Disclaimer: I own nothing. Really, I don't.

Her Sweetness: Because I felt like it. Yes, I knew what you were asking me. "Why the hell would you post this crap?" And I also know what else you're saying. "This is the third one! I'm tired of it!" Are you really?


I didn't think so. So, relax while I soothe your soul with the ending of the Wish You Were Here Trilogy. Who knows? Maybe you'll laugh. Maybe you'll cry. Maybe you'll dance the funky chicken.


Rascals R Wee

Chapter 1:

"Eek! Justin Timberlake is so freaking hot!"

"No way! He's so last Tuesday, that lead singer from Fall Out Boy is SO out of this world!"

"What? Ah ha! Yugi likes Patrick!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Will you two please stop, I'm trying to concentrate!"

On a cool, spring day in early March, three boys had decided to spend the day together. And since none of them really felt like doing anything outside, they were inside Ryou Bakura's room while he was at the computer, slaving away on an English Report. Malik and Yugi had been quiet for most of the day, but when Ryou turned on his stereo, they were beginning to fight over singers and bands.

Malik grinned, walking around the room, "C'mon, Yugi, everyone knows Justin totally kicks. I mean, even Ryou agrees with me."

Ryou didn't look up from the computer screen, "I do not."

"Yeah, sure." He went to the closet that was guarded by a fair amount of dirty clothes. Upon opening it, he revealed to Yugi that the entire space had Justin's pictures plastered all over it and a particularly large poster of him behind the dresser with blue lipstick marks all over it.

"Geez." Yugi raised an eyebrow.

"MALIK!" Ryou shouted, racing over to the door and shutting it, "You know no one's supposed to know about that!"

Yugi tilted his head, motioning towards the door, "That blue lipstick… Wasn't that Tea's?"


Malik nodded, "Yeah, Ryou challenged her to a duel for that poster and he totally kicked butt. She never had a chance."

"Hmm. You know, I dueled Tea for her new Fall Out Boy CD."

"Hey…" Malik tilted his head to the side, "And I dueled her for her plaid miniskirt."



Both boys starred at him for a second before Ryou laid a hand on Malik's shoulder gently, "Malik… Is there something you're not telling us?"

"W-What? N-No, that's not what I meant! I only wanted that skirt for the material! It was so nice!"

Yugi whispered to Ryou, "Sure he did. Ryou, this is turning into a problem. Next thing you know, Malik's going to be carrying a purse like Otogi…!"

"Well, Yugi, even I have a purse." Ryou pointed to the small, purple shoulder bag over by the computer with a 'You Know You Want This' keychain on the zipper. "I just can't go anywhere without it. And besides that, we have to have them for… that time of the month."

Yugi almost choked, "WHAT? W-What time of the month are you talking about?"

Malik and Ryou looked at each other, "You know? When girls get their periods! We carry mace in our purses to stop them from attacking us, cause they can get really bitchy."

"… Oh… Um… I-I feel kinda at a loss for words…"

"Hey, wait a minute…" Ryou said, cautiously and tiptoed towards his closed bedroom door. He put his ear to it and listened for a second before giggling and turning to his friends, "Do you hear that?"

They looked at each other before looking back at Ryou, "Um… no…?"

"Exactly. They've stopped fighting!"

"Ah! Oh my gosh, really? I didn't even notice!" Malik rushed over to the door and put his ear right beside Ryou's. "Hey, they have! I don't hear a sound."

"I knew we'd be able to get them to settle down." Yugi nodded, smiling to them. After a second, though, he frowned, "Um… wait. What if… the only reason we don't hear anything is because one of them has died? More specifically Yami?"

Ryou blinked, sweatdropping, "Oh… Oh, Yugi, I'm sure that even Bakura wouldn't-"

"Tch. Marik would." Malik informed him and they all looked at each other for a second before kicking the door open and running down stairs.

When they reached the wall separating the top half of the stairwell from the bottom, they peeked over the side. Yugi's head on the bottom, then Ryou's then Malik's as they looked down into the living room where three yamis were currently seated on the floor, in a row, in front of the television and Gamecube controllers were in their hands.

Sighing, Yugi nodded to the other lights, "He's okay, thank Ra." He whispered.

"They all seem to be doing well." Ryou affirmed, "Maybe this has been working better than we thought it would."

Malik smiled, "Apparently. Um, but, let's just watch a little longer just to make sure everything's okay."

"… Good idea."

Down in the living room, in front of the television were three boys playing Super Smash Bros Melee in silence. But it was not content silence, no, it was tension filled silence. The three were engaged in what was probably the toughest fight of their long lives. With Marik as Bowser, Yami as Kirby and Bakura as Princess Peach, there was no clear-cut winner.

Marik starred intensely at the screen, watching Yami and Bakura's every move. They had just entered Sudden Death. One false move and any one of them would be blown sky-high.

