Title: The Prophecy of Genbu

Series: Fushigi Yuugi

Rating: MA

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THIS SERIES. The Fushigi Yuugi universe belongs to Watase Yuu-san and I do not claim this universe whatsoever. I am only writing a story for fun, not profit. For other notes, please refer to chapter one.

Chapter Fourteen

Guardians of the Frozen Mountain

Hatsui spent the night in Uruki's arms, learning the joys of just being with someone. While they didn't have sex, it was another sort of intimacy that he'd never experienced before. It was so strange for Hatsui to be on the receiving end of tender touches and loving kisses, when all of his life such things had been forbidden to him. Yet he drank it all in, never wanted it to stop, and the dawn came all too soon for him. The young man lay in Uruki's bed, dressed in the young man's embrace and nothing else. What a wonderful night…and nothing really happened between us. He smiled at the sleeping Uruki. It was the emotion, the feeling behind those actions that made them so special. They lay together, skin on skin, with blankets wrapped around their waists to preserve some modesty. I don't want to get up. I don't want to lose this feeling. He let his eyes slide closed and smiled as he savored the memories a bit more. The castle was still asleep and he didn't intend to move too soon.

I feel so safe. As if all of the demons in my past have been driven back. They would never truly be slain, that much he knew, but Hatsui was glad to know that he didn't have to face them alone anymore. Not only do I have Uruki…and he smiled a bit more. But I have Cassandra. I have friends, true friends, and that will be more than enough in the days to come. They would need each other more while they tried to forge their own destiny. He didn't realize that he'd been shifting around in his sleep until Uruki grunted and rolled over, pinning Hatsui to the mattress. His black eyes were sleepy and his blonde hair was a wild tangle around his face and Uruki grunted.

"Stop thinking so hard, Hatsui. It makes you roll around and you woke me up. Dunderhead."

"Oh…sorry Uruki."

But he was smiling and Uruki raised his eyebrow. He could tell the other wasn't really sorry and he flopped down on top of him.

"You're not sorry," he nuzzled close sleepily and Hatsui wrapped his arms around him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just…not used to being woken up like this."

"Then we'll have to change that. And you're moving into my room."

"What? When did you decide this?"

"Last night. I intend on having you in my bed every night from now on."


The blonde youth laughed merrily, kissed Hatsui's nose, and rolled out of bed. They had a lot to do before they set out to Mt. Koku-zan and sought out Tomite and Hikitsu. Uruki yawned and went to splash some water on his face, completely unashamed of his nude state. It's like he was born to walk around naked, Hatsui thought amusedly as he rolled out of bed to get dressed. Uruki paused as he pulled on his shirt and pants and glanced out the window. It's snowing. In the back of his mind, he wondered if they could reason with the spirits protecting Lady Takiko's Shinzahou. They've been there for two centuries. I wonder if we'll ever be able to convince them to accept Cassandra…

"You seem dazed, Uruki, and more so than usual."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Now come on, or we'll be late for breakfast."

Hatsui raised his eyebrow as Uruki grumbled under his breath. Hatsui was already dressed in black pants and was buttoning up his dark green coat as they made their way to the dining hall. When they got there, Iname and Cassandra greeted them warmly. Urumiya and Namame grunted as they sipped strong tea and Uruki laughed. I forgot, those two are nothing without their morning cup of tea, he thought to himself and sat down. Hatsui merely smiled and placed a hand on Cassandra's shoulder before he took his seat. Iname raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but Cassandra smiled and handed him another serving of omelets. The young man flushed slightly and muttered his thanks. As he reached for the food, their fingers brushed and then both Iname and Cassandra were blushing.

"Not over breakfast you two," Urumiya grunted.

"He should be human around noon or so," Iname teased. "Isn't that right old timer?"

"Shut it brat."

"Your comebacks are lacking Urumiya," Namame poured another cup of tea and sipped slowly.

"Shut up Namame."

Cassandra, Uruki, and Iname laughed while Hatsui just smiled. Conversation flowed easily between them as the group planned how to approach the spirits and Mt. Koku-zan later that day. Hatsui was rather grateful though that Namame was as silent as he was. Both of them had hidden secrets, depths that the others didn't know of, and it made him feel less like an outsider. Hatsui nibbled on some rice as Namame sipped clear soup across from him. Their eyes met and the two men gave small smiles, understanding more in that gesture than some people could in entire conversations. Uruki hadn't missed it though and scowled. We'll see about this…and he reached below the table, lightly stroking Hatsui's inner thigh. The man jumped at the sudden touch and spilled his rice over the table.

