A complete author's note to reviewer "Ven":
Hello there. Thanks for your extremely long review, Ven. Heh. Well…I know my writing isn't the greatest at all. Actually I hate my writing with a passion yet I do it to vent and release my emotions. No harsh feelings are going into this…Erm…What would you call it? Response? That'll work. None at all. Anyways…I appreciate the fact you were honest with me. Thank you so very much for that. I'm grateful for the review you had submitted. I will definitely keep the things you said in mind. My worst fear was placing my stories on this site. Some of my writing I was actually proud of but it's sometimes comments like these I was afraid of receiving, but I realized I was being far too worried and decided to post it anyways. I may or may not continue to be a writer. I'm not quite sure. I figured that not everyone will enjoy my writing and some people just might. That is what convinced me to post my stories on the site. I'm glad you did leave me this comment however, since I can really see what most people probably think of my writing in their own minds. I know most of my friends hate my writing or dislike it but they don't have the heart to tell me. I can see it in their eyes.
Thank you for giving me the tips on what I can find or do to improve my writing. My main goal in life is to be a writer. I'm hoping to pursue that dream and I'm hoping I'll be able to reach my goal.
Okay…A new matter. My writing xanga. Thank you so much for saying that the daughter visiting the father's grave was beautiful. That made me cry and I'm still crying now, as a matter of fact. That story…was 99 true. I wrote it that same day I went to my father's grave. I was simply writing what had happened that day. The only thing that was false was where I found the baby blue pebble. Everything else…true.
My father has been dead for a while and is the main source to my writing. Normally, I write pain filled pieces that I only share with my close friends. To be completely honest please don't think I'm using this as an excuse my heart was not into this story. Not at all really. The poetry I had written a while back and I had wondered what it would be like if I were to make it into a short oneshot and post it on here. I had written the writing portion in under 20 minutes, not really enough time to go through and make the story much better. I dislike my entire pieces save for the one you read in my writing xanga. Normally, I'm a very deep writer; I tend to get into to a lot of detail on the scenery and attitudes of the characters and what not.
It also makes me laugh I suppose. Even though my writing was not all that grand, you still want to keep an eye out for other things I post. Well…I posted "Snow Painted Red" not too long ago today. I suggest you not read it. I was actually thinking of deleting it. It's a terribly written story, a must NOT read. I will try to write more of the writing style I had written on my xanga entry. Even if this story or any others you read on this site or any others you may find me at, I'm glad you found that piece in my xanga beautiful. That still makes me cry. Not once has anyone called that type of writing beautiful. People always look at me weird since I have "disorders" and seemingly "darker" and different opinions on things. People always suggest my writing to be dark when not many even bother to read it. I'm glad you forced yourself through this and didn't completely murder me for this concept of a story.
I'm glad you took the time to read my story especially if it seemed from the beginning it was already not your favorite to read and to make the extremely long review. It was my very first fanfic and to be honest, after "Snow Painted Red" gets burnt to the ground with horrible flames; I plan for this one to be my last. I don't think that I can explain all of my writing through typing. Its hard enough explaining to my friends at school what my writing means. I can only imagine how hard it is to type it all out. I may try a much better fic after "Snow Painted Red". One that I actually pour my heart and soul into, but my main worry with doing that with all my other stories would be that I would get a hard flame and I would be crushed. Writing is my passion and my love. I do it almost all the time. xD I carry journals with me nearly everywhere I go just incase I get a good story idea, I can start writing. I am sorry you didn't like the story all that much. I wish that it wasn't so horribly written ((xD I know…I'm my own worst critic.)) But as I have stated over and over again, I hate my writing completely. It's ironic really. I don't know how I will be able to love my writing when I think 4 year olds write better. Well, I'm glad you at least took some time to read it. I'm sorry it wasn't all that grand. I'll try much better in the future.
x-Ashley Your Haunting Dreams