Hey peeps. Sorry for the loooonggg update. Its been, what? Five months? Something like that. I've just been... busy? No, thats not the right word... LAZY! That's it! Haa... sorry.
Anyway, Here's the last chapter of the story. It's probably a bit OOC, but whatever. Hopefully, you like this ending. If not... well, I really can't do much about that.
And so, I give you the final chapter of Why Do I Love You?
Light streamed into her eyes...a draft of wind blew her hair against her face... Blinking, Anna sat up. Clearing her vision of morning weariness, she examined the room she was in. Blankets and other various things were scattered on the bed and along the floor of her room. 'How... did I get here? What happened to my room? And why can't I remember anything?' Anna shook her head. Stretching, she continued to survey the room. A blanket at the foot of her bed, a few books and articles of clothing lay on the floor. Her eyes spotted something on the dresser across from her. It was unfamiliar, but for some reason, she didn't want to know what it was. 'Why should I be scared of it? I don't even know what it is!' Silently scolding herself for her own folly, she got up to take a closer look at the strange object. So intent on finding out what the object was, Anna did not notice the head that lifted itself off the side of her bed as she rose.
Anna walked across the room, stepping carefully around the things that littered her floor. 'Someone's going to clean this up, and it's not me' For some reason, she felt a pang in her chest and she thought this. Finally, she reacher her dresser. She picked up the mysterious item, examining it with care. It was white and round, and had some sort of label on it. She looked closer to read what the label said. It was a bottle of flu medicine from the pharmacy...
It was a bag from the pharmacy about half an hour's walk from their house. Inside were different bottles of flu medicine...
Ambulances and police cars crowded the streets...
People gathered on the sidewalks, viewing the scene in front of them...
She crawled over to Yoh, his body covered with blood...
Yoh, hanging from a rope, blood dripping to the floor, his face barely an inch from hers...
Needles piercing every part of his body...
"You did this to me! If it wasn't for you, I'd still be alive. If it wasn't for you, I could have lived a great life... you KILLED me!"
The memories came in a rush, binding her, suffocating her until she could do no more than just stand there in wretched fear. "Yoh" she said, softly. He was gone. She had killed him. She had acted so mean, so evil. Yoh, the only person who had ever cared, who had ever looked at her without contempt, was gone, while only trying to help her. He was trying to save her, the ice queen, the girl with no heart and was cruel to all who knew her, if not everyone else. Yoh was gone. And it was all her fault.
"Yes, Anna?"
The voice came from behind her. Anna didn't move. The voice... it was so familiar. So... warm... full of... love... A reminder of what she had lost. Anna didn't turn around, afraid she was just dreaming. If she turned around now, all she would get was a heart full of disappointments. Yoh could not be here. Yoh was dead.
"Anna?" The voice repeated her name, causing her to break down and cry. Why were the heavens intent on causing her so much pain? Why could they not leave her be to mourn for Yoh without hearing his now nonexistent voice?
"Anna, are you ok?" She heard rustling behind her, then felt strong arms turn her shoulders. Looking down, she refused to meet the eyes of the demon that was taunting her.
"Anna, I think you should go back to bed. Faust said that if you didn't feel well when you woke up, you should go back to sleep and rest and all of that stuff." He led her to her bed, and she got in, still contemplating what was happening. "I'll go get you something to eat, so stay here, ok?"Anna felt herself nod, and heard footsteps leaving the room. Moments later, the footsteps returned, and a plate with a roll with jelly was placed in her hands.
"Eat, Anna. It'll help you get better."
"Why would you care?" Anna's voice was quiet and sharp. "You. Whoever you are. Leave me so I can mourn my dead fiancé in peace." She set the plate on her side table, pulled her covers over her head, brought her knees up, and began to cry.
"Wha? Anna– Anna, look at me!" Fingers pried the blanket back over her head. "Anna. What do you mean? Anna, I'm right here. What are you talking about?"
"No. You're dead. Yoh is dead. All because of me. It's all my fault!" Tears began to fall faster then before, leaving salty trails only to be erased by other tears.
"Anna! No, Anna, I'm right here. Look at me. It was just a nightmare, just something caused by your sickness!" Anna's eyes unwillingly rose as he lifted her face. She found herself staring into his eyes. Suddenly, Yoh broke into his trademark grin, and said, "See, Anna? It's really me!"
Anna hurtled herself at him, effectively knocking them both onto the floor. "YOH!" she cried. "Oh, Yoh, it was horrible! You got hit by a car and you went to the hospital and you died before I could tell you I love you!" The whole thing came out as a big jumble, and Anna hadn't realized what she said until Yoh replied.
"I love you too, Anna!" Anna immediately stopped telling the story of Yoh's death, which she had begun to blab out and turned to him with a death glare.
"What did you say?" Anna growled. Yoh gulped. The only time Anna used this voice was when she was angry and about to hit him.
"I–uh...I love you too, Anna?... um...You're not going to hit me are you?"
"Yes. Yes I am."
"But I said I loved you!"
"Yes. I know that"
"The why are you going to hit me!"
"Because you interrupted me, Yoh!" She lifted her hand, about to strike. Yoh cringed, waiting for the blow. Anna thought for a moment, then playfully slapped him on the head.
"There. All done." Yoh lifted his head and laughed.
"Now go do fifty laps around the block."
Yoh groaned. "Annaaaaaaaa!"
Hao looked on from outside the window. 'Awww... They look so cute together. I guess my work here is done!' He leapt off of the tree he'd been sitting on and landed without a sound on the grass below. Voices drifted from the open window above him.
"Yoh, did you hear that?"
"No, what?"
"Never mind. Must have been my imagination."
Hao smirked to himself and disappeared into a puff of smoke.
Eh... Um... yea... The End? ahum... Review?... O yeah... Thanks for reading and all that... Now go ahead and leave this forbidden place! I Banish you! MUAHAHAHAHA!
Ok, that was weird.