. I felt my hands shaking. I was terrified. What if it was another vampire? Or someone who hunts down true runes, I gulped.

"Damn you Sierra! You knew that was going to happen?" a manly voice fumed.

A 'humph' was heard. "Yes. Why, don't like being used by me?"

"Yes! I care very much!" the voice shouted back in reply.

I sighed, and shook my head.

"Okay Viktor. Calm down, our attention is to Neclord…not Sierra." Another voice came into the picture.

"Humph." Viktor said.

I poked my head out to see what was going on. I saw Viktor, Sierra, Kahn (I think his name was that. Sierra told me about him.) And two other figures I couldn't make out. I smiled and waved at them.

"Hey guys!" I happily said.

Everyone stared at me for a long time. I nervously laughed. I scratched the back of my head. Then something amazing happened, Nanami poked her head and Riou too. I gasped and frowned at them. Of course I can't forget what they did before Tinto was token over by Neclord!

"Noria," Sierra said in a deadpan kind of tone.

Viktor frowned, "How'd you get here? We didn't even see you coming in! Even Sierra said you were sleeping still."

I shrugged.

Nanami smiled weakly, "Well at least you can come with us."

I smiled and nodded.

Kahn raised an eyebrow, he shook his head and sighed.

"We better make haste. Let's get going!" he said he walked passed me.

As he disappeared we looked at him. I frowned.

"Impatient much?" I asked.

Entrance of the Tinto mines

As we reached the entrance of the city we looked around seeing the whole place infested with zombies. It kind of smelled like decaying food and dirt. I held up my nose and groaned. Sierra hushed me and told me not to complain. Riou patted my back and gave me a funny looking smiled. I guess he didn't like it too. As we entered the city a zombie was coming towards us. I was about to reach for my swords but I noticed they weren't there.

I hereby by this moment, Noria Mortea is useless. I thought as everyone else beaten up the zombie under five minuets.

I sighed, I felt like I was just a useless piece of a hundred ten pounds of useless walking piece of fat. My mind is saying I'm dying a little inside.

As reality was hitting me in the stomach I felt I bumped into someone.

"Noria! Watch it!" Viktor yelled to me.

I was facing Viktor's back and I noticed his sword…wait, his sword had a face.

It murmured something, "Not to scare you. But you look a little pale, mortal." It said to me.

I jumped and squeaked, "Ep! You talk?" I whispered.

"Humph. Do you even know who I am?" he demanded.

"A talking sword,"

"Not just any talking sword! I am the Star Dragon Sword! I am the-" the sword was cut off by Viktor.

"Enough already! Were here to get rid of Neclord once and for all. Not giving a lecture to a girl who doesn't know anything about you." He rudely said to the Star Dragon Sword.

The sword muttered something I couldn't hear so I looked over at Nanami.

She gave me a shrug.

Sierra stopped and She frowned.

"He's here. In this church." She announced to everyone.

Riou nodded, "Let's go then! We must not hesitate!"

He left us outside. Sierra followed him then Kahn, Viktor and Nanami. I was left alone, I let out a deep sigh.

"Oh how I wish I felt so useful." I said.

Then I heard something, I screamed and ran inside.

Koyu and Marlowe appeared. Marlowe looked at Koyu with a light glare.

"I told you. The girl would get scared." He told Koyu.

Koyu growled, "Hey! Are we here to save Lo Wen and Lily or what?" he asked him.

Marlowe sighed, "Yes."

"Then let's go inside and save them!"

"Koyu. You don't need to shout, I'm right beside you."

"…Argh! Let's just go!"

Inside the church

"Okay! You got that everyone?" Riou asked the group.

"Right!" everyone chimed in a serious tone.

I raised a finger, everyone stared at me.

"Why do I have to go to the back, again?" I asked.

"So you can get the mayor's daughter and that other girl so they won't get hurt when we fight off Nelord." Kahn explained.

"But why me?"

"So you won't feel useless." Sierra said.

"…" I…err…said.

"All right it's settled! Let's confront Neclord!" Riou stated.

Viktor smirked, "My revenge is near! I'll give him a piece of my mind!"

"You mean 'our' minds." The Star Dragon Sword corrected him.

"Oh shuddap."

Sierra smiled, "And I can finally have the Blue Moon rune back from that traitor."

"Hmm…Viktor do me a favor and stall for me for a bit. I need time to cast the spell." Kahn said to Viktor.

"Don't worry. I have tons of things to say to that old blood thirsty bastard." He said laughing.

Riou sighed, "Can we go now? Noria already left and is waiting for the signal."

Everyone looked around and saw Nanami nodding. They seemed to forgotten they are wasting time. Me, I was already waiting until those five get their butts into the scene and let me save Lily and that bandit women from the grasp of that evil vampire. He seems to be talking about the futures of the two. Lily seems to be pretty scared to death, the older women looked pretty disgusted. I don't blame her. Being that dirt bag's wife is a nightmare! I shivered in disgust.