"What are you doing?" Hatsui hissed.

"Sitting here. What else?"

"If you think I'm-"

"Come on you two, no lover's spats at the breakfast table," Iname chided.

Uruki gasped, turned red, and started to rail at Iname for the pot calling the kettle black. The comment made Hatsui flush slightly, but he didn't say anything and his reaction got an eyebrow raise from Urumiya. The man looked ready to ask what was wrong, but Hatsui just shook his head.

"All right, that's enough all of you," Cassandra snapped and rose. "It's time we were off."

Her tone and the garments she wore caused the others to stare and she flushed. So I'm wearing men's clothing today! Get over it! For the past few journeys, Cassandra had been in women's clothes and found them more cumbersome than anything she'd ever worn. Men dressed simpler, without all of the frills, and for that she was grateful. So Cassandra had donned black pants, black boots, and a black long-sleeved tunic that fit to her body and was trimmed in silver. It fit her better and came with a pocket to keep her microphone in. But it appeared to have shocked her friends.


"You…you're wearing men's clothes!" Iname sputtered.

"I think she looks cute," Uruki grinned and nibbled a bit of rice.

"It doesn't matter if she looks cute or not! You've got Hatsui, you shouldn't be looking at anyone else!"

That sparked another argument and Cassandra smiled as the boys fought rather like brothers at the breakfast table. In the midst of all their arguing, she suddenly realized something. I'm going to be fifteen today. Today's my birthday. December third…she trailed off in thought. Although she wasn't sure how time passed between worlds, Cassandra had figured out the Hokkan calendar and was going by that now. And she did feel older, had grown a little, so thought it was the perfect time to celebrate her birthday. She chuckled softly.

"Come on you guys, enough fighting, it's time for us to go."

Namame nodded and rose, followed by Hatsui. Iname and Uruki glared at each other before they rose and Urumiya finished up his tea and grabbed some bread and cheese for the road. It wasn't too far to Mt. Koku-zan, but he didn't want to be unprepared. Especially if it comes down to a fight. He was still groggy as he followed his teammates out of the room and to the stables. They would have to take hardier horses for this trip and the palace servants were already waiting for them. But so was Empress Meilaka, and she smiled.

"Cassandra, may I speak to you please?"

"Of course Lady Empress. You don't have to ask."

She waved her teammates onward and went with Lady Meilaka to a deeper part of the stables. The men spoke quietly, preparing their horses and packs and had just mounted up when Cassandra returned, a bright smile on her features. That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for her! And she hummed softly under her breath as she mounted her horse, steering it to the exit.

"What's got you in such a good mood all of a sudden?" Iname asked as he rode over. "What'd the Empress want?"

"It's a woman thing Iname. You wouldn't get it," she giggled and signaled her men. "Come on guys! We've got some ghosts to face! YAH!"

And the Genbu Shichi Seishi rode from the stables with a burst of speed and the thundering of heavy warhorses. It didn't show on her face, but Cassandra's stomach was twisting with nerves. If they don't accept me…I don't know what I'll do. She knew that it would be a long and difficult road ahead to win the loyalties, or at least the respect, of Tomite and Hikitsu. But I'm ready to take on that task. I have to. Her eyes hardened as they plowed into the deep snow leading up to the mountains. I HAVE to do this. The trails to the mountains were too hazardous about halfway up, even for warhorses, and so the Genbu warriors had to leave them at a small shelter and make the rest of the way up on foot.

"Why didn't anyone tell me to bring boots?" Iname was shivering as they broke through the thick snow, Urumiya and Namame leading the way. "I think I've lost all the feeling in my toes."

"Let's just hope that your toes don't turn to ice and break off," Uruki grouched and unfurled his fan. "Now stand back."

"Uruki, wait-!" Cassandra cried.

But it was too late. The blonde-haired youth waved his fan and a strong tornado barreled in front of Urumiya and Namame and blasted a path clear to the top of a large plateau. In the process, he managed to bury his teammates chest deep in snow, and wound up burying Cassandra almost completely.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE! DAMN IT URUKI!" she shrieked and held out her hands. "My chest is being crushed!"

