The Silent Orphan
I do NOT own Naruto
Turns out my last Naruto fic (Shadow Dancer) Wasn't catching my own interest. When I get back into it, I will repost it, maybe. But for now, I have more to update on, here's the new one.
Making them all their ages(11-12?)
Chapter 1:
The only sound that was heard was the sound of rushing water and a screaming child. The child was only four-years of age. The cold water hit her like a truck and she began screaming. Then all went black.
A blur of raven black hair shot up from the pullow it rested on, ice blue eyes shooting open. The now twelve-year-old girl had awoken from the same nightmare once more. She looked around franticaly to try and find someone. When she turned her head to her right, a hand clamped over her mouth, silencing a scream a bit. There was a blonde boy with light blue, kind eyes sitting next to her.
"Hello there. I was walking by your room and noticed you were tossing and turning a lot. What were you dreaming about?" His voice was calm and had a kindness to it. Sasuke, whom had woken from the muffled scream, being the light sleeper he was, walked into the room. He then noticed her and gave her a disgusted look. She looked down and away from Naruto. Naruto glanced back, glared at Sasuke and snapped.
"Hey! What's your problem?"
"Simple. She creeps me out Naruto. She doesn't talk, she doesn't socialize, and you're only wasting your breath talking to her. She's like a walking zombie." For the first time in years it seemed, she spoke, her voice harsh.
"And what would you know!" It was more like a girls voice, as it should be. More light than Sakura's, but more mature than her age. Naruto blinked and looked back at her, placing his hand on her shoulder, giving her a kind smile.
"Ignore Sasuke-prick."(okay, pardon the language, the name-name calling part came from an RP I did the other day)
"Ch. What ever, Naruto-dumbass." There was an awkward silence that fell over the three. She then stood from her bed on the floor.
"I'm going on a walk." Her voice was more like a child's this time as her voice was also quieter, her head down. Naruto stood emidiately.
"I'll come too," he declared. She smiled light heartidly at him.
"Thanks, but, I'd wrather be alone." She walked past him and pushed past Sasuke, heading for the door.
"I'm telling on her."
"She would have been fine if you didn't come in here."
"Bite me, Naruto-fucker"
"I'm not the hard up for entertainment, Sasuke-bitch." With that, Naruto pushed past him and walked back to his room.
Early next day
The young girl from earlier was walking around town, now fully dressed. Her hair was now more noticable. It fell to her knee's pulled back into a loose braid. Despite the rude comments made behind her back and the disgusted looks she got, she just smiled. She never talked infront of anyone until yesturday. That was going to change and she was going to go back to not talking, she thought. The day went on like normal for her. Rude comments behind her back and the never ending dirty looks. She was shocked when Naruto ran up to her,that silly grin on his face.
"Hey, You always walk alone. How come you don't have any friends?" As he had reached her, his smile had faded and he was now looking curious. She was taken by surprise in his question. She looked down some, not wanting to answer.
"You see, like you, I was an orphan. I was thrown into the river by my parents though. I was saved by a man. I don't know who. I guess he must have been a horrible man to them. They all hated me when I came here. They treated me as they treated you." Naruto thought a moment, then slammed the bottom of a fist into an open palm.
"Now I remember! You had shorter hair then." She blinked some and smiled.
"You really are a kind person Naruto." Naruto looked at her, feeling guilt take over.
"You know my name but...I don't even have the slightes clue..."
"Riley." She hadn't given him time to finish because she knew. "It's alright though. No one calls me by my name, not to mention don't even talk to me, so I might as well be known as..."
"It." Sasuke's cold voice cut in. She looked over to him and bowed her head.
"Sorry. I didn't realise you were there." Kakashi soon walked up with Sakura. He looked to Riley with a curious look in his eye.
"Hm. So you befriended someone. I was worried about you." She flushed and looked down.
"Oh no. I have no friends at all. I wish to keep it that way. He was merely curious, is all." Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura blinked, feeling sorry for her. Sasuke had to admit, he was a bit sorry for her but wasn't about to show it. He had people to take his anger out on.
Sasuke PoV
This girl was truely empty. What did she mean, she had no friends and entended to keep it that way? Okay, yeah. She had been living here since she was four, making that eight years. So maybe all of this shouldn't be a surprise to me. The girl was always happy looking. She had no regrets of what she did because she didn't do much but walk around the village. She ignored the one's that called her names. She ignored all the rude comments. And to top it of, ignored all the dirty looks and walked with a permanent smile. Maybe it was the smile that drove people insane. No matter what they did to try and hurt her, she never lost her temper. Okay, last night being an exception. She grows tense around me. Why? Maybe it's the way I act though. I can't blame her.
I just watched her a moment. She felt my eyes on her, easy to tell because she felt un-easy and looked at me. I wanted to just smack her right then and there. She had forced another smile, bowed to us and turned to leave. Kakashi grabbed her wrist. What the hell was he planning?
Normal PoV
"Riley." Kakashi spoke calmly, the smile behind his mask showing in his eye. She blinked.
"Why don't you, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke have a four way spar?"
"Oh! I uh...I'm not a fighter. I haven't trained since eight years ago."
"You were a child. And it would do you some good to train a bit now, incase." Sakura smiled at an idea and took Riley's hand.
"Come on. You and I can train." Sasuke just rolled his onyx eyes and Naruto smiled. Riley blushed some. She hadn't gottent this much attention since nine years ago. She agreed to it. The four kids and Kakashi walked to the designated training area. There, all four went into a sparing match.