As I was lost in my thoughts I felt a hand pressed against my shoulder. I turned my head and fisted my right hand. I turned my body and punched the figure in the gut. I kicked the other guy in the shin.

"Damn you zombies! Can't you leave me alone! I'm trying to save some two helpless girls in that bastard's grasp!" I shouted but not too loud.

The two 'zombies' groaned. I gasped as they appeared to be Koyu and Marlowe.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I thought you were zombies! Oh, forgive me!" I got onto my knees and bowed. I was begging than forgiving.

Koyu chuckled, "Don't worry! That was nothing! Us bandits think that was just a small punch in the stomach! Ha!"

I glared at him, "What does that suppose to mean, huh?"

Marlowe frowned and rubbed his leg, "But that did hurt for me," he muttered.

"Well! At least I'm not lonely anymore! C'mon, we have to see what's going on." I told them.

As the two boys gathered around me to the slightly opened door to the chapel I saw that Riou and the others were already confronting Neclord. Apparently, Viktor was giving a nonsensical speech.

"…I'll cut you into pieces, then burry you, then piss on your grave and dance on it, then dig you up again and burn you and maybe throw a huge party at the end to celebrate your death!" He shouted at Neclord.

Marlowe sighed, "He does have some issues."

"No, he just wants to let it all out." Koyu corrected him.

As Viktor finished his speech a yellow circled formed around Neclord and the group. Neclord looked around, he saw Kahn and Sierra appear. He did look surprised when he saw Sierra enter the room.

"Elder Sierra!" he gasped.

There's my signal, I thought.

I reached for my swords, "Ah! I wish I had my swords with me,"

As I kicked the door open Marlowe and Koyu pushed me to get to the two girls. I was left on the ground glaring at the two.

"Men. They never learn!" I muttered.

As I stood up I saw Sierra and Neclord holding up their hands in the air. They seem to be transferring the Blue Moon rune. I smirked. I looked over to the four. They seem to be happy. Then the ground shook. The battle started to begin.

"Ah! You four! Get out of there! We have to find safer—argh! Ground!" I shouted at them.

As they ran towards me, I pushed them into the door I needed them to be safe.

"Stay here. I'll be back." Ridley said to me when he left to investigate.

I can't lose them.

"This is Lily, she's my only child." Gustav told all of us.

They are counting on me to protect them and keep them safe.

"While we fight off Nelord. Noria will come and get Lily and the other girl from harm so we can't hurt anyone." Riou explained.

I will show them…

Viktor was highly irritated, "Eh...now what Riou? Shu will be angry when this girl joins, she doesn't even know the meaning of war!"

I'm not useless!

"Noria! Watch out!" Nanami screamed at me.

"General Noria! Watch out!"

As I turned I saw large energy ball going towards me, fast. I couldn't think my right hand glowed a dark blue. I nodded and raised it up. As I muttered some words out of my mouth, the large glowing ball was nearing me. I was glad that the others were behind me, because something amazing happened.

"Shivering Shield!" I shouted.

An ice shield formed around us. The large blasts surround the shield. My eyes were too wide. I was shocked. I made another spell from the Snowfall rune.

My right hand became weaker to hold on. Thus, it was making the shield weaker. A hole began to form. I heard a loud scream. As my hand lowered I felt another hand supporting my right arm. As the ball began to weaken I groaned. My head began to ache. But I had to keep the shield up for our lives.

"Don't give up, Noria." A voice told me.

I will never give up! I thought as I squinted my eyes.

Seconds felt like eternity. As everything died down, I felt weak. I fell upon my knees and smiled.

"I'm…not use…less." I whispered.

The shield dissolved into an icy mist. My right hand stopped glowing, I felt like the ground was all cold and slippery. I closed my eyes, I felt someone catching me. I didn't care who…I proved…I am not useless.

Hours later

Sierra turned away, "You can do anything to him, Viktor. My purpose was met." She told him as she walked away.

Nelord cried out for Sierra, "Forgive me! Please!" he shouted.

"I will never forgive you!" Sierra blazed at him.

Viktor laughed, "So, this is it. Ready Star Dragon Sword?" he asked the Star Dragon Sword.

"With pleasure." He replied.

Viktor held his sword and swung his hardest. As the sword slashed right through Neclord a yellow light engulfed his body and dissolved it into millions of pieces. Kahn's barrier disappeared after the vampire left.

Neclord's curse was gone…forever.

Nanami and Riou were looking at the ground.

"I don't know why Neclord would just attack Noria like that!" Nanami said to Riou.

"Maybe not to let his 'wives' get away so easily." Riou replied back.

She sniffed, "I hope Nori will be all right!"

"I'm fine," I said as I came in.

Riou looked at me surprised, "Noria, but…how!"

I giggled, "Um…I don't know."

Nanami hugged me to tight I didn't care if I couldn't breathe! As she let go out of the hug she looked at me nervously. Riou too.