"Uruki you moron!" Urumiya snapped.

Iname went over and began to dig Cassandra out of the snow, noticing how badly she was trembling. Damn it Uruki! With a mighty tug, Iname heaved Cassandra out of the snow, but he didn't let go and their momentum took them backwards until they landed in soft powder, Cassandra straddling Iname's thighs. Her cheeks were dark red, and not entirely from the cold either. They were so close, and even in the cold of the snow, she could feel his warmth through their coats. Taiitsukun…why did you have to tell me? Why did you have to present the ultimate temptation on a silver platter right in front of my face? She pushed herself up and smiled, holding out a hand to Iname, which he took and stood up.

"Thanks Iname…"

"You're…you're welcome."

He pulled away quietly as they continued to make their way up the side of the mountain. I don't understand. One moment she acts as though she loves me and the next minute she pulls away from my touch. I'll never understand girls. Not in a million years. He was starting to wonder if perhaps he wasn't being realistic. She's a girl from another world…probably has a boyfriend back home too. Although Cassandra hadn't mentioned anything of the kind, Iname couldn't help but feel awkward and uneasy. Don't think about it now. We'll talk about it later.

"Hey Iname, stop daydreaming, we're here!"

Indeed, the group had arrived to the hidden entrance to the cave that held the Shinzahou. Namame and Urumiya were examining a large boulder that had been moved in front of the entrance. Hatsui clamored up the side and looked around up top, trying to see if there was any other way inside. Namame frowned. I feel a strong darkness inside of this cave. But it isn't evil in any form…it's something else. He wasn't sure what it was, but it left a sour taste on the tip of his tongue.

"Give it up Namame, we can't move this boulder," Urumiya grumped and stepped back, brushing snow off his coat.

"Then we won't."

And with that, Namame went to Cassandra and took her hand. Urumiya's eyebrow raised and he grabbed onto the shadow warrior's coat just as the three of them vanished into the darkness.

"Aw shit!" Iname cursed and stood in front of the rock. "Namame you damn bastard! Urumiya you old fart! Get back here!"

Iname's words fell on deaf ears. Namame, Urumiya, and Cassandra were inside the cave and were immediately assaulted by a cold blast of air. It's freezing in here! Cassandra shivered and rubbed her arms.

"It's like we're in a tomb of ice," she whispered, eyes widening as she saw her breath. "What if we can't get out?"

"We can get out. If Namame can get us in, then he can get us out," Urumiya muttered and shivered. "Which way?"

"This way."

Namame walked down the passageway, not needing any light to show him the way. I can feel the darkness that surrounds them. These souls aren't evil…but they are strange. What is that aura? Namame was confused and he didn't like it. Especially if it meant leading Cassandra into danger. He glanced back and noticed that she was starting to look a bit uneasy, even as she shivered from cold. Urumiya noticed it too and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Cassandra. We won't allow anything to harm you."

She nodded, but didn't relax as they made their way deeper into the cavern. It's getting colder the deeper we go…she shook all over and rubbed her arms to try and get some warmth back in them. After a few more feet, the trio stopped and Namame held up his hand.


Just as he spoke, ice flew from the depths of the cavern in the form of snakes and Urumiya stepped in front of them to block Cassandra from the attack. Namame wrapped the shadows around them in a protective barrier as jagged ice arrows also shot at them from the darkness. Cassandra withdrew her coin and with a toss it took the shape of her microphone.

"No intruders shall pass beyond this point!"

"Thieves shall be punished in the name of the Genbu no Miko!"

Two figures appeared out of the shadows, glowing with green light. Cassandra's eyes widened and she swallowed thickly. Oh man…here we go. One was a young man who looked no older than Iname and the other was an older male who appeared to be around Urumiya's age. They were dressed in what seemed to be clothes from ages past and Cassandra knew the time had come to face them. She stepped forward, but not past the boundary of Namame's shield.

"You are Tomite and Hikitsu, who served the Lady Takiko, am I right?"

"Yes. I am Tomite!" the younger said, drawing another arrow.

"And I am Hikitsu," the elder intoned, voice grave. "We do not forgive thieves, even if they're women."

