A/N: I've deleted the private responsesin the chapters to cleanthemup a bit, but that doesn't mean I don't love you guys! So, here is where I get to respond to all of you – in alphabetical order! And if I've forgotten you, please send me a message. It's nothing personal. Really.
A Faun's Tale
Ace Ryn Knight: Mr. Tumnus is a favourite character? I always had a great fondness for him, sort of like I do for Yoda and Bilbo Baggins – you just want to take them home and cuddle them!
Aisha C: Thank you! I get applause, and no single-minded demands to write more. How refreshing! And welcome to the world of C. S. Lewis.
An Anti-Sheep Cheese Muffin: And the award for "Most Nonsensical Name" goes to… lol! Thanks for the applause! I haven't seen the movie yet (exams suck!) but I can't wait to see McAvoy portray him.
beyondthewardrobe: Hey, thanks for adding this story to your Favourites list – quite an honour! And it's so great to have a huge fan of the books approve of this story – I tried to keep it as true to C.S. Lewis as I could and still keep it interesting.
christianrockstar: Wow, thanks for the great review – it's been a few months since I finished this fic, so getting your review now was awesome! And I agree, James McAvoy was perfect as Tumnus. I think that Dominic Monaghan would've also done a great job, but James was amazing!
DarkLightningEnvy: I'm so glad you enjoyed it. You obviously love writing a great deal, so your praise is much appreciated! I haven't seen the movie yet – disgraceful, I know. And I'm such a huge fan, too! And I get a pat on the head? Aww… And no worries, I will keep writing, and maybe some more Narnia stuff will pop up in the near future.
Draco O'mar: "Long Live Advisor Tumnus"? lol! And although to you the story felt like a mix between the book and the movie, I finished this before I saw it! But when I did see the movie I got chills, because a lot of what they showed felt as if it fitted in with this fic.
Du Weldenvarden Farcai: Adorable is just the word to describe Tumnus! I should do another? Goodness, you're quite demanding, aren't you? lol! I'm not quite sure what I would write about, since most of the possible storylines would be AU without guidance from the books, and I am trying to keep true to the books. But keep an eye out for some one-shots! And I will read Eragon, I promise!
Erin: Ah, another one of my faithful reviewers! There from the very beginning! Thanks for your dedication and enthusiasm – your reviews never ceased to make me smile and want to write an update, which is the point I suppose… More writing about Tumnus? Perhaps; keep an eye out! Although it'll be hard to follow up this big project! I have one lined up for Christmas, and a few other ideas...
Fritz Will Get You: Wow, striking someone speechless is a very great compliment, even if it isn't quite useful when it comes to improving my writing. lol! I appreciate your enthusiasm, as well as your really cool name.
Fuchsia: "Spongetob Faunpants"? That makes me cringe! I'm glad the style suits C.S. Lewis – I do write fics for other fandoms, and yes, they are quite different in style. "Lewis himself"? Wow, don't make me blush! I haven't seen the film yet, but your review makes me want to see it even more (if that's possible)!
Greenbean347: Thank you for the many lovely reviews all the way through; it really means something when a fellow author gives sincere praise! You make me smile! And how could I not recommend your story? Although I must admit that I did it for selfish reason… you see, my ploy was to get more people to review "The Last Castle", so that you would update faster (hint, hint!) lol! Until next time!
JacksTortugaLass: It's great to know that my story brought you so much happiness, as well as a lot of arm-exercise! ;) Happy belated birthday! And you're so right – it was a good ride, wasn't it? I'm kind of sad that it's over, and I think it'll be some time before the old Muse starts shrieking her head off at me again and I get the urge to really write. But I'll look out for your stuff, and maybe you'll see a one-shot from me here and there in the near future. Until then... (flaps hands frantically).
jasonc65: I'm so glad you liked the ending. Emotion is what I do best! In my stories I always try to leave the ending open, and give it the sense that there is a promising future awaiting our protagonists. You would've known that from "Every Night I am Sane", I suppose. But it seems to be a habit; I'm a big fan of the "hint of hope in the distance", and all that sort of thing. I like the look of your C2, by the way! Great idea! fabulae de Magabus iucundae sunt, would you not agree?
