FINAL CHAPTER! Please read bottom.
3years later...
Kagome walked up the hill, with a small girl in her arms. The girl was a toddler, with already charming looks. The girl had Raven black hair, with little puppy ears on top. They twitched as they neared the Goshinbuku. "Ith Dadda hewe?
"Yes he is."
"Where?" Midorico, the girl in her arms, looked around.
Kagome set her down gently, and pointed to the grave marker. "There. See? That's a picture of him."
"I wanth him tooth say happy birthday to me."
"Midorico..."she smiled.
"Doth dadda wuv Midi?" The girl smiled, revealing two front teeth, the only ones. They were small.
"Daddy loves Midi very much." Kagome wrapped her up in a hug.
"Ooo talk to Dadda, too?"
"Dadda says he wuvs ooo, momma."
Kagome smiled sadly. "Thanks, Midorico."
The wind tossled her hair around over her shoulder. It picked off the fading picture of her and Inuyasha together. She picked it up to put it back on, then gasped as she read the back. Tears wet her eyes.
She read "I love you, too, Kagome..."
Well, you finished it. I feel sorry for you. Sorry that this sucks. I wrote this 2 years ago. Since then, my writing skill has improved, and yes, the short chapters are annoying. I am in the process of rewriting it. Obviously, the title is If Only Tears Could Bring You Back 2. You Might like it more. Again, sorry about the really crappy 9th grade writing.