"Please, let me explain. We're not thieves, we're-"

"Silence intruder! We know why you have come and you will not reach the Shinzahou. Know our loyalty to the Genbu no Miko!" Tomite snapped and cocked an arrow in his bow.

Tomite fired, his ice arrows so fast that Cassandra lost some of them in her line of vision and one managed to pierce Namame's shadow barrier and slashed her upper arm. She cried out and pressed a hand on her shoulder, feeling hot blood trickling down her arm. Stay strong. I've got to talk to them. But when Tomite fired more arrows, she scowled and raised her microphone.

"I made a wish upon a distant shooting star, that I'd find the seven constellation points of light. Like a jeweled star that had been separated from those points of light, to know these bonds of fate is to believe."

Glowing black energy began to lace through Namame's shadow barrier and the air crackled with power. Tomite gasped and paused, his arrow in his hand. That power…but that light is different. But this is impossible! Lady Takiko was already our priestess! She can't be! Growling, the youth snapped out of his initial surprise and began to fire arrows once more, the ice striking against the barrier but not passing through. Cassandra's eyes burned as she sang, putting all of her strength behind the music that rang through the cavern. Namame stepped back and lowered his shadows. She can do this. Movement caught his eye and he held out an arm to block Urumiya from going to aid Cassandra.

"She must do this on her own."


"It's the only way."

Urumiya paused and grit his teeth. Damn it, he's right. If we try to help her now, we'll only make her appear weak. So he stood down, watching as Cassandra kept defending herself from the volley of ice that Tomite continued to fire. His aim was becoming more desperate as he saw the shield wasn't fading. Cassandra was nearing the end of the song and her eyes narrowed. I won't get anywhere just defending like this. I have to attack. She reached the end of the song, but the wall of black light still held. I'll show them that I can fight. I will fight! Even if you are Genbu Warriors, I have to fight you! She took a deep breath as the melody in her mind changed and she began to sing again. This time, it was the song she used against Nakago, with the intent to harm them. The black light around her grew stronger and the barrier exploded in several beams of light and shot at the two spirits.

"That light!" Tomite gasped and cried out as one of the rays actually hit him. "She…she struck me…the wench! It can't be! Takiko was always bathed in silver light! I will never accept this girl as the Genbu no Miko! She's not her…she's not Takiko!"

Tomite's anger burned him and he readied his bow once more, firing arrows in a blind rage. She's not Takiko! She's not the girl I loved! And how dare Genbu try to replace her with this wench? The force of the rage behind his attacks managed to draw more blood from Cassandra, but she didn't flinch. If anything, she poured more of her anger and her determination into the song and managed to drive Tomite's arrows back at him. The spirits didn't dodge, but allowed the shards to pass right through them as they regarded Cassandra.

Hikitsu was calm as he watched the young woman. Her attacks hadn't struck him, most likely because he hadn't attacked her in the first place, but they were powerful. That much he could tell. She's bathed in the light of Genbu. I can feel it. But this light is different than Lady Takiko's. He glanced at his younger comrade. Chamka is impulsive. And he glanced at the girl again. She's about the age of Lady Takiko…and he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Tomite. She is bathed in the light of Genbu."

"NO! I won't accept this! I WON'T!"

"Tomite…" he sighed. "Stop this Tomite. She is Genbu's chosen priestess. Just as Takiko was."

"Hikitsu! Are you so willing to replace Takiko just the way Genbu has done with this wench?" and he pointed angrily at Cassandra, eyes flashing fire. "After all we did…he replaced her! Tossed her aside! Are you going to do the same?"


Cassandra had grown tired of listening to them argue and decided to finally speak up. Especially considering they've stopped attacking me. Wordlessly, Namame walked forward to stand at Cassandra's let. Urumiya was right behind him and stood next to her right. Tomite and Hikitsu had stopped arguing the moment they sensed her warriors come to stand by her side. Tomite's eyes were hostile, unrelenting, and he growled. Hikitsu had a steady gaze, searching and curious. I don't know what he's searching for in me. But enough is enough. She pocketed her microphone and stepped forward to confront them.

