What if...?

Hello, this is my first fic. Actually, if your new to reading my ficcie...thanks for reading! I hope you don't think my OC is a mary-sue, I took a mary-sue test and Noria isn't a mary-sue whatsoever. So enjoy!

I do not own Suikoden
I own Noria and her rune..and her family.

And yes..I change the prologue

Prologue: I am Noria.

She shook her head, and looked around her room. It's been months since shewas out of the hospital.

"It was all a dream..it was all a dream." she told herself quietly.

No..it wasn't...she told herself again.

She brought her legs to her chest, she cried in confusion.

Three months ago...

"Noria Mortea?"


Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Noria Mortea. I'm a normal thirteen year-old girl. I go to a normal school and have normal friends! This makes my life, normal.

Well, if I can say. My childhood was not normal. When I was small, I was called a 'Dreamer Child'. I used to have weird dreams about wars and magic.

Actually, I drew pictures of them. I was very artistic! I loved to doodle things, I had a dream journal.

I looked over my shoulder, "Noria..can I borrow your science notes?" Kanni asked me.

I smiled and gave her my notebook, "Kanni, get a life..."

"Make me! Last night, I got halfway to beat a vampire in my game!"


My other friend Luna gave us a look, "Could you please be quiet you two?" she asked us.


Luna sighed, "...I give up."

I smiled, I never had friends when I was little. I was a bit of a loner. No, ..anti-social.

Well, my mom never saw me with friends when I was younger. I just liked being alone...just stuck in my room drawing. I didn't tend to make friends in school, I didn't like school. I hated school, but then..when I entered middle school. I met Kanni, Luna and my cousin Riamah.

Then I had these weird dreams about other lands, like you can read from a good book. About a young boy leading an army, meeting new places. I wrote everything in my journal. I stopped believing afterwards, it was just a dream right?

I had friends now. Riamah is now in Highschool while we're in middle school for our last year. So, when I thought my life was normal like any other girl.

It wasn't..because..

What if, you got stuck in a dream which felt real?

What if, you had to fight for a country you don't live in?

What if, when you wake up it wasn't a dream?

I have felt the experience, and it wasn't pretty. Well now I'm gonna tell you my story of the other me, the other me in a different world.

So, Hi! I'm Noria Mortea. I'm awandering traveller who was last seen in a castle, I was a general of a war. Now, helpless and lost.

So..welcome to my world.

Hope you like this one from the last one..I do! Well I don't really get it..but who cares!

Review! JA NE!