Lauren Wagner: Thanks so much for the lovely reviews. It's great to find people who love Mr. Tumnus to pieces (literally, in your stories! - Oh, bad mental picture...), and are fans of the books. And from an author I admire in this category, this is just too cool! Your one-shots are unrivalled in this genre – you deserve to be showered with gifts. Don't stop writing!
Magi of Andalites: I'm glad that you liked the detail. I always worry about making my stories too detailed, because that really bogs down the plot, so I'm happy that you enjoyed it.
Melya: I'm glad you liked the ending! There's always pressure to end a story well if people like it, so thanks! And you empathized with Mr. Tumnus during his trial? Really, who could resist such an adorable Faun? Wait, stupid question – the Queen, of course. I can't promise any stories of this caliber soon, but I will try!
mo: Thank you, thank you very much. Seriously, was there ever a Faun that was not cute? I take that back – I don't really know of any Fauns besides Tumnus, and he's adorable!
MrsTater: "Persnickety little housekeeper"? lol! Glad you liked his fussiness; so endearing, isn't it? Also, thanks for liking the action – I'm more of an emotional writer, so it was interesting to write the battle from Tumnus' point of view. He's not exactly the archetypal hero!
mwezi: (bows while accepting golden papaya of literary brilliance). Wow, a trophy and an honourary title! What more could an authoress want? lol! Thank you for the generous praise; I actually did try to emulate Lewis' writing style. It all just seemed to…fit, in a way. I mean, we're borrowing the world and the characters, so we might as well make the stories faithful!
Pip4: Thanks for all of the insightful comments. Reviews that say "I-love-Mr-Tumnus-so-much-please-update-soon!" are great to get, but reviews that articulate what the reader liked and didn't like are even better! About Tumnus' trip to the Witch's house: you don't mind if I write about that, do you? I mean, it's such an awesome idea, and I haven't seen any other stories dealing with it. Send me a message if I have your blessing!
Robin: I said it before, and I'll say it again: you were right about the torture! Normally I shy away from any physical pain whatsoever, because I think it's overdone in a lot of stories. But it really did make sense here, and it added a different quality that I quite liked – thanks so much for that!
Rosa Cotton: Hey, you're welcome! I just love the friendship between Tumnus and Lucy. It's just so warm and innocent and selfless and… aww! The movie? It's crazy – I'm such a huge fan, I was counting the days to its release, and I must be the only person who hasn't seen it. Argh! I will, though!
Sephiroth-Sama: I'm glad you liked the witch's personality. It's strange, but she is just so fun to write! Must be the same for all villains. Thank you for reviewing many chapters – most people just zip through and review at the end. You rock!
ShaunaChe: Ah, you were there in the beginning. A true fan who didn't just jump on the movie bandwagon! Bravo! I'm so happy that this is on your Favourites list. And it was partly due to your comments on not finding Tumnus stories that inspired me to create my C2, so thanks!
Skyebyrd: A sequel? Well, I'm not sure… you might see a couple of one-shots in the future, but I can't really think of another full-length story featuring Tumnus. And of course you can staff my C2!
Slina: You were spot on about Mr Tumnus' compulsive cleaning habits (no pun intended). I just couldn't resist making him upset about falling into the dirt during the battle. lol!
Spideymaan: Thank you! Yes, "heroic warrior" Tumnus does make quite a funny sight. I always pictured the centaurs as being raucous loud-mouthed drunks, and Tumnus' fastidiousness and propriety were just too good a contrast. Thanks for your review!
the Icelandic sheep: You too deserve recognition for an original name. And you liked all of it? Really? Wow, thanks. Personally, I'm not too sure about the battle scene, but if you're happy, I'm happy!
YRAM: And second place goes to YRAM! You were one of my earliest reviewers, weren't you? Then I guess you were abducted by aliens or you fell through a wardrobe or something! lol! Anyway, hope you got to read the whole story!
Thank you all again, and I hope to see you soon! - Sanaryelle