"Thank you," she said and took a deep breath, bowing deeply. "My name is Cassandra and I was brought here by Genbu to become the Genbu no Miko. When I arrived, I knew nothing of this world, its history, or even about Lady Takiko. All I knew was that these people…my warriors and friends…needed me. And I thought that if I was the Genbu no Miko, I could make them proud, save Hokkan, and overcome my own fears. When I learned there were still two members of the Genbu Shichi Seishi here, protecting Lady Takiko's Shinzahou, I wanted to meet you. I wanted to meet the men who had given so much for their priestess."

"You didn't come here for the Shinzahou?" Hikitsu's voice was calm and thoughtful. "You just came to meet us? Even though you have warriors of your own? You should have known we would never accept you."

"I…" she trailed off and sighed. "I know. But I'm not here to replace Lady Takiko. I'm here to perform the task I've been given. Still, even though you are still her warriors…I would like to consider you as allies."

"I won't accept you no matter how many pretty words you say," Tomite spat.

"I'm not asking you to. I only ask that you give me the chance to prove myself to you. To show that while I am not Lady Takiko, I am the Genbu no Miko. Genbu himself chose me for this task and I will live up to his expectations. As well as those I have for myself. I'd never attempt to replace her, because she and I are two different people. She meant so much to you and a part of your hearts will always belong to her. All I ask is the chance. The chance to forge my own path in this journey. I know that things are different than they were when you were alive, but we've faced our own struggles and we've fought to overcome them."

"You could never know our struggles! What would a pampered little child like you know of suffering?"

"Tomite, enough."

"It's all right Hikitsu," in truth, she felt warmed that the other man was going to give her a chance. But Cassandra turned to Tomite and unfastened her jacket. "Take a good look at this Tomite…"

She pushed her jacket and shirt aside, revealing her bare shoulder in the pale light of the cave. There, on her skin, was a jagged, ugly scar where Nakago had nearly killed her months before. The wound had never truly healed, despite the care of Nyan-nyan. It was raised, bumpy, and an angry red instead of the pearl color it should have been. Tomite's eyes widened in shock as he took in the size of the wound and the area where it was located. It nearly pierced her heart.

"This wound I received for saving Uruki's life," she said quietly, but firmly. "It was given to me by Nakago of the Seiryu Shichi Seishi. I was willing to die for Uruki, a man I had met only hours before. He had become a friend, was one of my warriors, and he nearly died as well to try and protect me. And at that time, I hadn't yet tapped into my powers and was helpless against Nakago's attack. I was numb with terror but I never regretted that choice."

Tomite had been shocked into silence and Hikitsu glided forward. His transparent fingers brushed the ugly wound and Cassandra shivered. His touch is like ice itself. But she didn't flinch or back down. Hikitsu's expression was unreadable, but he appeared to be thinking.

"What are you doing Hikitsu?"

"Tomite…" the elder man turned to the younger. "Takiko would have welcomed such a girl in our ranks. She would have respected her courage and loyalty for the brave men who fight for her. And we can do no less."

"But Hikitsu!"

"Don't you agree Tomite?"

The man's voice was frosty and he raised his eyebrow at the impetuous youth. Tomite growled under his breath as he regarded the man who was his oldest friend. Emthatt, why are you doing this? Why are you going to accept this wench? Still, he had to admit that he was shaken by the proof before him. She was facing him alone, with her warriors standing in the background rather than at her side and he had to give her a bit of credit for that. Let's see what she's made of.

"Fine. I agree."

"Very well," and Hikitsu turned back to the group. "Lady Cassandra, we will allow you the chance to prove yourself to us."

"You will?"

"Yes. If only for Lady Takiko's sake. We shall allow you to prove yourself worthy of being called the Genbu no Miko," Hikitsu spoke and then glanced back. "You two. Warriors."

"What?" Urumiya demanded.

"Leave us. We wish to test Cassandra alone."

"Now wait just a-"

"It's all right Urumiya. I'll be all right," Cassandra went over and placed a hand on his arm. "Namame?"

The darker man nodded slowly and grasped Urumiya's arm. They vanished into the shadows and Cassandra felt a little of her confidence vanish with them. I'm on my own now…she glanced back at Tomite and Hikitsu and took a deep breath. This is what I wanted after all. I have to do this.

"We have seen that you are bathed in the light of Genbu," Hikitsu intoned firmly. "But in order for us to believe that you are worthy of becoming the Genbu no Miko…you must pass our test."

