Disclaimer: I don't own the wonderful manga From Eroica With Love or it's characters, unfortunately.

I don't know why I'm writin Dorian/Klaus. I'm more of a Dorian/Ceasar person. But I was working on a painting last night and listeing to Todd Rundgren, which is dancerous, because his music always remonds me of Klaus, Dorian, and Caesar. Don't know why.

In the parlor of a rented, lavish Swiss condominium the Earl stood, painting the magnificent Alps he could see from the windows of the condo.

He was dressed in old trousers, worn too many times for him to really care about anymore (which was twice). A canvas smock covered his open linen shirt. The beads were there, yes, as always, but the smock covered most of them up. A silk kerchief kept his long golden locks from falling onto the wet paint.

The man bit his tounge, concentrating intensely on each brushstroke. He didn't notice when Major Klaus Heinz Von Dem Eberbach stepped into the parlor. He peered casually over Dorian's shoulder.

"That in the name of the merciful Lord are you doing, Eroica?" He asked with a sullen rise of the eyebrows. It startled the Earl.

"Oh, Klaus. I didn't hear you come in." He said pleasantly after recollecting himself.

"That's Major to you, Eroica. Besides, I asked you a question. you are expected to answer. What the hell are you doing?"

"Oh." Dorian turned around and smiled at the Major. "Painting." he said, turning back to his work.

"I didn't know you could paint."

Dorian set down his paintbrush and looked at him.

"Oh, but my dear Klaus." He put his arm around the other man's shoulders.

"How many times do I have to tell you? MAJOR. M-A-J-O-R. I won't have some theif adressing me by my first name." He pushed the Earls arm o0ff of his shoulders and walked out of the room in an annoyed huff.

Dorian smiled and looked out the window. Quietly he whispered,

"Oh, my dearest Major...I can do so much more than that, if only you are here."

A/N: Sorry, it's notoriously short as all my fics are. But it was screaming to be written. I might continue this if people review.