a) I did not mean for this to end up like it has. Blame the story I had to write for English on this. Ace, you know the one.

b) I am grounded. If I managed to get this up...O.O Wow. I'mgrounded 'til Saturday. T.T

c) Now, let the "WTF" reviews forward!

A drop of water hit him squarely on the nose, causing him to swear under his breath. He was soaked to the core, and looking for the harsh winds of a Central winter to dry him off. He had no intentions of becoming even more wet in the sudden downpour, and pulled the hood of his borrowed gray sweatshirt over his head. Unusual clothes for him, but his red jacket was much too noticeable in a crowd.

He hasn't seen the jacket in a long time. He hasn't seen the closet, the room, or the building where that damned jacket lies in years. He stays inconspicuous in the crowd of people hurrying home in the rain, hoping that no one will come to take him to the dorms like last year. Last year he was walking like this until those bastards came to take him back to the empty, dark dorm. Empty forever more, with no one to share it with. No one to share life with.

He screams now. Shrill shrieks are vibrating off the walls...Walls? What walls? He's outside; he's free, not in that empty room with damnable concerns lingering around him. Golden eyes widen... They've captured him. It's an illusion, this freedom. He's really in hell.

The screaming grows shriller, and higher. The people disintegrate into the ground in individual pools of blood. Building's windows shatter as bricks fly at him. Leering violet eyes from within the abyss... Envy! Lust! Wrath, those damned bastards, they've come for him. The military will capture him in that cold dorm while the damned, the homunculi feast.

He tries to clap, but he can't move. He tries to run, but he can't. "Al!" A desperate screaming; a young boy's cries echo around his head. "AL! Alphonse!"

"He's been crying out for Alphonse for the past hour." Roy ran his hands through his hair, near tears from frustration and sadness.

"It's okay, Brigadier General," The frazzled nurse managed to say while trying to hold Edward in place for his injection. She manages to jam it into him, and after a tense minute he collapses, asleep. "It's a powerful drug, what's he's been inhaling."

Instead of making conversation, like she had hoped to do, Mustang turned around, abruptly leaving. Outside the infirmary he started to let the tears fall for the two Elric suicides they themselves couldn't cry for.


o.O If anyone's confused, let me know, I'll explain.

Review please!