"What is your test?"

The spirit's eyes gleamed and he raised his hand to his bandana. "You will see…now, look into my eye!"

Against her will, Cassandra found herself gazing into an empty eye, but for the sigil gleaming in the center like a bizarre iris. Hikitsu gazed at her, looking deep into her soul, and forced Cassandra to relive some of her worst memories. The day that her father had announced their move, the day her brother had moved away from her home and left her alone, the time her mother left them, her experiences with Nakago and the harder times with her friends. The man saw so much pain, so much hurt, but deep beneath he saw the wellspring of hope. He saw her desire to help her friends, to save the people of Hokkan, but he also saw a bit of selfishness in her reasons. Although I cannot blame her for that. Takiko had similar reasons for wanting to come to this world. But this one…this one has a stronger will, and a strong power that's waiting to be awakened. Perhaps she will be the one to complete what cost Takiko her life. Hikitsu pulled his hand back and secured his bandana once more.

"You have many scars in your young heart, Lady Cassandra. In many ways you remind me of Lady Takiko…but I think that if anyone could rewrite the fate of the Genbu Shichi Seishi, it would be you."

"Did you really see all that?" Tomite demanded, disbelieving.

"I did. And you will have to take my word for it that this girl does not mean us harm. Nor does she wish to take Takiko's place in our hearts," he glanced down at Cassandra, who had fallen to her knees, head bowed. "And for that she has my respect and gratitude."

Cassandra looked up, hoping against hope that what he said was true. That he would accept her as his priestess. Although Tomite looked less than thrilled, Hikitsu slowly inclined his head to her.

"How could you Emthatt?" Tomite demanded. "She is nothing! NOTHING!"

"She is more than she appears Chamka. Why don't we reserve judgment about whether to pledge our loyalty to her until she has truly proven herself worthy? Although that scar on her shoulder is testament to her bravery," Hikitsu smiled slightly as Cassandra rose. "Return to your warriors, Lady Cassandra. We will reserve judgment about you until you have proven yourself in our eyes."

"I understand. Thank you. Both of you."

She sighed, wondering how she was going to get out, when Namame appeared from the shadows, hand extended to her. Cassandra smiled and waved to the two spirits before she took the man's hand and stepped through the shadows. The bright light outside shocked her and she raised her arm to her eyes.

"Well?" Urumiya demanded. "What happened?"

"Nothing. We just had a long talk."


Cassandra laughed. "Now that's a secret I'll never tell. Come on, let's go home."

"What about our team? What do we do if we're two warriors short?" Uruki asked as they began the trek down the mountain.

"Tomite and Hikitsu won't abandon their duty to Takiko, which means they won't return to heaven or be reincarnated until someone comes to claim the Shinzahou. And that someone can only be from the Suzaku or Seiryu groups. Don't ask me how I know this, I just…have a feeling."

"But that could take years! What do we do until then?" Uruki shook his head in shock.

"That's simple," Cassandra said with a grin. "We train. We wait, and we train, until the day comes when someone from the Suzaku Shichi Seishi or the Seiryu Shichi Seishi proves himself or herself worthy enough to claim Lady Takiko's Shinzahou. Until that time, there is nothing we can do."

"Now that," Urumiya came up to her other side and hugged her. "Is a very good idea."

And so it was decided. The Genbu Shichi Seishi would move to a remote location in the mountains of Koku-zan to train for the day that the Suzaku Shichi Seishi or the Seiryu Shichi Seishi would come for the Shinzahou. After they returned to the palace, the group decided to use one of Emperor Tokoyami's mountain palaces for their training grounds and moved there immediately. They stayed in the mountains for many months out of the year, traveling only when Hokkan's brief spring and summer came to gather supplies and train in different areas. As the years rolled on, it seemed as though the Shinzahou would remain in Mt. Koku-zan with no one to claim it and release Tomite and Hikitsu from their eternal duty. Five years passed…until the day Yuki Miaka and Hongo Yui opened the Four Gods of Heaven and Earth.

Well, we're nearing the end of the story…or are we? :D Please look forward to more uploads from me, and we have just two more chapters to go before the real fun starts. Aren't you all excited? Sure you are! Please read and review!