"Um…So…about four days ago," Riou started.

"Oh, I forgive you." I said simply.

Nanami looked at me with a priceless look, "Um. What I meant," I started.

"Even though Ridley died in the process I learned something…I needed to know." I finished. I smiled weakly.

"And that was…?" they both asked.

I closed my eyes and laughed, "…Hm…I…learned…I—"

I collapsed onto the ground. All I heard was Nanami and Riou trying to wake me up.

One Day later…
-Dunan Castle

I slept peacefully in my bed. Rest, rest and rest was all I needed. Oh, good ol'Docter Huan watching over me. Actually I always end up here nowadays. I wonder why? Hm, oh well. Nanami told me Tinto is now our latest ally, I was happy. At least…something good happened. I was also told Ridley's son, Boris, has come to help us out in the war. He came to visit me earlier in the day; we had a nice talk about his father. But his eyes seemed so distant when I was talking to him.

A knock was heard. I sat up and looked over at my door.

"…Come…in?" I answered.

As the door opened I saw Luc and Nanami. I was happy to see my two good friends; I haven't seen Luc since I left for Tinto. As for Nanami, I hadn't seen her since I collapsed in Tinto. I got out of my bed and ran up to her and gave her a big hug.

"Aww…Nori! Now, no need to give me the hugs! Give some to Luc too! He missed you, too!" she said while laughing.

I stopped hugging her and looked at Luc. He glared at Nanami.

"You forced me to come here. Actually, you saw me coming here. I was suppose to have a 'talk' with Noria about more important matters." He explained to her like she was stupid.

I looked at Luc. I smiled and hugged him too. I know I hated it all the way. I really did. Argh…he smelled like apples. But I like apples!

"Oooh Luc! Don't worry! I know you missed me too! I kept thinking about you ever since I left the castle!" I said in a sarcastic voice.

Nanami was laughing so hard I think she forgot to breathe. "Okay…ha…I will…leave you two alone now…ha!" she said as she left us alone in the room.

So I looked at Luc. My arms were still around his neck and his arms were…I have no clue. But I know he didn't return my hug! Because he was holding on to his staff

I smiled like an idiot, "So! Anything that I need to know?"

Luc stared at me. He blushed a little bit. He looked so cute when he's nervous—WHAT! Did I say he looked cute? What? Oh my gosh! Damn you puberty! I think I died a little inside. (Insert me tearing my eyeballs out…okay attempting to tear them out of my eye sockets)

"Well…About your rune," he started.

Did he even mind that I'm still hugging him? Well to make things worse he tried to get out of my grasp and that made us…fall on top on each other. My face rested on his chest, my left hand was holding onto his staff. Then to top it all off…

"Noria! Nori- Oh…my…god." Sasuke looked down on us.

Luc stared him, "Sasuke…It doesn't look like what it is."

Sasuke looked like he was watching stuff he shouldn't be watching, "FUTCH! FUTCH! Ah! My eyes, they burn! Futch!"

Futch came in trying to calm down the ninja, but when he looked at us two. He has to cover up Bright's eyes. He was shocked. Before Luc could say something else I got off of him and my face was covered with a light crimson. Oh, how can I handle it? I hate Luc! I hate every bit of him! I wish I could just teleport myself somewhere! So I could avoid this!

"Luc, I think Noria is a little bit young for this." Futch told Luc.

Before Luc could teleport out of here, I had to say something.

"I do not like Luc! I hate Luc! I was just kidding around, so I hugged him! Then Nanami left and we fell down! Then Sasuke came barging in without knocking! Then all of this happened," I yelled, "And did I mention I hate Luc?"

Luc stood up, "Agreed. I'll be leaving. Noria needs to rest."

"Err…We'll be leaving too." Sasuke and Futch chimed.

The two boys and baby dragon left. Luc stopped.

"By the way we have four days off. The Highland army hasn't done anything suspicious. So we'll be here for a while. Better go visit you're friends in Banner Village. They came here too see you but you were at Tinto still." With that Luc left closing the door after me.

Well, at least I can go somewhere for a while. I don't want to be facing Richmond for this scandal. I could just see it now…

'True rune bearers are having an affair?"

I shook my head from those bad thoughts.

Banner Village?

I'm on it!

End of Chapter 20.

Phew! That was tiring! So this chapter will last for about a week. Good, so I'll have time for more relaxing! Oh yeah, I'll be at Toronto. I don't know if they have a computer there. BUT! I will update a bit in they do! So that means I can do the Tir miniquest! Yatta! Oh yeah the last few parts? I don't know…I just did that for fun. There is nothing going on between Luc and Noria…What? Feiry started it blame her! Okay, I will tell you at the end of the ficcie. There will be a little author's chapter where I tell you about the what was suppose to happen and stuff. Okie, if you wanna know more PM me. Or e-mail me. I have no room to type. See you guys when I get back from Toronto! Argh…Damn it's almost six am. (falls asleep)