Unbeknown to Yami, Bakura and Marik had a secret alliance, one in which they would kill the pharaoh once and for all! Even if it was only Kirby…

Suddenly, a boom sounded and Peach went flying off the screen, a shrill cry following her as she left sight.

"…" Bakura looked to the left, to Yami, and said astounded, "You killed me."

Yami smiled, "That was fun."

"… YOU DORK, YOU KILLED ME!" Bakura screamed, lunging at the ex-pharaoh and strangling him while they rolled around on the floor and disappeared under the coffee table; Yami's cries for help and Bakura's shouts of anger following.

"I-I didn't mean to!"


"You're insane!"


Marik blinked, a bit confused, and then looked underneath, "Hey, Bakura! Get him around the throat! His throat's his weak spot!"

"I'm trying, I'm trying, but he keeps trying to stop me!"

"Oh, I wonder why." Marik rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, me too!"

"… You really don't get the whole sarcasm thing, do you?"


The sound of a single slap echoed throughout the room as Yami was seen getting out from under the table and dusting himself off. "Geez! Stupid tomb robber!"

Marik scowled, "What'd you do to him?"


Suddenly, Bakura came rolling out from under the table, sobbing into his hands, "H-He hit me!"

Marik paused before looking at Yami then back at Bakura, "… So?"

"I'm a PRINCESS! You can't hit girls!"

"… Alright, Bakura's gone nuts."

Yami's expression turned from that of an almost content one, to that of a sad and depressed one as he knelt by Bakura, "U-Um, I'm sorry Bakura, if I hurt you. I didn't mean it."

Bakura sniffed, his eyes all watery, "R-Really?"

"Uh-huh. In fact, I've never meant any of those mean things I said about you, Bakura. I'd be your friend if you wanted me to."

"Oh, Yami, that's so sweet! 'Cause the truth is I like you, too! … Tch, NOT!" Bakura grinned viciously as he pounced on Yami and began to pull on his hair and spit in his eyes, "Ha ha ha! This idiot really bought it!"

Marik's eyes were dilating as he returned consciousness, "H-He's not the only one…"

Yami finally kicked the other yami off of him as he stood up yet again, shouting, "That was a really dirty trick, Bakura! I was willing to make friends with you!"

"Pheh! Here's how much I want to make friends with you, Pharaoh!" Bakura sneered, ripping his shirt open and pulling out his millennium ring.

"Eek, hey! Watch where you're pointing that thing! B-Bakura put it away, you can't-" He tried to hide behind Marik, but got a good kick in the groin for it.

"Stop right there, Bakura!"

All three yamis stopped in mid-argument and looked up at he stairwell, seeing their hikaris come down the steps, hands on their hips and stern looks on their faces. Ryou was the one who had called his yami's name, and was now standing in front of him. "Bakura! What do you think you're doing? You know what I said about Shadow magic!"

Bakura pouted and sighed, "Yes, Ryou, I know what you said…"

"Say it, then. Let me hear you say what you know is the rule in this house."

Feeling utterly mortified at being reprimanded by his lighter half, Bakura blushed, being laughed at by Marik and Yami didn't say anything, as he was too scarred to speak. Bakura grumbled something under his breath.

"I couldn't hear that."

He growled, "I'm not allowed to use the millennium ring inside the house, only outside when there's nobody around, no cops, no children and no cats and I'm never, ever allowed to use my magic to possess flavored condoms and make them dance."

Everyone kind of looked at Ryou funny.

"… What? I had to make that rule after he scared the living-daylights out of a Sex Ed class."

Marik grinned, "Right on, Bakura!"

Bakura smiled.

Yami got all huffy and snorted, "Well, I think it's gross! Ew!" He stuck his tongue out at them.

"SHUT UP, YAMI!" Both of the other spirits pulled out their millennium items and manifested two balls of black magic out of them, directing the two sources at the ex-king and letting them go. Yami threw up his millennium puzzle to protect himself and one of the spheres bounced back to hit Bakura, while the other one hit Marik, yet hit the side of his millennium rod and sending it back to Yami.

A cloud of smoke and a large boom followed while the hikaris had already hit the deck and were under the couch.

A few minutes later, when the smoke wasn't so thick or heavy, Ryou shook his head and crawled out from under the couch, pulling out Yugi and Malik with him. They looked around for a second, fanning out the smoke.

"Marik? Hey, Bakura? Yami?" Malik called when he could see again, "Are you guys okay?"

Ryou whined, "I don't see them! Do you think they might be in the Shadow Realm or something?"

"Um… guys…" Came Yugi's voice from over by the coffee table. Malik and Ryou noticed the strange tone of his voice and walked over when he said, "I-I think we have a problem…"

Both boys blinked and looked underneath, almost falling over when they saw three small, spiky-haired toddlers coughing and hacking, surrounded by a large pile of leather clothes.

Malik gasped, "M-Marik…?"

The little Egyptian looked up at him, tilting his head and looking quite annoyed, "What?"
